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A Whirlwind of Emotion

February. Ah, the month of love, a kaleidoscope of shimmering snowdrifts, the gentle sting of icy wind against my bare skin after a warm class, the promise of a delicious glass of champagne with darling Penelope and, of course, the breathtaking world of ballet!

It seems like every theatre in every corner of the globe has something fabulous in store for us this month. As the first frost fades from the windows of London’s Royal Opera House, I simply must rush to see The Nutcracker! Everyone is buzzing about this production.

They say this revival, set to Tchaikovsky's immortal score, is bursting with more twinkling snowflakes and leaping rats than ever before. Can it truly live up to the whispers and the anticipation? The whisper of the silk costumes, the whispers of laughter, of applause, of tiny feet shuffling in time. I know the magic awaits. The grand choreography, the soaring music - simply divine!

Speaking of whispers, I heard murmurs about an exclusive sneak preview of the newest work by my beloved contemporary choreographer, Ashley Wallen. It is rumored to explore the themes of freedom, societal constraints and female expression – quite the whirlwind! I can barely contain my excitement. He truly is a master of creating such poignant, emotional, beautiful movements.

But our whirlwind adventure doesn't stop there! Darling Penelope, with her impeccable taste, is determined to make the trip to Paris this month. "The City of Lights, darling, it is the only way to feel truly alive!" she says with that swooning expression. "And they have that divine French pastry shop, where they make those divine chocolate éclair - the ones you must absolutely try!" Oh, Penelope! The pastries do sound quite delicious. But, let us be honest, the real star of the trip is The Paris Opera Ballet!

Imagine - watching some of the finest dancers in the world interpreting a modern adaptation of Giselle in that majestic building with the opulence of gilded carvings, twinkling chandeliers and crimson velvet seats! The artistry! The grandeur! I dare not imagine the artistry!

However, if we are talking grandeur, Penelope says I absolutely must attend the glittering opening night of the "Diamond Dust" Ballet Competition in Moscow. It is known for its sparkling talent and showcasing emerging choreographers and dancers. Penelope has declared it “simply an explosion of artistry". My, she's quite the drama queen sometimes!

I've been told a young choreographer from the States has caught everyone’s eye - the name escapes me at this moment, but oh, she's got talent, talent beyond words. They are calling her a "prodigy" - imagine! I have been lucky enough to be in Moscow once before, a whirlwind of culture and beauty. I dare not even dream of this spectacular competition being any less! I simply cannot wait to see what this budding star will present.

Oh, but I mustn't forget our darling New York. I hear the American Ballet Theatre is about to premiere a reinterpretation of the "Sleeping Beauty" - a most fascinating concept! A little daring, yes? It seems like they will be exploring feminine power and defying traditional interpretations. A contemporary reimagining of this classic, I believe, will be a breathtaking sight to behold, perhaps with some elements of a magical forest with sparkling mist, even maybe a mischievous little fairy.

New York - it is always full of the hustle and bustle of creativity. The constant flow of energy and life always sets my feet tingling. Ah, the magic of dancing beneath those glittering New York spotlights!

This month feels filled with promise and intrigue - all this movement, all this creativity and so much beauty to behold. We shall fly, we shall dance, we shall soar, and, of course, indulge in those divine pastries with Penelope.

My Ballet Highlights This Month

A mix of classic interpretations and exciting new works, here are the absolute gems on my agenda this month, with a hint of the excitement swirling through me:

  • The Nutcracker - A sparkling masterpiece! The ballet that truly encapsulates the magic of the holiday season.
  • The Paris Opera Ballet - An elegant masterpiece in every sense. Immerse myself in the opulence, in the sheer beauty of dance.
  • Ashley Wallen - A contemporary maestro exploring complex emotions with stunning choreography! His works always leave me speechless.
  • "Diamond Dust" Ballet Competition - To discover new talents is an electrifying joy.
  • "Sleeping Beauty" - The ABT always dares to explore new boundaries, I'm captivated to see what twist this re-imagining brings.

Ballet Bon Voyage - until next month!