Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, darling! Can you believe it’s May already? The Spring air is just bursting with the promise of ballets and spectacles galore. The fashionistas have graced us with their whimsical whims of sheer organza and feathers, while the dancers have poured their hearts out in leaps and twirls. I’m telling you, darling, this season is just absolutely divine!

First stop on my global whirlwind, we’re hopping over to Paris. Let’s be honest, my darlings, Paris always knows how to put on a good show. At the OpĂ©ra Garnier, I caught **La BayadĂšre**, with its sumptuous costumes, opulent sets, and heart-stopping choreography. I gasped when the Temple of the Sun God unfolded like a divine masterpiece. That Anya Zagrebelnaia as Nikiya? Just heavenly! Her fluid movement and ethereal elegance had me swooning in my seat. And then, those mesmerizing Gamzatti variations. Let’s just say I’m feeling inspired to work on my grand jetĂ©s, darling! I practically ran into my friend Lady Astor in the interval! You should have seen the look on her face when I told her all about the dazzling gold detailing and that marvellous performance. You had to be there, my sweet.

While we’re in the City of Lights, it would be scandalous to skip **Giselle** at the Palais Garnier. This classic, my darlings, is like that perfectly tailored black dress you can wear to every event – it just never gets old. And this time, I was truly smitten. That Camille Aumont as Albrecht, with those heart-wrenching expressive eyes
 *chef’s kiss*. His partnership with the ethereal Chloe Mulle was an absolute delight to watch. The “mad scene”? Pure theatrics. The audience held its breath, even as they knew exactly what was to come. My fellow ballerinas and I simply loved the tender way that Mulle played out Giselle’s decline.

We take the Eurostar to London, where the Royal Opera House was absolutely abuzz. My goodness, that opening night of **The Sleeping Beauty**, a true jewel in the crown of ballet! That Aurora, darling – it was none other than our darling Natalia Osipova – brought out all the fairytale magic of the production with her technical brilliance. You know how much I love an elaborate adagio, and I tell you what, this adagio with the Prince in Act II was breathtakingly romantic. My friend from school, Lady Hamilton, took me out to dinner at The Ivy afterwards, and let me tell you, we couldn’t stop gushing about Osipova’s performance, her feather-light movements and radiant beauty.

Now, my darlings, the most talked-about event in the whole season? It’s the inaugural performance of **“The Dreamweaver”** in Tokyo. This innovative contemporary work at the New National Theatre, was the brainchild of a young choreographer who, let's just say, was an up-and-comer from the Royal Ballet! And what an absolute showstopper it was! Set in a world of fantasy, “The Dreamweaver” was an explosion of colours and textures – think silken gowns and ethereal tutus with just the right hint of neon, darling!

And what about those performers! The corps de ballet was absolutely superb! Their movements were so fluid, their synchronization spot-on! There was an amazing trio of lead dancers, all with such exquisite grace and agility. It was simply sensational! My goodness, the whole performance was a sensory overload – I’ve never felt such a mixture of excitement and exhilaration at a ballet! Of course, you know the only way to calm yourself down after such a magnificent spectacle is to retire to your penthouse suite and drink champagne, darling!

Oh! While in Tokyo, you know I couldn’t possibly miss the magnificent spectacle of **"Buyo: A Japanese Dance Tradition" **. This traditional form, with its expressive movements, its stunning costumes, and that captivating storytelling really resonated with me. It's a glimpse into a world of beauty and grace – not so far removed from our beloved ballet world! But those intricate gestures, the dramatic flourishes, and those flowing robes, darling – they are truly special!

The season has also given us some truly memorable performances in New York! At the Metropolitan Opera House, I was absolutely spellbound by **Romeo and Juliet**. You know, sometimes, my love, we simply can't resist a good old fashioned classic! Especially when the principal dancers are performing with such passion and pathos. Those heartbreaking steps during the final pas de deux, I can still feel those goosebumps, my dear! Then there was that fantastic contemporary piece by our dear Mr. Alonzo King - **“The Weight of Silence”** – I do love an art form that speaks to our emotional side! You know I can’t possibly go without mentioning the New York City Ballet and their revival of Balanchine’s “Symphony in C” at Lincoln Center, my darlings. I felt so inspired by that intricate, geometric choreography, and the flawless execution by the dancers, just stunning! And afterwards, we indulged in champagne and blinis at The Carlyle. Simply perfect!

Now, we take the big leap across the Atlantic back to the home of ballet - Moscow, darling. At the Bolshoi Theatre, there’s no denying that **Swan Lake** always feels utterly magical! I went on opening night with the girls – Lady Catherine, Duchess of Somerset, Lady Alexandra, and of course, dear Lady Camilla. That magical transformation scene! We just gasped as the swan costumes came alive in a cascade of feathers. You’d think you were in an opera, my darlings! This iconic choreography is a masterpiece! It's as if Tchaikovsky had bottled the very essence of the romantic spirit and poured it directly onto the stage. Such exquisite, ethereal beauty. My darlings, this performance left us in awe!

Moscow wasn’t just about classic ballets though, my darlings. It’s truly become a hub of innovation in contemporary ballet. A performance of **“The Mirror Within”** by the renowned dance company, Moscow Contemporary Ballet, left us utterly enthralled with their breathtaking choreography and expressive movement. It was truly moving, daring, and innovative! This new production with its dark costumes and daring movements? We felt it deep in our souls. You just can’t get that same depth of emotion from a classical ballet. That’s the joy of the art world! There is so much diversity – it makes it more vibrant, darling!

Speaking of a hub, we must never forget our beloved home of ballet, London. In the final days of May, darling, the Royal Opera House will premiere **"The Four Seasons"**. This ambitious new piece, inspired by Vivaldi’s masterpiece and with the stunning costume designs from our darling Vivienne Westwood, will be, without a doubt, the talking point of the entire season! It has an absolutely phenomenal cast with the world-renowned principals like Tamara Rojo and Sergei Polunin joining a fantastic company. It’s set to be the show of the summer, and I simply cannot wait for my review to hit the press! You all will adore it!

Now, my darlings, don’t let all this travelling get to you! This is just a sneak peek into the spectacular world of ballet, from Parisian sophistication to the vibrant art scene in Tokyo. So don your prettiest gown, sip your champagne, and take it all in! The season’s in full bloom, darling, and we have so much to celebrate! Remember, as I always say, there's nothing quite like the intoxicating thrill of a live ballet. Until next month, darling! XOXO