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A November to Remember

Darling, oh darling, what a month it has been! So many incredible ballets and performances. I flitted about like a butterfly, sipping champagne between performances and brunching with fellow dancers in chic Parisian cafĂŠs. This month has been a truly dazzling explosion of talent and passion, a whirlwind of feathers, tulle and glittering chandeliers. Let me recount my favourite moments.

My Parisian escapade began with an exclusive invite to **The Paris Opera Ballet’s production of 'La Bayadère'.** My darling, you simply *must* see this show if you have the opportunity! The splendour of the sets and costumes, the breathtaking grandeur of the corps de ballet… it took my breath away. It was all I ever dreamed of in ballet – pure enchantment!

Now, the performance itself. Well, **Natalia Osipova** is, of course, the perfect Nikiya, a wisp of grace and vulnerability. The effortless way she carries herself, her phenomenal jumps… it’s simply captivating. Then there was **Vladimir Shklyarov’s** Solor - a tortured soul with undeniable magnetism. Their duets, those whispered exchanges, that shared fire - truly passionate! The iconic “Kingdom of the Shades” scene, as always, left me speechless. That ethereal tableau of ethereal ballerinas in ethereal white - pure perfection! But you see, the drama is not lost in all this elegance. **The betrayal, the sacrifice, the dance of life and death** - all so profoundly depicted. Honestly, this production will remain forever etched in my memory.

Next up, the glamorous **Vienna State Opera.** It’s such a joy to be surrounded by those gilded halls and the vibrant energy of a city filled with art. The evening’s delight was undoubtedly **The Vienna State Ballet’s rendition of 'Swan Lake'** – the perfect choice for the chilly November air. You know, **Svetlana Zakharova** as Odette, her graceful swan form and ethereal presence, transported me to another realm. And her **powerful, emotional Odile** performance, her dangerous allure… truly brilliant. A poignant ballet with truly captivating performances.

However, ballet wasn't all my heart was yearning for this month. My whirlwind November took me across continents, landing me in the pulsating heart of New York, to witness a truly unforgettable evening of music. **The Metropolitan Opera's new season began with the stunning 'The Magic Flute', by Mozart**, and it truly had a touch of magic in every note.

I particularly enjoyed **Patricia Racette’s thrilling Queen of the Night** – that soaring aria is iconic. She perfectly captured the fury, the fear and the motherly love of this extraordinary character. And **Luca Pisaroni as the warm-hearted, noble Sarastro, and Benjamin Havergal as Tamino,** both impeccable! And the children's chorus – they sang their hearts out. The beauty of their youthful voices filled the whole theater. A magnificent operatic experience.

From the bustling heart of the city, I jetted back to my London haven, for an evening of exquisite performances that was more like a private artistic party than anything else. **The Royal Opera House presented 'An Evening of Choreographers',** a bold showcase of cutting edge dance, contemporary pieces and established artists. **Each piece told a different story, expressed different emotions**; it was like a whirlwind of imagination and choreography! It truly reminded me how diverse the ballet world has become. And the performers were so fantastic, each one bringing their individual spark, making the show feel uniquely fresh. It was absolutely thrilling!

Now, you must allow me to indulge in a bit of sartorial gossip. It’s all about **bold and dramatic designs this season**, darling. Feathers, velvet and embellishments are everywhere! For that evening at The Royal Opera House, I chose a deep-purple velvet gown with a flowing tulle cape, accessorizing with pearl and ruby jewellery, because **sometimes a girl needs a little drama in her life.** But of course, my favorite moment this month, fashion-wise, was witnessing **Maria Grazia Chiuri's exquisite creations at the Dior haute couture show in Paris. It was like witnessing an art exhibit, and I must say, I’m in love with her**! Every piece was a work of art! But I am delighted to share that I discovered some wonderful new labels – you will simply *adore* their sleek lines and daring shapes. You see, ballet is so much more than dance – it’s about inspiration, it's about creating your own story, and the stories are always best when they include a touch of style.

November has truly been a journey filled with breathtaking moments and unforgettable performances. It reminded me why I am a dancer, why I breathe, sleep, and dream ballet! My little notebook is overflowing with sketches of choreography and sketches for new fashion pieces - and yes, I even have my own private project that I've been keeping secret – something quite special! More about that later, darling.

Stay tuned for more fashion, more art, more ballet and most importantly, more love from yours truly.

And now, darling, onto my list of Must-See Performances, so you too can experience a taste of the magic of the dance world!

  • The Mariinsky Ballet’s production of 'Giselle’ in St Petersburg (Dec 5th). Oh, what I wouldn’t do for a return visit to St Petersburg – and this production of Giselle! The magic of that city, coupled with the emotion of this ballet! Pure magic.
  • The American Ballet Theatre’s “Whipped Cream” in New York (Nov 21st). The delightful charm of this sweet confection, with its lovely melodies and imaginative sets. Don’t forget, a visit to the Met’s new ‘Ballet and Opera Shop’ is a must!
  • The Royal Ballet's "The Nutcracker" in London (Dec 6th). Every girl has a fondness for this timeless Christmas classic. So full of tradition and spectacle – it's the perfect ballet to embrace the holiday spirit.

I'm already eagerly anticipating my December itinerary. But one thing I’m sure of: this month’s escapades are going to stay with me, always. So remember to get those tickets, darling, and let the ballet captivate you! Until next time, may your days be filled with art, style and the magic of dance.