
Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at www.pink-tutu.com

## **A Twirl Through February** Darlings, what a whirlwind of a month February has been! The ballet world was simply bursting with exciting new productions and dazzling performances, all vying for our attention. It's a shame we can't be everywhere at once, but let me share a few highlights of my whirlwind tour: **The Royal Ballet's "Giselle" - A Timeless Classic** Oh darling, nothing beats a classic. And the Royal Ballet's revival of "Giselle" was nothing short of exquisite. Marianela Nunez simply *radiated* as Giselle, her performance full of tragic beauty and heartbreaking vulnerability. She moves with such grace, you'd swear she was gliding on air. * **The Act II transformation was breathtaking**. The wilis, with their ethereal movements, truly enchanted the audience. And the tragic fate of Giselle, played out amidst the haunting, silvery light of the moon, was enough to leave a tear in even the most jaded of eyes. * **Carlos Acosta brought intensity to Albrecht's character.** He brought out the true anguish and remorse of a man consumed by his guilt and the realization of his terrible actions. While the performances were simply divine, the entire experience was truly elevated by the sumptuous costuming. It was as though you had stepped onto a fairytale stage. The intricate detail of Giselle's wedding dress and the soft, ethereal dresses of the wilis transported the audience to a dreamlike realm of pure fantasy. Honestly, darling, it's worth seeing just for the costumes alone. **American Ballet Theatre's "The Sleeping Beauty" - A Glittering Affair** Next, I flew across the pond to catch the American Ballet Theatre's "Sleeping Beauty" in New York City. Oh, the costumes! I was absolutely floored by the opulence, every detail meticulously crafted, from the exquisite embroidery to the shimmering, layered tulle skirts. * **This performance was truly a spectacle**. The stage transformed into a dazzling realm of fantasy, alive with sparkling lights and magical characters. It was pure enchantment, from the majestic Lilac Fairy to the playful mischievousness of the three fairies. * **The exquisite principal, Misty Copeland, brought a newfound intensity to Princess Aurora** . With a combination of effortless grace and powerful precision, she moved through the challenging role like a graceful phantom. She was both elegant and commanding, captivating the audience with her every movement. Her adagio with the prince was simply breath-taking, their connection radiating from the stage, setting every heart ablaze with romantic longing. **New York City Ballet's "The Nutcracker" - A Touch of Nostalgia** Back in New York City, I couldn't miss New York City Ballet's beloved "The Nutcracker". While a production we all know well, every year, I'm transported back to my own childhood wonder with each magical step. * **This year's "The Nutcracker" felt infused with a delightful dose of contemporary artistry**. The costumes were still classic, with those beautiful Victorian designs that have charmed generations. Yet, the choreography held a subtle playfulness, an air of whimsy and wonder that left a smile on my face. * **The young dancers, from the Sugar Plum Fairy to the Mouse King, all displayed such genuine excitement, their passion shining brightly on stage**. It felt almost infectious. It reminded me that this magical tale continues to capture the imagination of new generations, which makes it a production we'll be returning to time and time again. **Boldly going to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" in Amsterdam** Then I jetted off to Amsterdam to see a stunning production by the Dutch National Ballet, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". I adored this imaginative adaptation of the classic story. * **This was certainly not your grandma's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"**. It took all the whimsical magic and wonder of Lewis Carroll's timeless tale, but transformed it with vibrant colors, inventive costumes and set designs that stretched the boundaries of what a ballet can be. * **The dancing was thrilling.** The use of the corps de ballet, the smaller ensembles, was incredibly effective. The scenes flowed effortlessly together, transitioning smoothly from playful to dramatic and back again. The production was full of unexpected, surprising moments that made me gasp with joy and wonder. **Exploring "Sleeping Beauty" in Spain** Oh darling, there's always something exciting happening in Spain. This month, I caught a revival of the beloved "Sleeping Beauty" at the Teatro Real in Madrid. This was truly an impressive production, featuring incredible set designs that transformed the stage into a magical, romantic palace and an exquisite cast. * **Every performance was simply stunning**, a seamless blend of masterful choreography, incredible sets, and the flawless execution of the dancers. The Spanish influence was evident in every detail, from the beautiful costuming to the choreography itself. * **There was a beautiful sensitivity in the way the dancers embodied each character.** The romance felt particularly alive and real on the Madrid stage, a quality that often gets lost in the more opulent, fantastical renditions of this story. **A New Ballet Experience: "The Four Seasons" at the Palais Garnier in Paris** No trip to Europe would be complete without a performance at the legendary Palais Garnier, home of the Paris Opera Ballet. This month, they presented "The Four Seasons", a brand new ballet that was unlike anything I'd seen before. It's rare that a new work can grab you right from the start, but this one did, leaving a lasting impression. * ** The ballet combined a stunning score with exquisite contemporary dance that pushed boundaries.** The company gave their heart and soul to this performance, and I must confess, it was hard to pick out one individual highlight. This ballet truly embraced the theme of the seasons with vivid imagery. The vibrant hues of summer, the icy serenity of winter, the fiery energy of autumn, the delicate blooming of spring, all evoked within us a nostalgic echo of seasons passed. * **A performance to truly savor**, this was ballet at its finest, not merely entertaining but captivating and inspiring in equal measure. As February winds down, I can only say how lucky we are to witness so much creative talent, beauty, and dedication in the ballet world. This year is truly a promising one. It bodes well for an incredibly creative season full of exciting dance works from established companies and groundbreaking works from emerging talent. For a stylish and refined ballet lover such as myself, what more could one ask for? Just make sure you bring your dancing shoes, darlings. There is always more ground to be covered.