Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Oh, darlings, can you believe it's 2020 already? The new year has brought with it a flurry of fabulous performances, so let me fill you in on all the thrilling ballet and arts delights I’ve been savouring. From the soaring heights of London's Royal Opera House to the intimate beauty of a Parisian studio, this season's offerings have left me feeling utterly inspired.

Royal Ballet, London: Giselle, a hauntingly beautiful reminder of passion and heartbreak.

Let's begin at the Royal Ballet. You simply can't go wrong with Giselle, now can you? It’s a classic for a reason – the story, the music, the sheer artistry! This season’s run was absolutely exquisite, and the delicate yet powerful performances, particularly by Marianela Nuñez and Vadim Muntagirov, had the entire audience spellbound. Marianela, a true star, is all fluttering grace and delicate artistry; she captures the heart of the story beautifully. I especially adored her expressive pas de deux with Muntagirov. It's a pairing that truly electrifies, don’t you think? I loved the hauntingly beautiful atmosphere of the second act – you could practically feel the chill in the air! You’ll forgive my extravagance, but I was truly swept away. After seeing this Giselle, I'm ready to wear white, flit through the forest and maybe even lose myself in the passion of a forbidden romance! (Do excuse my whimsy, darling).

The Paris Opera Ballet, a whirlwind of breathtaking spectacle and captivating technique.

Now, let's flit across the channel to Paris, shall we? My goodness, I absolutely fell in love with the Paris Opera Ballet’s new production of La Bayadère! A whirlwind of stunning spectacle, magnificent sets, and an extraordinary amount of corps de ballet work, this production made me swoon. The story may be a bit melodramatic for modern sensibilities, but its dramatic impact was certainly powerful. This was truly an ensemble piece, and I simply adore the sheer athleticism of the male dancers, their perfectly executed grand jetés and impossibly high fouetté turns were incredible. It's ballet at its grandest! This is definitely a production you don't want to miss – the costumes are a dream! Just imagine billowing tulle, opulent jewels, and head-to-toe shimmering silk, my dear. La Bayadère is certainly a feast for the eyes! I wouldn't miss it for the world!

New York City Ballet: The Sleeping Beauty, a playful and fresh interpretation.

Across the pond again, we arrive at New York City Ballet's offering of The Sleeping Beauty. And darlings, what a delight! This isn't your typical traditional rendition. The choreographer, Peter Martins, gives a fresh, playful take on the story. It's not so much a princess trapped in a slumber as a modern-day young woman, waking up to her own power. The costumes were an eclectic mix of playful frocks and ethereal layers – a beautiful, ethereal and almost Alice-in-Wonderland aesthetic! The dance is energetic and thrilling. You could feel the excitement and energy in the audience! The New York City Ballet has truly surpassed itself with this magnificent, refreshingly unique, and oh-so-engaging production!

Ballet for the People in Brooklyn: Love and Loss, a powerful blend of classical and modern dance.

And darling, I wouldn't leave Brooklyn out of the equation. Now, a delightful surprise is always something to relish, wouldn't you agree? The Ballet for the People is one such joy. The small independent company showcased Love and Loss, a mesmerizing choreographic blend of classical dance vocabulary and the dynamism of contemporary movement. Their emotionally charged dance performance left a lasting impression, a remarkable testament to creativity in the face of limitations. You can tell their dancers genuinely care about the stories they convey. It's the heart and passion of the art, isn't it? These intimate performances often provide the greatest artistic insight and inspire a feeling of genuine connection – as though I am part of a story unfold! This ballet is certainly not to be missed!

A dash of art in my life is vital for my creative spirit – don't you find?

A touch of whimsical beauty at the Tate Modern: Yayoi Kusama's "Infinity Mirrored Rooms" exhibition.

My, how I love the Tate Modern's exhibits! I recently ventured to experience the whimsical, immersive art installations of Yayoi Kusama. My darling, you really must see these pieces – imagine mirrored walls and twinkling lights, a mesmerizing, surreal world! I've never felt so utterly present and lost at the same time! Each room, a journey into pure visual beauty! I lost myself in the glittering spectacle! I practically became one with the artwork itself, surrounded by light, dots, and reflections - I'm quite sure my photos look like something out of a whimsical fantasy novel!

A glimpse of elegance at the Barbican: a breathtaking "Van Gogh Alive" experience.

For something quite simply sublime and breathtaking, the "Van Gogh Alive" exhibit is the perfect fix! The immersive digital projections, bringing Vincent van Gogh’s iconic masterpieces to life! It’s such a unique and delightful experience – walking through his art feels like you’ve stepped into his vibrant world! The entire exhibition felt as if every brushstroke and colour were imbued with such palpable emotion and intensity – a truly poignant and immersive experience, you could practically feel his artistic passion flowing through the very walls. It's simply mesmerizing. This exhibition left me wanting to create something magnificent of my own, a piece of pure visual magic – and darling, wouldn't we all crave that moment of artistic awakening?

An ode to the timeless magic of the dance, dear readers.

My dear friends, it is simply glorious, this constant pursuit of beauty in dance and art. To witness the artistry, the grace, and the sheer dedication that goes into these productions reminds us all to dream bigger and move with purpose, don’t you think? Each of these experiences filled me with pure delight and inspiration, so do take the opportunity to enjoy such treasures. So much awaits in this year 2020! I’ll certainly be making the most of every enchanting, glittering moment. Remember to keep an eye out for future posts. Until next time, darling, take care and don't forget your dancing shoes!