Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

February, darling, is always a month for love and for dancing! This season, the world of ballet has exploded with exciting premieres, reinterpretations of classics, and some simply unforgettable performances that have left this little ballerina breathless. Buckle up, my loves, because you're about to be swept off your feet!

Let's start in the heart of Paris, where the magical Palais Garnier came alive with the exquisite Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris. Oh, to have witnessed Le Corsaire in this exquisite setting! The intricate costumes, the impossibly talented dancers, and the swirling, dramatic narrative made for an experience as unforgettable as it was opulent. The vibrant and virtuosic Maria Acosta simply stole the show as Medora, her every gesture conveying both strength and vulnerability. The air positively crackled with her captivating aura! And darling, let’s not forget the glorious pas de deux – every pirouette, every arabesque, every entrechat was perfection. Honestly, it felt like we were being whisked away to another world. And for the final bow, a single red rose on the stage for the queen, *quelle elegance*!

Then, we jet-set over to the bright lights of New York City, where the American Ballet Theatre stole the stage with a brand new production of The Sleeping Beauty. Yes, darling, a reimagining of this timeless classic. Misty Copeland was the epitome of grace and ethereal beauty as Aurora, embodying a delicate vulnerability that simply melted hearts. She glided across the stage with effortless fluidity and strength, a breathtaking spectacle of grace. The costumes, however, my dears, took our breaths away. So modern, yet still imbued with the classic elegance of the original. The ballet was both a love letter to the original, yet still an entirely unique piece of art, which makes it an absolute triumph. It was an explosion of beauty and passion, darling. Of course, the finale – that triumphant awakening – was utterly unforgettable!

Now, we must talk about the divine Natalia Osipova, her performance as Giselle at the Royal Ballet was quite frankly a revelation! She poured her heart and soul into the tragic story of this village maiden, her dancing as captivating as it was heartbreaking. Her despair, her longing, her final, sublime act of self-sacrifice – I swear I had a tear in my eye! The sheer artistry of the piece was simply awe-inspiring, and darling, there was such a raw honesty in Osipova's performance. I felt deeply for the character – what an extraordinary talent, my dears, a true force of nature. The production itself, well, let's just say that every single detail was perfectly placed – the delicate set, the beautifully rendered costumes, even the use of light and shadow added an extra layer of depth to the story. Honestly, I felt I was transported to the magical forest!

Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre always knows how to keep us on the edge of our seats and, my dears, this season was no exception! I am not sure if my jaw dropped harder at the incredible performances of Svetlana Zakharova and Vladislav Lantratov or at the absolutely stunning sets in the iconic "Swan Lake" performance. It was truly a feast for the senses. The sets and costumes were magnificent, from the lavish court scenes to the haunting Black Swan's lake, which was filled with so much depth and mystery, darling! Honestly, I felt I was right there in the heart of the story. But the performance, dear friends, was absolutely electric! Zakharova was simply sublime. The way she glided between swan and princess, and Lantratov was such a handsome prince. They danced with such artistry and passion, the audience was captivated, absolutely captivated!

But darling, I am no one to play favourites – my journey this month led me to even more beautiful performances!

  • From the San Francisco Ballet's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," with the incredibly imaginative choreography. It truly felt as though I had taken a whimsical journey down the rabbit hole, and then came back for the performance of The Sleeping Beauty, with an unexpected new look to Tchaikovsky’s original score, but still an overall brilliant performance!
  • To Stuttgart Ballet's rendition of "Giselle", it was beautiful in its pure simplicity. That poignant score, the beautiful costumes, the elegant stage set.
  • And I am simply obsessed with Dutch National Ballet’s production of “Romeo and Juliet”. The drama, the love, the passion, oh my! The company danced with such energy and a sense of youthfulness, their performances filled me with such passion, I simply had to applaud with all my might.

These are but a few of the incredible performances that took place in February! From grand productions to more intimate presentations, each show offered a glimpse into the beauty and artistry of the human form, of its potential to express not just dance, but deep emotions and heartfelt stories. It is this emotional connection that makes the world of ballet so captivating, my darlings!

So, do not delay my loves, get out there and embrace the beauty, the elegance, the pure magic of ballet! It truly is an experience that touches the soul! As we take a moment and admire the perfect harmony between artistry and skill, of graceful movements and the emotive depths of storytelling, and take that leap into the world of ballet - a world filled with beauty and passion, a world waiting to be explored. Until next month darlings!