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August’s Arabesque

A month of dazzling performances, from London to Tokyo, capturing the grace and the power of the art we live for.

Darlings! Another month whizzes by, and my little diary bursts at the seams with thrilling tales from the world of ballet! From the majesty of Covent Garden to the cutting edge of the Tokyo Ballet, the dance world truly shimmered in August. My little pointe shoes simply couldn't stop pirouetting as I flitted between venues, absorbing every plié, every arabesque. Let me whisper, my lovelies, some of my favourite moments...

London Calling: I do adore the grandiosity of the Royal Opera House. It’s just divine. This month, it was the revival of Frederick Ashton’s Cinderella that stole the show. A perfectly dreamy production! It’s a wonderfully charming classic – all those sparkling ballrooms and ethereal fairy godmothers. You simply have to love it. Of course, the magic lies in the choreography. Ashton’s steps are so utterly delicate and sweet, and each step seemed to float across the stage. Oh, the way our dear Marianela Nuñez embodied Cinderella’s vulnerability, then blossomed with such confidence as the night went on, leaving you wanting more. I nearly fainted when her pointe shoes glittered like diamonds as she took a final curtsey, it was such perfection. The prince, played by Thiago Soares, was handsome in his own right. They just sparkled together. I’m terribly jealous I haven't waltzed with a prince myself!

Parisian Passion: Ah, Paris! I do so adore this city, full of artists and dreams. But let's be honest, the star of the show at the Palais Garnier was the stunning new production of La Bayadere. It was positively sensational. They recreated a vibrant India on stage, and the colours, darling, the colours! A riot of jewels and saffron, perfect for my love of all things luxurious. This isn’t the traditional, romantic ballet, but something with a more thrilling, mysterious aura. The star of the show was undoubtedly the stunning Ekaterina Kondaurova, who played Nikiya. My dear, her artistry is beyond anything! Every jump was a flight of fancy.

Beyond the Red Sea: I have to admit, my trip to the Dubai Opera House was quite the revelation! What an extraordinary building, a shimmering oasis of culture. It seems Dubai is taking a leap forward, ballet-wise. And, darling, Giselle in this desert setting was unforgettable. This was a deeply passionate production, with stunning costumes and a very raw performance. There’s nothing quite like seeing a passionate portrayal of a tragic romance on stage, particularly in such an unexpected locale.

American Dreams: Across the Atlantic, I took in the vibrant energy of New York. My New York City Ballet heart throbbed in delight after their sensational presentation of The Prodigal Son. A modern twist on the traditional ballet - dark, powerful, but deeply captivating. The lead dancer, Jared Angle, had an electric presence that kept me mesmerized throughout. He portrays such tormented struggle and angst, yet finds solace in such incredible movement. He’s the definition of a tortured hero. It was almost embarrassing how hard I swooned at certain points, but darling, who could resist?

Tokyo: A Future Glimpsed: From the glittering lights of Times Square to the quiet serenity of the Japanese capital. I took a voyage of discovery to the heart of Tokyo and to the city’s modern, sleek ballet scene. The Tokyo Ballet put on a phenomenal piece titled “Whispers of the City”. I adored the choreography – innovative and daring, and I simply couldn't resist snapping up the beautiful costume designs from the show to put in my latest collection. The costumes, darling, were almost as much a spectacle as the dance! I found the dancing itself fascinating, full of intriguing, contemporary themes. The sheer physicality of the performers - it's something you can only find in modern choreography. But, I was so, so grateful for the sense of traditional ballet that shone through, a lovely juxtaposition, wouldn't you say? It was the perfect showcase for the evolution of our art.

Enchanted Moments

Here's what captivated me throughout this spectacular month.

  • Moscow's Bold Step - At the Bolshoi, it was Spartacus that enthralled! It's a powerhouse of a ballet, filled with strength, passion and such an epic scale, not to mention, the breathtaking dance sequences and magnificent costumes! It was, dare I say, a perfect fit for this truly glorious theatre.
  • Berlin's Embrace of Innovation - At the Berlin State Opera Ballet, it was all about a new, experimental ballet by Wayne McGregor called “Stillness”. My lovelies, you can tell it was cutting-edge from the first moment - this truly breathtaking ballet, exploring such abstract themes of loss and beauty. Such a deeply personal piece, but wonderfully poetic, made more so by McGregor’s exquisite use of light and his exquisite dancers.
  • An Ode to Nature's Elegance: In San Francisco, I had the pleasure of experiencing the beautiful, haunting ballet “Elemental” by the San Francisco Ballet. You have to know, the sheer scale of this piece - a whole chorus of dancers creating this evocative portrait of nature's grandeur, just breath-taking! The costumes were spectacular and really complemented the intricate movement of the dancers. The whole ballet left a distinct sense of wonder.

As the final notes of August's ballets echo in my mind, I just can't wait for the dazzling dancers and the spectacular choreography of September, already! The excitement is building, darling, for a new season, a new set of adventures. Let’s raise a glass of champagne to the world of ballet, may it continue to amaze, captivate, and inspire us all!