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Darlings, the world of ballet is alive and kicking this February! The chills are certainly gone but the fever pitch excitement is very much still here! From London’s vibrant scene to Paris’ elegant refinement and beyond, this month is positively bursting with exciting productions and world-class performances that left this little ballerina breathless! So pour yourself a chilled glass of champagne, slip into your comfiest silk robe and let’s delve into this dazzling month in dance.

London Calling!

Oh London, you never disappoint! This month the Royal Opera House was simply bursting with creativity, so much so, that my calendar practically imploded! Of course, I just had to start with **The Sleeping Beauty**, an absolute must-see! With its opulent sets, breathtaking choreography and of course, those stunning costumes, you’re literally transported into a fairytale. The dancers? Simply exquisite, each movement a delicate stroke of genius. Let's just say, I felt the most profound sense of fairytale wonder as Aurora floated across the stage like a cloud in the springtime sky. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prince as charming as Carlos Acosta – talk about bringing a whole new level of swoon to the performance! If only we all could have a prince as graceful as him. My dear friends, a night to remember!

My week was simply not complete without **Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake** – the quintessential contemporary masterpiece! It's dark, it's beautiful and it's hauntingly thrilling, especially with that incredible soundtrack. The dancing, my dears, was absolutely phenomenal. It’s simply mesmerising to watch, those incredible athletic leaps and dramatic, raw emotion from the male corps de ballet as they morph seamlessly between the Swan King and his swan persona. They simply nailed it! ???

And then there was the delightful surprise that was **A Midsummer Night’s Dream** at the English National Ballet. My heart sang along with the music – the whole show felt like an airy summer night – oh how it transported me back to simpler times! This ballet wasn’t all sweetness and light though, there was some cheeky humour as well – just the right mix to keep it vibrant and modern. I truly applaud the choreographers for their bold interpretation, the staging, so theatrical, truly a must-see for any balletomane.

And I’m definitely not forgetting the exquisite **Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo**, those comedic geniuses of dance who always keep me on my toes and grinning from ear to ear! As you’d expect, it was full of clever wit and a sprinkle of fabulous cheek! The sheer skill and audacity of these dancers, my dears, is extraordinary! They simply know how to give the crowd what they want and I dare say I might have gasped and chuckled with laughter until my stomach hurt – that's how much I was thoroughly entertained! Do you need any more incentive? It’s truly a reminder that the best form of comedy is when you just want to get off your seat and join in.

But it wasn’t all just about big-budget, big-name ballets this month. I absolutely adore discovering small, independent productions, like **The Garden**, a piece presented by The Other Ballet Company, featuring just four dancers and their beautiful, powerful expressions. With this captivating, intimate performance, they reminded me why we all love ballet. They captivated my soul, showcasing a quiet power that had me completely spellbound – and their interpretations were simply outstanding, every nuance so meaningful.

Parisian Elegance

Who doesn't love Paris? As much as London’s ballet scene is electric, I must confess, Parisian dance just has this indescribable allure that pulls me in like a magnet! The elegant grandeur of the Opéra Garnier, the ethereal magic in the’s simply the most exquisite atmosphere!

One of my highlights was the utterly magical performance of **Cinderella** by the Paris Opera Ballet, a classical triumph that showcased some of the world's best dancers. As you can imagine, the whole experience was stunning. The sets, a feast for the eyes; the costumes, exquisite, each movement crafted with precision and heart, it was just utterly romantic! Even though I have seen numerous versions of this beloved story, this one somehow just held a bit of extra magic, perhaps because it took place in this wonderful, atmospheric Parisian theatre.

And then there was **The Rite of Spring**, a monumental performance that really shook things up with a wild, almost visceral choreography! My goodness, those movements were truly spectacular! I daresay, they definitely weren't just your usual elegant balletic leaps and twirls - the intensity, the raw passion, the daring interpretations, the dancers really embraced their roles and were totally uninhibited – it was all so very contemporary and utterly captivating! And I must admit that the musical composition itself just heightened the emotional impact. It’s truly a masterpiece for our time.

Beyond London and Paris

Don’t worry, darling, my international ballet adventures haven’t stopped with London and Paris – oh no, the world is my stage! Of course I had to squeeze in a visit to the prestigious Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow to catch a performance of **Giselle** – just breathtaking. I mean, talk about legendary talent and meticulous technique, my darling. The beauty, the finesse, the drama, it's pure genius! And if you think you've seen it all, I dare you to watch a rendition at this extraordinary theatre. Those Moscow ballerinas are world-renowned, and for a reason, my love.

Now, for a bit of a twist – I actually decided to travel further afield than Moscow for some dance inspiration, and ended up in Tokyo! Yes, the land of kawaii fashion and captivating anime took my fancy this month. Now, I can’t promise you elegance of Paris or classical prowess of the Bolshoi Theatre – the stage was actually very contemporary. But what **Dance of the Crane** lacked in formality it made up for with pure artistic power and ingenuity, using dance and visual arts to weave this mystical narrative – so very thought-provoking. This unique collaboration of artists truly mesmerised me, creating something unique and moving - truly the epitome of contemporary dance at its finest!

The Art of Ballet – Beyond The Stage

You see, my dears, the love of dance doesn’t end with the stage. It's everywhere! It's the way you walk down the street with grace and a little extra oomph. It's that perfect little flourish as you reach for your favourite bottle of vintage champagne! ? And for those wanting a taste of the beauty and the grace, I had to take myself on a trip to the beautiful V&A for their current exhibition Degas: Dance, Sculpture, and Design. I spent a good deal of time just losing myself amongst his sculptures – oh, so incredibly elegant and full of emotion – they perfectly capture the spirit of ballet. I must admit, the delicate lines and captivating poses, the beauty, just transported me back into that vibrant Parisian atmosphere again, simply divine. But if I’m being totally honest, it was those drawings and prints that stole my heart. Degas had an almost ethereal touch and truly captured the raw beauty and fragility of these young ballerinas, his work simply stunning and inspiring.

Looking Ahead…

So as February fades into a distant memory and March rushes in, it is truly inspiring to see the creativity and the dedication, the joy and passion that pours out of each ballet performance I witnessed. I can’t help but wonder what artistic and innovative treats await us in the upcoming months. It’s truly a delightful dilemma, wouldn’t you agree, darlings?

I leave you with a heartfelt thought; as you dance through life with the grace and style that makes you so uniquely you – don’t forget to always appreciate the artistry in every little moment. Until next month, may your steps be light and graceful, my darling! ?❤️