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The Pointe of View: June 2007

Darling, can you believe it's already June? The days are longer, the sun is finally peeking through, and the air is abuzz with the scent of summer. The ballet world, ever the trendsetter, seems to be mirroring this newfound energy. From the hallowed halls of the Bolshoi to the avant-garde stages of New York, a wave of breathtaking performances is sweeping across the globe. Let me take you, my dears, on a tour of this exquisite season, starting, of course, with the jewel of the ballet world: Paris.

Paris: The City of Lights, The City of Grace

The Paris Opera Ballet, under the exquisite direction of the ever-so-charming Brigitte Lefèvre, is, of course, the pinnacle of Parisian ballet. The June program has been particularly exquisite. Last night, I was positively enchanted by their performance of **La Sylphide**. The choreography, the story - ah, so tragically romantic - but the dancers were simply divine! My darling Sylvie Guillem was simply incandescent, a graceful phantom gliding through the ethereal forest. She embodies the innocence of the Sylph, a spirit so pure, so delicate, it made me weep a little. And to see her pirouette across the stage, was, dare I say, perfection. Perfection, darlings, in a shimmering tulle dress and perfectly painted wings.

The supporting cast, oh, a sea of flawless limbs and delicate moves! There is a reason why Parisian dancers are considered the cream of the crop. Every single one of them embodies that intangible Parisian elegance that you find in the streets, the cafés, and, of course, in the theatre.

I must say, however, the highlight of my Parisian escapades this June was the premiere of the ballet by the enigmatic choreographer, Nicolas Le Riche, who has become, oh, so sought after since his debut last year. **Ephemeral Dance** is, frankly, an avant-garde tour de force. His use of lighting, the minimalistic costumes, and that haunting, atmospheric music, oh, my! It left me feeling a bit... well, disorientated, to say the least. But in the best way possible, of course. This wasn't just dancing, it was art. A canvas of light and movement. You know me, darling, I like my dance to have a narrative, a bit of that juicy drama to pull me in. This was something different, more contemplative. I had to use my imagination, really delve into my subconscious. But then again, isn't that what true art is all about?

And then there was the stunning backdrop! Oh, darling, you just had to see it to believe it. It was one of those moments where you think to yourself: **'Oh, my god, am I dreaming? This is just too perfect'**. There's no need to be jealous, I know, darling. But the beauty of Paris is intoxicating!

Moscow: A Breath of the Past

Let's fly off to Russia, shall we? Now, Russia is always a joy to visit. I feel, dare I say, a kinship with the artistic spirit of Russia. This is the birthplace of ballet, darling. A tradition of artistry dating back centuries. Of course, there's no trip to Moscow complete without a performance at the Bolshoi. And my trip to the Bolshoi last week did not disappoint. They were presenting a re-imagining of the classic **Swan Lake**. Now, I must confess I've seen a fair amount of Swan Lake in my time, darling. I’m pretty familiar with the swans and princes and, dare I say, tragic ends. However, the Bolshoi always manages to bring a fresh, yet respectfully classic approach. They really emphasize the drama in Tchaikovsky's music and they made every pirouette, every arabesque exquisitely graceful. It truly took me back, transported me to a time when the world was simpler and more... romantic. A feeling that, darling, is quite rare these days.

New York: The Heartbeat of Innovation

Oh, darling, who doesn’t love New York City! So exciting, so fast-paced. But while you might be drawn to Broadway's dazzling musicals, do make sure to give the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) a look. ABT, darlings, is known for pushing the boundaries, for experimenting with new styles. It’s a refreshing change, frankly, from the very structured world of traditional ballet, though, let’s be honest, those ballerinas from the School of American Ballet do know how to create those perfect arabesques and pirouettes, Oh, and their leaps, they’re out of this world! That's what I truly appreciate about American Ballet Theatre, darling - the balance between tradition and innovation.

They’re hosting **Momentum**, a special exhibition of works by the very trendy Christopher Wheeldon. I adored **After the Rain**, a piece so raw, so emotional. I had tears welling in my eyes by the end of it. The dancing is incredibly athletic, with daring lifts, bold and powerful leaps, oh, you just have to see it, darlings! Wheeldon uses this really stark stage and you're right there, feeling every beat of the dancers’ energy.

The Power of Dance

Now, you know me, darlings, I am passionate about ballet. It’s a way of expressing yourself, a language understood by all, a bridge connecting cultures, and most importantly, a way to move the world. Whether it's the intricate steps of a classical performance, the bold choreography of contemporary pieces, or the sheer grace of a ballerina’s leap - dance tells stories that words can't always articulate.

You see, ballet isn’t just about graceful movements and tutus; it’s about the energy, the feeling, and the raw talent that those dancers pour out on stage. It's a force of nature. So, as the month of June unfurls its floral beauty, take the time, darling, to enjoy the magic of dance. It's waiting for you in theatres across the world. Just a graceful pirouette away!