Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Oh darling! June was such a whirl, wasn’t it? It’s amazing to think it’s almost July already. Honestly, I barely had a moment to breathe, what with all the incredible performances going on all around the world! My diary was simply bursting at the seams. From Paris to Moscow, I danced from dawn till dusk, catching the most fantastic productions imaginable. There was a whole flurry of things to see and experience. So, settle down, my dears, and let me spill all the fabulous tea!

My first stop was a divine jaunt to **Paris** – and let’s just say it didn't disappoint! I spent an afternoon indulging in a gloriously decadent lunch at **LadurĂ©e**, with its pastel pinks and endless macaroons. And you know I had to squeeze in a little shopping spree at **Chanel**, of course. A girl has got to keep up with the trends, darling!

Speaking of trends, **Paris Opera Ballet’s** revival of **Balanchine’s** Symphony in C was pure *chic*. A classic in every sense of the word. I mean, that perfectly streamlined choreography, it was just *utterly* exquisite! The dancers glided through the steps with such impeccable precision, it almost looked like a blur! Of course, it wouldn't be complete without **Alice Renavand’s** divine designs, the exquisite tutu and costumes added the perfect amount of fairytale glamour to the stage.

Speaking of fairytale glamour, my darling, you *simply* had to be in **Moscow** for the **Bolshoi Ballet**’s production of **La Bayadùre**! It was *pure magic*, with its opulent sets, spectacular costumes and dramatic story line. The iconic "Kingdom of the Shades" scene had me practically glued to my seat, every single pirouette, every leap
it was all just perfection! Let’s just say, after seeing this performance I'm not sure how the world could ever produce anything more beautiful! And how *ravishing* was **Olga Smirnova** as Nikia? Pure grace and effortless artistry – truly the queen of classical ballet!

Now, if you thought **Moscow** was breathtaking, you're in for a *serious* treat! Imagine this, dear: **American Ballet Theatre** in **New York** with their latest masterpiece, The Dream, a *revolutionary* contemporary work, based on **Shakespeare**’s **A Midsummer Night’s Dream**. Now I’m sure you’re expecting a grand ballet performance - with **gorgeous tutus, impressive partnering and the most spectacular dance sequences, right?** Wrong, darling, this wasn't your standard ballet performance. Forget classical choreography - **The Dream** threw everything you think you know about ballet out the window. Think dynamic, intricate movement, daring jumps, daring partnering. It was pure artistic innovation. But even in its innovation, the choreography was as graceful as it was modern, with beautiful interpretations of each character’s personality. It's so refreshing to see these classical companies pushing boundaries, creating a new kind of beauty!

Of course, you know **I just had to experience** The Dream **live,** so I flew over to New York after a quick stop in Milan, which included an *utterly* fabulous **Versace** shopping spree - what a bargain! But the real thrill, my dear, was seeing the raw emotion, the vulnerability of these fantastic dancers on the **Metropolitan Opera House** stage. It was as if **Balanchine** himself had stepped out from a 21st century “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”! **Isabella Boylston** as Titania was nothing short of remarkable, truly owning the stage with her grace and breathtaking technique. But the real highlight of this extraordinary show was **Herman Cornejo**, whose Oberon was a masterclass in raw masculinity! The unyielding athleticism, he practically lifted his partner off the stage! And you simply had to see that finale, my dear, truly groundbreaking, it almost took my breath away!

And while **New York City** had me mesmerised, there was another adventure on the horizon! My next stop was a delightful flight to **London**, where the legendary **Royal Ballet** was performing a revival of **Ashton's** The Two Pigeons. This was one of my favourite classical ballets! A *truly* delightful production with exquisite choreography and stunning costumes that take you straight back to 1961 - a nostalgia trip I was simply desperate to experience! It had this incredible atmosphere of effortless joy, that feeling that *anything* is possible.

My personal highlight though? The wonderful performance by **Marianela NĂșñez**. Simply incredible. She possessed this warmth and charisma on stage, as well as technical brilliance. You could see it in her movements and expression - it wasn't just the steps, she simply became the character, immersing herself in this lovely, tender love story. The finale, with the ensemble dancing in perfect unison - it's really no wonder it is such a beloved ballet for the audience, and for me. The feeling of genuine love that emanates from it - so much beauty, such perfection.

Now I simply must tell you about the fantastic **gala at The Bolshoi in Moscow**! You *simply* had to be there, my darling, it was such a night of opulence! Imagine this, my dears: a **Grand Imperial Hall**, **sparkling chandeliers**, the **buzz of anticipation**. It's not just a show, it’s a dazzling performance of exquisite skill. The highlight for me, though? I can't leave you without mentioning the fabulous **Viktoria Tereshkina**, who was simply astonishing. Imagine **elegant extensions, sharp pirouettes and impossibly high jumps** that sent a collective gasp throughout the room. It's quite an act to be holding the attention of such an elite audience, but she truly had the room entranced! I swear, I never felt such incredible excitement during any ballet performance! It’s quite the night, my dears.

I confess, my dancing schedule wasn’t quite as demanding in **June** as it can get, it's quite a break really after an intense touring season! But my dancing diary will definitely be packed in the **coming months**! The **fall season** will bring us an entire new wave of fabulous performances and I have every intention of witnessing them all, of course. I already have a little plan of travel dates worked out: to see **Swan Lake** in **Berlin** (don't worry, my dear, I've booked the best hotel room in the city, so you know I'll be comfortably settled!). I plan on a trip to **St. Petersburg**, because I hear **Sleeping Beauty** is going to be absolutely fantastic! Of course, there will be plenty more shopping, glamorous dinners and catching up with fellow dancers
 after all, you *never* want to be out of the loop!

Until then, my darling! Make sure you follow me on **Instagram**! I'll be sharing the latest and greatest happenings in the world of ballet! Just search for **"The Ballerina Diaries"**. Oh, and if you're ever visiting Paris, you're welcome to join me at the **Opera Ballet** performance any time. You know, two's always better than one, especially in Paris, am I right?! Until next month, my dear.