Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Oh darling, February is always a bit of a lull after the Christmas rush. You know how it is, post-holiday slump, feeling a little bit lacklustre. But, the ballet world? It's a constant whirl of tutus, tiaras and the most exquisite of pirouettes, of course. So I just had to hop on the next available Concorde and get my fill of all things ethereal.

My February began with a little Parisian pilgrimage to see **Le Lac des Cygnes**, a real timeless classic, at the Paris Opera Ballet. You just can't go wrong with Tchaikovsky and the romantic storytelling of Swan Lake, can you? Now, you're thinking it's a bit passe, maybe predictable but honestly, darlings, there's just something so special about the grand story of a young ballerina, her love for a handsome prince, and of course, the majestic transformation into a swan. The Paris company, oh, they were divine. I swear I saw actual diamonds sparkle on their pointe shoes. There were flashes of those exquisitely sharp legs in all that delicate, swirling, romantic tutu. And the corps de ballet, so elegant in their synchronized formations, you almost expect to see a puff of white smoke with every leap.

My trip was well-timed because the next week, it was onto **Romeo & Juliet** in the equally divine Bolshoi in Moscow. A little bit dramatic, but you know me, a girl needs her dose of angst. And oh, how beautiful it is - a ballet so full of power and energy, even the death scene brings me to tears. I do adore the story of two lovers bound by fate, forbidden love and all. The Bolshoi really exceeded expectations: every single dancer was a powerhouse, it felt so intense, a truly powerful performance, not for the faint of heart! And that grand finale, oh, darling, the passion, the despair. You know, some nights you really get lucky with your ballet experience, and this was one of those. It was a complete, beautiful emotional rollercoaster, darling. Just so raw!

From Russia with love and a tear in my eye, it was a direct flight to NYC and a different kind of romantic journey to **Giselle**, but this time at American Ballet Theatre. The whole vibe was different in NYC, more modern and fresh than in those old European ballets. Giselle's got an edgy, haunting kind of romance, but still just as heartbreaking and beautiful. It really showed the emotional depths of the dancers' ability - a very sophisticated, almost cynical take on a traditional ballet. It was still beautifully classic, but with a more minimalist and modern touch. Loved the dramatic storytelling in this interpretation and how the dancers expressed their pain, and fragility through their dancing. You see darling, it's not always about grand jumps and fast spins; sometimes, it's about subtle details, the smallest expression, a flick of the wrist, that makes you feel things deep inside.

To escape the winter chill of NYC, I flew down to **The Australian Ballet's** season in Sydney for the first time in years. The sun, the gorgeous Opera House - the backdrop is just divine! This season, they're doing something completely different: **Cinderella** but with a more futuristic spin! Who knew the story of Cinderella could be modernized so effectively? It was all sleek lines and cool choreography, the sets were sleek and futuristic, like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. So much fun and energy! My favourite was the scene with the magical ball - oh darling, it was almost hypnotic, how those dancers moved! And the whole ball vibe was so chic. I just love that Australia has such a sense of style! You know, they are very cool down under.

This month was a whirlwind, my dear, I confess it's been a complete flurry of dance, dazzling dresses and a little bit of a post-holiday slump, which is totally acceptable, wouldn't you agree? After all, the beauty of these ballet productions is that they help us forget our woes, momentarily lose ourselves in a world of grace and perfection. Until the next round of ballets!

Now for some more intimate discoveries that have my little dance heart flutter and sigh:

My Current Obsession

I just cannot stop raving about the new, utterly beautiful book, **The Ballerinas: The History of the Dance**, a breathtakingly stylish ode to this incredible art. Every single photograph is perfect; the illustrations? divine! A gorgeous visual journey through ballet's rich history. A must-have for anyone even vaguely interested in this art form. I dare you not to be utterly enraptured by its beauty and history. The Ballerinas: The History of the Dance by David Gingrich.

What I'm Listening To

My little Spotify playlist for this February is a heady mix of everything classical to dreamy electro pop. Some current favourites for those in-between ballets moments of inner ballerina peace and poise:

  • **"The Swan" from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns** : I know, I know, you've heard it a hundred times. But darlings, there's a reason for it. I just love this beautiful, soaring melody, a touch of elegant nostalgia. It never fails to lift my spirits.
  • **"Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy: ** Absolutely magical and delicate. Perfect for that quiet, introspective, post-performance mood.
  • **"Someone Like You" by Adele:** This Adele number really makes you feel it all, that yearning for that elusive love kind of feeling. Oh and a little emotional catharsis never hurts, darling!
  • **"Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol:** Another heartfelt track. The piano ballad vibes make this perfect to lose yourself in a cloud of self-pity after a difficult ballet lesson.

And my ultimate picks for a February that’s just as elegant as my own graceful ballet steps

  • For the perfect dancewear: My darling, we've gotta have the right tools for the job, right? Ballet and I have always been about beauty and precision. This month, I’m all about **Repetto.** For my Parisian ballet moments, nothing beats a pair of Repetto Pointe shoes and those gorgeous dance leotards that caress the skin. It's such a classic French brand; chic, minimalist and designed for that graceful ballet aesthetic.
  • For my off-stage look: I need that whimsical vibe that translates perfectly between the ballet world and my own personal style. For February, I'm obsessed with the whimsical creations of **Alexander McQueen. His work is just so dramatically beautiful; there’s always a touch of the unexpected. You see, even after the show, I'm still a ballerina at heart! I mean, his spring collection just makes me think of that dramatic ballerina-esque, flowing and effortless silhouette!
  • A ballerina must eat: My body is my instrument, and it needs fuel! For me, a healthy ballet diet isn't just about salads and tofu - though those definitely feature. This month I'm trying out the new **SoulCycle**. A hardcore spin class to balance all those jumps and turns. A great work out. Then later, I’ll treat myself to a delicious dessert at **Ladurée (London) , for a little bit of sweetness and sophistication. You have to have a bit of indulgence, my dear.
  • Stay fabulous darling. And if you can, indulge in a little ballet. Your inner ballerina will thank you.