Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, October! The crisp air, the rustle of fallen leaves, and the promise of cozy evenings by the fire with a steaming cup of something divine. But of course, we ballet girls are far too busy for all that! There's a world of dance to devour, a swirling, glorious whirlwind of tutu-ed wonders waiting to be explored. So buckle up, my darlings, let's get this ballet season in motion!

London, Oh London! Oh, my darlings, London simply never fails to deliver, does it? The Royal Opera House, a shimmering jewel box on Covent Garden, always hosts an utterly divine season. And this October? Well, darling, they are simply spoiling us rotten!

• First off, the jewel in the crown: The Royal Ballet's premiere of Christopher Wheeldon's **"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."** Now, we all know Wheeldon is a master of whimsy and wonder. But this, my dears, this was a ballet that sent shivers of pure delight down my spine. Imagine: Alice, as fragile and innocent as a porcelain doll, embarking on a fantastical journey, tumbling down the rabbit hole into a world where the rules are delightfully twisted. The sets, dazzlingly designed by Bob Crowley, transformed the stage into a wonderland of painted flowers and glittering playing cards. It was pure visual enchantment, and I, for one, was mesmerized by each enchanting scene. And the choreography? Oh, my darlings, it was poetry in motion. Each movement so precise, yet flowing like a whimsical river. Wheeldon truly captured the heart of Lewis Carroll’s timeless story, a kaleidoscope of vibrant energy and childlike joy. And I simply adored the pas de deux, where Alice and the White Rabbit seemed to dance a ballet of dreams, with delicate footwork and soaring leaps that seemed to defy gravity itself. And that finale! Just pure magic!

•But the excitement at Covent Garden didn’t stop there, darling! **The Bolshoi Ballet graced our stage** with their breathtaking production of **“La Bayadere,”** an eternal ballet masterpiece by Marius Petipa. Just seeing these magnificent Russian dancers, their every movement radiating strength and grace, was pure spectacle. But it was Natalia Osipova's performance as Nikiya that simply stole the show. Oh, how she poured every drop of her exquisite artistry into this demanding role. The famous "Shadow Kingdom" scene was nothing short of unforgettable – those mesmerizing lines of dancers, those incredible fouettés... it had me breathless! And then, there's the heartbreak, darling, the heartbreaking story of Nikiya's forbidden love and tragic fate. I almost shed a tear, but of course, a ballerina never sheds a tear! Even the greatest sorrow is best expressed in the eloquence of a perfectly executed arabesque, no?

• Speaking of eloquence, the English National Ballet debuted a brand-new production of **“Giselle”**. And darling, I'm not saying "Giselle" is not always lovely, because, darling, it absolutely is. But this production truly felt like a triumph. The story is timeless, yes, the choreography is divine, yes, but what captured my heart was the sheer beauty and power of the storytelling. The tragic love between Giselle, the innocent village girl, and the disguised prince Albrecht was heart-wrenchingly portrayed, particularly by the sensational Tiler Peck, whose graceful portrayal of the fragile Giselle truly brought tears to my eyes. The ballet's grand finale – the hauntingly beautiful "Wilis" scene – made a profound impact even on a hardened ballerina such as myself!

Paris: Always Chic!

Paris, oh, Paris! This city is not just about fashion, you know! The Opéra Garnier, an exquisite palace of marble and gilded chandeliers, holds a tremendous ballet legacy, and they always seem to deliver productions with panache.

• One of the highlights this month was **"La Sylphide,"** a ballet that captured the hearts of Parisian audiences in the early 19th century, and this new production by Benjamin Millepied just confirmed its eternal allure. "La Sylphide," with its airy grace, is always an intoxicating treat, but Millepied has given this classic ballet a new vibrancy, and I have to confess, I adored it. I felt a little jealous, of course! Paris was being spoiled with such exquisite ballet and I had to settle for the less stylish London shows. But even my envious feelings couldn't take away from how enchanting "La Sylphide" truly was. The breathtaking choreography was balanced with an undeniable dose of elegance, with dancers taking to the stage like birds taking flight! And it's worth mentioning the stunning sets by Thierry Leproust - such breathtakingly realistic landscapes! But the true heart of "La Sylphide," my darlings, is its passionate story of love and betrayal, a classic tale perfectly woven with exquisite movement and music. The whole thing left me spellbound.

From Russia with Love Oh, darling! We all know the Russians simply own ballet, and in October they continue to reign supreme. Of course, you know about the **Bolshoi** and the **Mariinsky**, but there's a whole world of ballet to explore across this majestic land, where each ballet company is as distinctive and breathtakingly talented as the last. And trust me, darling, the Ballet Theatre of St. Petersburg will have you sighing with longing! Their performance of "Swan Lake," held in the exquisite Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theatre, is nothing short of pure balletic brilliance!

• The production itself is like stepping into a grand fairytale, with exquisite sets and stunning costumes, and oh my, the dancing! What can I say? The St. Petersburg dancers simply embody the spirit of Tchaikovsky, making each choreographic step feel alive with passionate emotions, and their talent is beyond anything you'll witness in the west. And those grand Russian pas de deux, especially that soaring one in Act 3? I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out my hand to my partner while in the audience - they were simply too breathtaking! The artistry of it all just transported me!

Across the Globe...

Darling, the ballet season is global. Just take a look across the seas, and you'll find enchanting stories being told across every continent.

• I am absolutely captivated by the New York City Ballet as they bring to life Balanchine's **"Agon,"** which has made waves as a bold, mesmerizing modern masterpiece. This was no fairytale ballet; this is ballet with a sense of power and rebellion, the dancers like graceful, fluid predators with every step filled with purpose. It was electrifying!

• And, my dears, let's not forget about the sparkling beauty of **the Shanghai Ballet's** new production of **"Romeo and Juliet,"** a stunning story told with grace, drama, and poetry in motion. The dancing in this production is remarkably dynamic. I've never seen such fiery pas de deux, such passionate interpretations of love, hatred, and jealousy! They left me yearning for more.

• Of course, every season, Australia delivers, and in October, The Australian Ballet, always bold, exciting, and just a little bit wild, presents a fresh interpretation of **"La Sylphide."** With a fresh new vision, they promise to shake things up. I do hope they’re able to reach the height of elegance we’ve seen in Paris this month. But honestly, I have faith they can.

Coming Attractions:

Darling, I know we've barely touched upon the wonders of the October ballet season. But I simply must tempt you with some coming attractions that promise even more sparkling enchantment!

• The Paris Opera Ballet will soon be staging **"Swan Lake,"** their production renowned for its stunning artistry, breathtaking sets and opulent costumes, and most especially for its unforgettable dancing. I simply cannot wait for it to arrive!

• And mark your calendars, my dears, for **"Don Quixote"** at the Bolshoi! Oh, my darling, that will be an extravaganza beyond belief. Imagine, swirling dances, daring leaps, and the intoxicating flamenco rhythms that will send chills through you. The pure excitement of it simply sends my pulse racing.

But, dear readers, that's all for this month! Don’t forget to gather your tulle and velvet gowns, darling. There is a world of exquisite dancing out there awaiting you. So, let’s get our dance shoes ready. There’s much enchanting art to explore and beautiful dance to experience!