Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Oh darling, it’s December already! The air is positively buzzing with excitement for the holiday season and, of course, for the incredible performances gracing stages all over the world. Honestly, this month has been a whirlwind of feathers, tutus and pure artistic brilliance.

Let’s start with the absolute *gem* that was the Royal Ballet’s Giselle at Covent Garden. It was divine! I swear, I nearly fainted when Natalia Osipova floated onto the stage, her gossamer tulle a wisp against the moody lighting. Honestly, she had me completely mesmerised with every perfectly placed arabesque and poignant expression. It was simply *ravishing*. I absolutely adore the pathos of Giselle’s love story, and this production just oozed romance and tragedy, all culminating in a heartbreaking pas de deux that left me feeling utterly emotional, darling.

Speaking of breathtaking, the Paris Opera Ballet’s La Bayadère at the Palais Garnier was nothing short of a *spectacle*. It was literally a feast for the eyes – vibrant costumes, ornate sets and a dazzlingly impressive corps de ballet. The dramatic choreography in the Kingdom of the Shades sequence just took my breath away! And Manuel Legris, oh, the *star* quality he possessed! I couldn't help but be swept away by his charismatic performance.

Of course, my *darling*, we can’t forget the New York City Ballet’s annual Christmas show. I flew across the pond just for this one, you see. It’s a tradition, a celebration of festive joy with beautiful ballets and a bit of silly fun. I just *adore* the intricate details and costumes in Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. And this year’s The Pied Piper with its bright, whimsical colours, made me feel like a child again, giggling alongside the other guests. This company is simply sensational, darling. So talented, so dynamic, such pure artistic brilliance.

But the festivities aren’t just about the big names. There’s been some truly outstanding work from smaller companies too!

I simply *had* to see the Northern Ballet's The Little Match Girl up in Leeds. I’d always wanted to visit that city, and this beautiful production just solidified it as a must-visit for anyone interested in a poignant yet incredibly moving piece. Honestly, you'll cry. It's a masterclass in storytelling through movement.

And my friends in London absolutely *raved* about the Rambert Dance Company's recent work. This company, darling, is always at the forefront of innovative, modern choreography. The pieces they presented were *so* avant-garde and emotionally impactful, my friend practically sobbed at the beauty of it. It’s a must-see for those seeking a truly avant-garde dance experience. It's *unlike anything* you've ever seen before.

  • Now, while we're on the topic of new and exciting works, we must discuss the Australian Ballet's commission of "Nocturne" by Jiří Kylián. Oh darling, the exquisite, evocative imagery in that piece! It was a true sensory experience, and so emotionally resonant. Just the perfect balance of beauty, grace, and pure artistic intensity. I was so engrossed in the story that I forgot I was even in the theatre! Honestly, that’s a true hallmark of great dance.
  • But there’s been more than just ballet this month, of course. We've got opera, contemporary dance, theatre – the works! The Vienna State Opera's performance of Der Rosenkavalier had me *entranced* for its incredible singing, lavish sets and utterly divine costumes. Absolutely exquisite.
  • While, over in Berlin, the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch's "Kontakthof" blew my mind! It was unlike any dance I’d ever experienced – full of humor, sadness, and unexpected surprises, all with a bold sense of physicality. You truly have to see it to understand its incredible impact. It was, to put it bluntly, *sensational*! I just had to share it with my Instagram followers.
  • And speaking of *theatre*, darling, I absolutely *loved* the National Theatre’s production of Uncle Vanya. The story felt so relevant and contemporary, while the acting was simply exquisite. Chekhov at his best! This, combined with the atmospheric sets, created a true masterpiece that truly left a mark. Such a memorable production!

Honestly, December has truly been a whirlwind of creativity! It's inspiring to see so many talented individuals and groups expressing themselves through various forms of art. And while my legs may be aching from all those rehearsals (and let's not forget those killer heels I wear everywhere!) and my nerves may be fried from all that adrenaline, it's just all so wonderful, darling! After all, we have to enjoy these things while we can, *don't we*? As Oscar Wilde so wisely said, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

So, chin up, darlings, grab your favourite pair of Louboutins and dive into the wonderful world of art. It’s waiting to sweep you off your feet!