Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Bonjour mes chéries!

It's July already, and as the mercury starts to climb and the sun shows its full face, we can all agree there's nothing quite so magical as floating through a balletic performance, feeling the cool air waft against your skin, while wrapped up in the delicate emotions spun on stage. It's like a whimsical, shimmering summer dream... And I wouldn't dream of missing a single moment, dear. So grab a glass of something chilled and settle in, for this month, the world is awash with divine performances!

As a professional, you bet I was excited to catch a performance of **Romeo & Juliet** by **English National Ballet** in London earlier this month, at the **Royal Albert Hall** - no less! A truly opulent setting! And speaking of opulent... oh my darling, this staging is the very definition of drama! Think Juliet's balcony bathed in a blush of peach, and a fiery, molten stage for that final, oh-so-tragic encounter. It truly brought tears to my eyes, a veritable tear-stained, delicate lace handkerchief. The costumes? Exquisite, simply exquisite. They were designed by **Tim Yielder**, of course, who, let's be honest, knows precisely how to turn every movement into a graceful tapestry.

Of course, no ballet review would be complete without discussing those divine dancers, the ones who truly brought this classic to life. My eye was drawn to **Alina Cojocaru**, her every movement a perfect stroke of art, a fleeting yet undeniable beauty. With each graceful gesture, each languid rise, she captured the innocence and tender fragility of a young, unrequited love, a real sigh-worthy beauty. Her partner, the handsome **Marian Walter**, captured the tormented, passionate spirit of Romeo with aplomb. His strength and exuberance held me spellbound, I confess! It was simply heavenly, a genuine feast for the senses. If you haven't yet experienced their electrifying performances, I urge you to make it your mission for the month, dear! You won't regret it.

On the continent, my wanderlust took me to **Hamburg**, Germany for **The Hamburg Ballet**’s exquisite **Giselle**, one of my absolute favorites! Oh, to witness this ethereal masterpiece in a breathtaking venue. A venue? A theatre! It felt more like an exquisite fairy palace! I must mention the shimmering light filtering through stained glass and bathing the stage in such a dreamlike glow. Truly haunting, utterly divine. The costumes were exquisite, an array of ethereal gauze and fluttering lace, giving a palpable sense of fragility and vulnerability, and, in those dark black outfits of the Wilis, something hauntingly dramatic.

But what truly sent chills down my spine were those enchanting, graceful dancers. I’ll admit I've a slight weakness for **Edita Gruberova**, who, oh, how beautifully she embodied the titular heroine. She seemed to simply melt into the role. Her every gestures was an eloquent plea, an exquisite tapestry of suffering and resilience, so poignant. I was deeply captivated! Her partner, **Alexander Volkov**, played the role with such heartfelt sincerity and powerful grace that you almost wished it could have ended differently. Sigh, these passionate ballerinos!

Now, who hasn't loved the light-hearted charm of **Coppélia**, with her uncanny doll-like beauty and an unyielding thirst for life, a timeless ballet filled with charming characters and whimsical energy, just the tonic for the heat of the summer. And this month, **The Royal Ballet**, in London, delivers yet another masterful interpretation, and trust me, dear, you must catch this! With a captivating score that brings the ballet's tale vividly to life, every moment feels electric, sparkling with life. The set design and costumes? Divine! I simply adored the village-life vibrancy, so beautifully executed, the festive spirit palpable in the very air.

My eyes were drawn to **Leanne Benjamin**, the epitome of elegance and strength. I swear her every move radiated charm. A complete delight to watch. Her Coppélia was so real, so convincing! Her portrayal of the captivating doll who comes to life captured every emotion - the joy, the innocence, the heartache. You truly felt the heartache. And, let's not forget **Johannes Öhman**, his charming portrayal of Franz is just adorable. The energy in every move - so charismatic! This pairing just sparkles, my dears. And, who could resist that heartwarming, poignant climax, with Coppélia stepping back into her role as a doll, a graceful act of sacrifice? Oh, I was practically in tears!

Of course, one of my favorite haunts is the** American Ballet Theatre**. What better place to capture the thrill of classical ballet? Their **Swan Lake** truly brought to life this poignant ballet classic. Just think, an enchanted swan princess, her fate hanging in the balance... the drama! And this was truly a production that knew how to play with the very essence of darkness and light. A perfect portrayal of the enchanted Odette, with her sorrowful beauty, and the fiery, deceitful Odile, a whirlwind of allure. Their performances brought out both the delicate grace and powerful drama of the story in a most compelling fashion. And what can I say of the choreography, except that it is simply divine. I confess I have never been more enchanted by the beauty and poetry of Tchaikovsky's iconic score, bringing every step to a whole new life. Truly divine.

Oh darling, the dancers were simply spectacular. My eyes, oh, my eyes were mesmerized. **Natalia Osipova** was Odette. She played the part with such sorrow and elegance, and as Odile, her dark charm was almost spellbinding, and the power of those black swan jumps! Breathtaking. A magnificent dance and an absolute treat! Her partner was **David Hallberg**, whose portrayal of Prince Siegfried truly captivated my attention. He danced with such graceful strength, you could almost feel his yearning, his desire, his confusion... a superb portrayal! This ballet brought back so many memories, so many emotions. Truly unforgettable.

I must mention the exquisite ballet “**Chroma**” by **Wayne McGregor**, with its energetic contemporary choreography that truly challenged the dancers, giving them a new vocabulary to play with. With a bold use of light, shadows, and shapes, it creates a hypnotic, rhythmic piece and a mesmerizing symphony of movement. This is for those who love that slightly jarring contemporary, a jolt to the system. There's certainly a sense of daring in those moves! The music - brilliant! The costumes... stunningly contemporary, like something out of a future world. If you love the boldness of new forms, do catch it! It will leave you wanting more.

While you may be tempted to focus solely on these incredible ballets, it's the entire atmosphere that truly makes this time of year feel special. A sense of light, ease and an unbridled desire to revel in every fleeting moment. A time to celebrate everything ballet has to offer, its beautiful fluidity and poignant drama. I will leave you with this: Allow yourself to be enchanted by ballet. Let the elegant moves carry you away, the enchanting music move you, and the emotions unfold, transforming the summer evenings into whimsical adventures of your own. A beautiful journey indeed.

And, my darlings, don’t forget your ballet flat for a spot of impromptu shopping!

Stay stylish and radiant!


Your ballerina