Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-08-14 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 62 - Ciao Bella Roma!

Buongiorno, my lovely Tutu Tribe! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Rome, and I'm bursting with excitement to share my Roman adventures with you! As you know, my motto is "Life's too short for beige," and Rome is certainly not beige! It's a glorious riot of colour, history, and delicious food, and I've been absolutely smitten since the moment I stepped off the train.

I'm actually a bit of a train buff, did I ever tell you that? It's just so chic, isn't it? I find it incredibly glamorous and elegant. It's just like traveling through time! The train journey down from Derbyshire was beautiful, the English countryside fading into the rolling Tuscan hills and the Italian landscape getting progressively more vibrant as we went. And just wait until you see the trains in Rome!

Stepping into Roman Glamour

Oh, darling, where do I begin? Rome is a fairytale, it really is. Every cobbled street feels like it's stepped straight out of a movie. You've got your imposing Colosseum, the cascading beauty of the Trevi Fountain, and charming piazzas bustling with life – Rome truly has it all! My Instagram followers have been enjoying all my snapshots of these iconic spots, of course. Don't worry, I'm saving the best pics for a proper Pink Tutu Rome: Instagram Gallery at the end of this post!

I arrived just in time for the first Wednesday of August which was truly spectacular, with La Notte dei Musei! The event transformed Rome into a living, breathing art exhibition with free entrance to various museums and a special program of activities until midnight. My little ballet-heart absolutely skipped a beat! I got to experience the grandeur of the Capitoline Museums under the moonlight. Imagine it – beautiful sculpture by Bernini, lit in such a way that you could barely breathe it was so divine!

But it's not just about the museums, darling, it's also about the atmosphere. Roman evenings are pure magic, especially during the summer. The sun lingers late into the night, casting an orange glow over the city as everyone takes to the streets. You can hear the laughter of children playing, feel the love in the air as couples share gelato, and smell the delicious aroma of freshly-baked pizza coming from every little trattoria.

Pink Tutu and Roman Flair

Now, no trip to Rome is complete without a spot of fashion, right? Rome, like most European cities, boasts an incredibly stylish scene! But even for my Tutu tribe, this is a whole new level! The ladies here wear elegance and fashion with a captivating flair. The Italians just have such a chic way of dressing! I spent the day yesterday at the Via Condotti, the luxury shopping street, marveling at the stunning couture shops. Oh my, those Chanel windows made my heart do a little piqué.

As always, I had my pink tutu on, which, you know, always raises a few eyebrows! It definitely gets attention! I do like to give everyone a good surprise. In Rome, I’ve paired it with my little blush-coloured silk blouse and a straw hat, giving it that whole “Dolce Vita” feel. It worked surprisingly well, and I even had a lovely elderly gentleman come up to me and tell me how much he appreciated the color! He had a gorgeous vintage scooter.

Dancing the Night Away

I also indulged my ballerina spirit and went to a performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. Imagine, the most elegant theatre, rich history, the smell of old velvet curtains and the whisper of ancient silk... and I had a fantastic view from the second floor. And the show itself was sublime.

A timeless ballet about passion and sacrifice! My tutu would definitely have been a welcome sight backstage as well. There's always a good ballet class in Italy, so I managed to squeeze one in at the Ballet School in Piazza del Popolo. Oh, darling, what an experience that was! Just imagine a graceful ballet class in the shade of the ancient Basilica, the scent of pines from the gardens below… and me, of course, leading the charge in my pink tutu, the only one in the class, bringing a touch of Derbyshire to this Roman scene! I even found a beautiful little store full of tutus down a cobblestone street behind the Piazza Navona! Such lovely tulle in every colour you can think of.

Pink Tutu Food Tour

But darling, let's talk food! No journey is complete without good food and Rome, oh my! My Tutu Tribe, brace yourselves because I’m about to take you on a delicious gastronomic adventure! We’ll start with breakfast at one of the many delightful cafes nestled along the Campo de’ Fiori. The aromas of freshly-brewed coffee, warm pastries, and perfectly ripe fruit tantalize the senses. We’ll pair this with the Italian classic, cappuccino with our pastry (and, if you dare, I'll have you try the "brioche al latte". Oh darling, the pastries in Rome!

I’ll treat us to lunch at a family-run trattoria tucked away in one of the backstreets near the Pantheon. Here, we'll be greeted by the warmth of the Italian spirit and the enticing scent of basil, garlic, and tomatoes. We’ll order a generous plate of pasta, perhaps the Spaghetti alla Gricia, and be treated to a generous pour of vino rosso.

And for dinner? Oh darling, the choices are endless. Perhaps we’ll splurge and have a fancy meal with wine at a Michelin-starred restaurant overlooking the Trevi Fountain, or maybe we'll settle into a bustling pizzeria to indulge in their legendary pizzas.

And oh, let's not forget the gelato! That deserves a special mention because it's, quite frankly, a work of art in itself! I'm planning a whole gelato crawl! Just think, freshly churned gelato, cones piled high with layers of creamy vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate – perfect to enjoy as the sun dips below the Roman skyline. I may even do a special Gelato: Taste of Italy post at some point… I can just see the post titles now, 'Strawberry with a sprinkle of love: Pink Tutu gelato.' Isn’t that cute?

Rome is Forever

As I said, life's too short for beige, and Rome is everything but! The sheer romance of the city makes you feel like you’re in a beautifully designed fairytale. It's definitely a city that stays with you, the warmth of the Italian people, the delicious food, the romantic scenery, the beautiful, cobblestone streets. This place is like a piece of heaven, darling! I feel it already, I’m falling for Rome and its beautiful soul!

Until Next Time, Ciao!

P.S. - Make sure you check out my Pink Tutu Rome Instagram Gallery at the bottom of this post, and leave me a comment!

Pink Tutu Rome: Instagram Gallery

Pink Tutu's Roman Diary:

Day 1: * Morning train ride to Rome, a scenic dream through Tuscan hills * First bite of Roman pasta! Spaghetti Carbonara was the most decadent * Arrived just in time for La Notte dei Musei * Magical night exploring the Capitoline Museums

Day 2: * Ballet class in Piazza del Popolo, with the basilica as our backdrop! * Fashionista walk down the Via Condotti! Those Chanel windows! * Fell in love with a little store selling amazing tutus! * Teatro dell'Opera, a breathtaking ballet performance!

Day 3: * Wandering the ancient Colosseum, its grandeur was awe-inspiring * Threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, hoping to return * The delicious aroma of pizza filling every cobblestone street * Sipping on cappuccino and savoring the pastries at Campo de' Fiori

Tutu Tips for Rome

  • Bring a good pair of comfortable walking shoes!
  • Bring a big hat. The Roman sun is quite strong, even in August.
  • Be sure to wear pink! Especially a pink tutu! ;)
  • If you see a delicious pastry with cream on it, eat it. Trust me on this.

See you all next Wednesday for another exciting chapter in my Pink Tutu Rome adventure! Don’t forget to tell your friends about my blog, Pink Tutu Travels, and be sure to follow me on social media for all the latest photos and fashion updates!

With love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-08-14 exploring Rome Italy