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Darling, December! Such a decadent month. The crisp air, the twinkling lights, and of course, the intoxicating aroma of anticipation in the theatre. Yes, this is the season for magical ballet, where every pirouette seems to shimmer with starlight. I've been dashing around the globe this month, catching the most enchanting productions, and oh darling, let me tell you, this month's dance scene has been simply sensational.

From Paris with Love

Now, you can't talk about ballet without mentioning Paris. It's a ballet capital, you know? This month, I had to go and see "Giselle," at the Opéra National de Paris. You know I have a thing for the classics, and oh darling, it was utterly exquisite. Marie-Agnès Gillot as Giselle was divine. Her portrayal was so raw and vulnerable, yet she soared through those fouettés with such an effortless grace. The corps de ballet were absolutely mesmerizing, each twirl, each plie a brushstroke in this masterpiece. My only slight complaint? The costumes. The Romantic era was known for its exquisite fabrics, darling, but those designs? Not the most flattering silhouette. Still, a truly divine evening.

Moscow Magic

Then, darling, a whirlwind trip to Moscow! I adore Russia for its dedication to tradition and the power it wields over the audience. I had a simply exquisite time at the Bolshoi, where I watched "Swan Lake." Now, I know this ballet can get a bit predictable, darling, but when performed by this calibre of dancer? Oh, the drama, the passion, it took my breath away! Svetlana Zakharova as Odette-Odile was just breathtaking. I know the two swans can be difficult, darling, but this woman mastered both with such precision, each graceful pose sending shivers down my spine. It was pure magic, you see, pure magic! And, oh, darling, don't even get me started on the Bolshoi Orchestra! It was as if they understood the rhythm of the choreography, bringing it all alive, all thanks to their incredible talent. Truly divine!

American Dreams

No December tour would be complete without a dash of New York, darling. I went to see American Ballet Theatre's production of "The Nutcracker," you see? And darling, you just know they take tradition seriously over there! Now, this particular ballet isn't exactly avant-garde, darling, but when it comes to technique, these dancers have an absolutely undeniable magic! It's the perfection of each turn, the immaculate control over the jump, the beautiful precision... simply breathtaking! And then there's the iconic costume of the Sugar Plum Fairy, so exquisite, it deserves its own museum exhibition. I could simply have watched Isabella Boylston forever, she was a true star, making even the pas de deux seem effortlessly charming. Of course, darling, there was that moment at the end when the Sugar Plum fairy steps forward in all her glory, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Such beautiful craftsmanship, truly captivating!

New, New, New

Now darling, for a change of pace, I headed over to The Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House, you see? I had to go see the new production of "Romeo and Juliet." And my darling, this was an absolute revelation! You see, they decided to make some daring changes. No boring tutus or corsets here. They were all in sleek black, and let me tell you, they moved beautifully! As Romeo and Juliet, Carlos Acosta and Natalia Osipova, these two, oh darling, were simply incandescent! I mean, the story itself was heart-wrenching, and the modern approach allowed for such raw passion, every movement an expression of longing and heartbreak. The choreography itself was a revelation. It was edgy and unexpected, yet somehow classic and beautiful all at the same time. My darling, this performance made me question everything I thought I knew about "Romeo and Juliet". It wasn’t the predictable, romantic tragedy. No. This was an exploration, a raw and powerful story that stayed with me long after the curtain fell. A definite must-see!

Across the Atlantic

From London to Buenos Aires! And darling, Argentina is the perfect setting for a passionate evening of tango, isn't it? I saw a delightful performance of “Tango X 2” at the Teatro Colón, which has to be one of the most beautiful opera houses I've ever seen. It wasn't your usual ballet, my dear, no delicate tutus or classic music here, but something so sensual and raw! It wasn’t all sultry sensuality though, you know. The dancers mixed traditional Tango steps with ballet elements. Oh, it was simply deliciously daring! I adore tango. You just let yourself get lost in the movement, the emotion, the raw passion…

Dancing the Night Away

Back in New York, you see, I caught the hottest tickets in town at the Joyce Theatre for “The Art of Motion” a program of dance featuring emerging talents. It was a wild mix of contemporary, street and a dash of classical styles. Oh darling, it was absolutely exhilarating! It made me remember that, after all, dance isn't just about precision and perfection, it's about expression, freedom, and, of course, that intoxicating feeling of movement. The most surprising performance was from a troupe called "Move-on" - they combined acrobatic skills with street dancing, the most dazzling show, and you could just feel the energy pulsating from the stage. This young crew was all excitement, all raw talent. It made me question my own ballet style, you see. It was simply so freeing, and dare I say, inspiring?

Diamonds in the Rough

After such exhilarating evenings, I crave the tranquility of ballet class. It is the simple movement that keeps me grounded. You see, this year, my favorite dance school has a lovely Christmas performance, a tradition that brings tears to my eyes every year, for all those tiny stars of the future sparkling on stage. I never miss their "The Nutcracker" ballet, you see. I feel so grateful for all the little dancers - their dedication and innocence bring tears to my eyes! They were all so full of hope and enthusiasm, so incredibly adorable in their tutus and top hats. Such a joyful night! It always reminds me, my dear, of my passion for dance. You see, it all begins with a simple love for movement, the magic of transformation! The future of ballet is in their little dancing shoes, and they truly shine brighter than any star.

The Ultimate Dance Delights

  • "Giselle," Opéra National de Paris, Paris, France: A masterful interpretation, with an unforgettable performance by Marie-Agnès Gillot as Giselle.
  • "Swan Lake," Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, Russia: Svetlana Zakharova delivered an unforgettable performance as Odette-Odile, truly a masterclass in grace and power.
  • "The Nutcracker," American Ballet Theatre, New York, USA: The timeless story, sparkling costumes and a divine performance from Isabella Boylston as the Sugar Plum Fairy. A delight to behold!
  • "Romeo and Juliet," The Royal Ballet, London, UK: A modern twist on a classic tale. A must-see with incredible performances by Carlos Acosta and Natalia Osipova.
  • “Tango X 2," Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, Argentina: A passionate and intoxicating exploration of tango with breathtaking choreography and captivating performances.
  • "The Art of Motion," Joyce Theatre, New York, USA: A bold mix of dance styles, "Move-on" stands out, bringing incredible acrobatics and street dancing.

And darling, as the snowflakes swirl outside, I just know that 2008 will be even more exciting for ballet, more inspiring performances to enjoy! Here’s to more beautiful dancing, more dazzling costumes, and of course, the magic of theatre, the moment when a dance transforms us all!

Stay stylish, stay fabulous!
