Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

September, darling, September! The air is crisper, the days are shorter, and the world of ballet is bursting with exquisite new productions, divine performances and artistic collaborations that will leave you breathless. I’m talking, of course, about the kind of breathlessness that leaves you wanting more. The kind of breathlessness that sends you scrambling for the next ticket, the next gala, the next glimpse of this incredible art form that has captured our hearts (and quite frankly, our wardrobes) for centuries.

Let’s dive into the cream de la creme of ballet happening this September. Put on your most fabulous ballet slippers, darlings, and get ready for a truly stunning spectacle.

First stop, London. Covent Garden is hosting a truly breathtaking revival of "Giselle" – the quintessential tragic love story. The choreography is as precise as it is powerful, highlighting the graceful and expressive qualities of the female dancers. Honestly, the corps de ballet looked absolutely divine in those ethereal white tutus! The whole piece is so deeply moving and impactful, leaving you wanting to weep and rejoice all at the same time. Don’t miss it. Just make sure you book your tickets well in advance. You know how quickly these things sell out, darling!

But hold on, London has more to offer. The Royal Ballet's season includes "The Dream," based on Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," which always promises a visual and musical delight. I’m especially excited about the new sets designed by the iconic David Hockney – his use of colour and light always adds a whole new layer of depth and texture to the ballet. And don't even get me started on the costumes – oh, the costumes! Simply spectacular. The perfect way to kick off your autumn season, I say!

Across the pond, New York is not to be outdone. American Ballet Theatre's fall season will be a smorgasbord of incredible ballet performances. For one, they’re showcasing a brand new piece by the renowned choreographer Wayne McGregor. He's always a delight to watch, isn’t he? His innovative and energetic work pushes the boundaries of ballet, and I can't wait to see how he interprets this classic form. The buzz around his creation is simply electric. Everyone is waiting to see the bold, innovative vision that Wayne is so famous for! He is a master of both the ethereal and the avant-garde.

Meanwhile, in the city of lights – Paris – the Paris Opera Ballet has planned a season of contemporary and classic ballets. Of course, one has to see a performance at Palais Garnier, but my highlight will be "La Bayadère" - just exquisite. A kaleidoscope of beautiful costumes, dramatic plot, and captivating choreography. The Grand Pas de Deux alone will have you on the edge of your seat.

For those wanting something a little more intimate and edgy, check out the performances in Barcelona’s prestigious Teatro Liceo. You can often find fantastic up-and-coming companies performing here, so if you're into discovering hidden gems in the world of ballet, Barcelona is a great place to look. The intimacy of these venues offers such a special experience - it's like witnessing the ballet come alive before you, as though the stage is spilling over with passion and energy.

And if you're on a budget (and we all need a little bit of affordable luxury every now and then, darlings), the National Ballet of Canada is offering online streams of their performances throughout September. From the comfort of your home, you can get your ballet fix while staying perfectly put, sipping on something bubbly, of course! They offer a range of classic and contemporary pieces, and honestly, they've got something for every taste. The ballet world is surprisingly diverse, you know! So much more than twirling tutus! These live streams are just the thing if you want to take a chance and explore something new, something that maybe doesn't scream 'Swan Lake' but holds a fascinating, perhaps unexpected narrative that can be deeply enriching and impactful.

While the performance is what we flock to, there’s an element that deserves equal celebration – the dedication and discipline behind each step and gesture. Let's acknowledge the work of our ballet stars, and those that bring the spectacle to life. Here's to the designers who dream up those captivating costumes, the choreographers who tell stories through their movements, the musicians who create the magic with their instruments, the incredible crew who make sure everything runs smoothly, and most importantly, the dancers, for pouring their hearts and souls onto the stage, leaving us breathless with wonder.

Here are a few key things to look out for as we dive into September, darlings:

  • Experimental pieces are always exciting, especially when you find young, up-and-coming talent behind the innovative choreography. Check out a few independent productions at the fringes, darling - you'd be surprised at the energy and vision you can discover. Don't be afraid to venture outside the confines of the grand houses.
  • Digital dance projects are another fascinating frontier in ballet. With online streams, documentaries and the resurgence of dance films, it’s such a great way to enjoy the magic from afar, from the comfort of your sofa (a cuppa and a good slice of cake really are a must!).
  • Live music and collaborations add another dimension to ballet, don't you think? Think the sound of the live orchestra alongside the breathtaking ballet moves. They can enhance the emotions of a performance, adding a depth and intensity you might not get with recorded music. Look for pieces that offer this extra layer of magic. Sometimes it’s about the unspoken conversation between music and movement, which, let's be honest, adds to the inherent grace of it all.
  • Dance for social change is also becoming a powerful force. Watch for performances tackling critical social issues through ballet, providing opportunities for artistic expression, fostering deeper conversations and ultimately creating change. Dance is often the most potent way to address uncomfortable truths, don't you think?
  • International dance festivals, particularly those celebrating less known traditions, can be utterly captivating. There’s a whole world of captivating ballet traditions beyond the classics. You just have to find the right avenues to explore them!

September is not just the start of the season; it's a fresh, vibrant opportunity to explore the captivating and enchanting world of ballet. So, darling, grab your best outfit, your most elegant accessories, and let's take the stage by storm, and lose ourselves in the beauty and grace of dance!