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## December Delights: A Ballerina's Diary Darling, December is here! The festive season has officially begun and with it, a flurry of breathtaking ballet performances across the globe. Oh, the joy of being surrounded by so much beauty and artistic brilliance! **New York City, my darling:** The American Ballet Theatre just opened their "Whimsical Winter" season with a completely revamped *The Nutcracker*. Let me tell you, it's simply exquisite! Tchaikovsky's score, so beautifully timeless, has never been so fresh and invigorating. They’ve kept the traditional aspects but added a touch of contemporary magic, giving the show an enchanting air. The new costumes, oh, they are divine! The use of blush pink and silvery-white tones adds a whimsical air to the classic story. I absolutely adored the Sugar Plum Fairy’s new get-up; the shimmering silver fabric simply flowed as she danced, creating a celestial aura. I was also fortunate enough to catch the New York City Ballet's *The Four Seasons* program at the Lincoln Center. Jerome Robbins’ masterful choreography is truly breathtaking, capturing the raw beauty of each season through the dancers’ movement. I simply gasped at the graceful sway of *Spring*, the fiery energy of *Summer*, the somber beauty of *Autumn*, and the cool elegance of *Winter*. Each season was depicted with such masterful detail that you could practically feel the changing temperatures on your skin. And the costumes! Each dancer was adorned in rich velvet, flowing chiffon, and earthy hues, perfectly reflecting the changing colors of nature. **Across the Pond:** Back in my native London, the Royal Ballet was celebrating its anniversary with a *Sleeping Beauty* production. It’s simply a timeless classic that continues to enchant! This year’s Aurora, Victoria Murdoch, truly embodied the innocent sweetness of the sleeping princess. Her technique is simply impeccable, her every gesture infused with ethereal grace. The show's real highlight was the dramatic entrance of the evil Carabosse, brilliantly played by the inimitable Daria Klimentova. Every turn of her wrist, every sweep of her costume radiated sinister beauty, her performance perfectly capturing the terrifying, alluring power of this formidable character. You just knew you had to look away, but were inexplicably captivated. Darling, it was truly captivating. The show culminated in the most breathtakingly beautiful pas de deux. I could not take my eyes off the beautifully balanced dancers as they soared through the air in a dance that encapsulated the delicate beauty of a first love. **The Avant-Garde:** But, oh, darling, London’s not just about classics. I am absolutely enthralled with the new "Flux" series happening at Sadler’s Wells, showcasing a new wave of modern ballet. The performance by the Scottish Ballet with *Raven*, a dark and ethereal masterpiece, sent shivers down my spine! This unique dance blends contemporary movements with bold costumes that truly showcased the dancers’ stunning physique. The darkness, the energy, the pure physicality - I can’t get it out of my head! And if you want something truly whimsical and artistic, you simply must check out “En Pointe,” at the Royal Opera House. This groundbreaking immersive experience mixes theatre and dance with a haunting, captivating story, leaving the audience in a state of breathless wonder. **From the East to the West:** Darling, you can’t talk about ballet in December without mentioning *The Nutcracker* across Europe. In Paris, the OpĂ©ra de Paris’s production is pure elegance with its extravagant costumes and beautifully ornate sets. But for real emotional impact, you have to catch the Mariinsky Ballet in St. Petersburg. There is something truly special about watching this performance. Every single dancer pours their soul into every movement, making every pirouette and arabesque a moment of exquisite artistry. The sheer dedication and passion in every step truly moves me to tears. A Few Artistic Thoughts:** * You just know this month’s going to be amazing. The London Ballet season has already begun. Can’t wait to catch *Swan Lake* this year. It's such a magical ballet that makes you weep and smile in equal measure! And speaking of “emotional journeys,” I absolutely must recommend checking out the Bolshoi Ballet's production of *Giselle*, where the story's inherent tragedy is so eloquently portrayed in every dancer's movement, it truly left me speechless! * I’ve been so lucky this month to experience dance from all over the world. It’s fascinating how different cultures translate stories and movements through their choreography. You see a different interpretation, a fresh take, every time you see *The Nutcracker*, but the core of the ballet remains unchanged, an endearing reminder of timeless traditions. * What is dance if not an artistic expression of our deepest emotions? You can lose yourself in every graceful movement, every expressive step, as the story unfolds through the artistry of the dancers. It’s not just about beauty; it's about exploring humanity’s range of emotions, it's about taking the audience on a journey to explore joy, sorrow, fear, love, and everything in between. I must say, December is my favorite time of year because there is just so much amazing dance all around the world! A Word About Fashion:** * It’s just not December without those fabulous, festive colors, darling! The OpĂ©ra de Paris’s *The Nutcracker* showcased the most breathtaking gowns and tiaras adorned with luxurious brocades, and shimmery jewels. It truly gave off an air of aristocratic festivity, and just set the stage for a truly glamorous Christmas evening. * There is something magical about a ballerina’s attire! This month has been such a treat, the colours, the embellishments, and the artistry, are just enchanting. I can’t wait to see what fabulous fashion this next season will bring! Don’t forget! I’ll be back next month with all the latest news and reviews. See you all at the theatre! Love, Esmeralda xx


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