Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-10-09 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 70 - A Whirlwind of Ancient Beauty and Pink Parfaits

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the Eternal City itself, Rome! I’ve just stepped off the train from Florence, which was a truly romantic journey. You see, I’m all about the slow travel these days, soaking up every last drop of the atmosphere – and what better way to do it than by train? You can truly appreciate the countryside, marvel at the ever-changing landscape, and get lost in a good book, all while sipping on a cheeky coffee (or maybe even a pink latte, darling! ).

This week's #PinkTutuRome adventure kicks off in the heart of this ancient metropolis, and believe me, it's absolutely bursting with stories! I’m spending this week exploring Rome, immersing myself in its rich history, feasting on incredible food, and, of course, showcasing some truly magnificent outfits. My darling friends, I am determined to spread the love for tutus far and wide – and Italy, with its dramatic flair and artistic soul, is the perfect place to do it!

A Little History and A LOT of Pink!

I spent the morning delving into the wonders of the Roman Forum, where the spirit of ancient Rome still vibrates! It was mind-blowing to think of the incredible battles, political meetings, and cultural gatherings that happened in this very space. It’s a true testament to human ambition and creativity, all the more amazing because of its preservation and stunning views of the modern city skyline!

You know I’m not all about historical stuff, even if the Romans did invent ballet as we know it (they just forgot to mention it!). What did impress me was a fabulous little gelato stand right outside the Forum – their pink raspberry sorbet was, let’s just say, the perfect shade of fabulous! I topped it off with a miniature pink marshmallow from the charming Italian market next door.

Later, after a quick change into my new silk pink dress – found in a charming vintage shop in Florence, darling! – I was lucky enough to experience an impromptu street performance featuring ballet, juggling, and an actual street-dancing Roman wolf. Who knew!

It seems there's always something enchanting going on in this magical city. The atmosphere here is simply contagious - everyone is so warm, vibrant and welcoming.

The Beauty of Ballet - Roman Style!

The evening was all about amore, at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. You could feel the history within the theater walls as the crowd buzzed with anticipation for tonight’s performance, a stunning rendition of Swan Lake by none other than the prestigious Teatro dell’Opera di Roma Ballet company!

My darling readers, every muscle in my body was singing with the choreography and the energy! And of course, the tutus were just absolutely divine. There's just something about the grace and artistry of a tutu that always gets my heart thumping. They’re like magic. They embody femininity, movement, and freedom! I hope to inspire every single one of you to give a tutu a go – they're more than just a costume! They’re an attitude! They're an exclamation point!

As I walked through the crowded Piazza di Spagna with a charming Roman prince on each arm, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of Rome - its architectural wonders, the energy of the people, and of course, the incredible sense of fashion! Rome seems to exude an effortlessly glamorous aura. And after spending just two days here, I know that the Pink Tutu vibe has absolutely hit its stride.

What's on My Radar?

For the rest of the week, I’m going to be hopping from one iconic landmark to another – the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Vatican, oh my! - I’m going to see as many breathtaking artworks as I can, I'll try to visit the stunning Trevi Fountain (and, of course, make a wish!) - but I’ll also be looking out for more incredible street performers, delightful vintage shops and maybe even a pink Vespa! You know, a girl needs to stay inspired, darling!

Be sure to check back in next week as I continue to document my whirlwind Roman adventure and explore what this city holds in store. It’s just amazing, darling, absolutely divine! Until then, may your week be full of pink delights!

And as always, you can follow me on Instagram @EmmaPinkTutu for real-time updates and the occasional silly dance routine (because every day needs a little tutu-infused joy, darling!).

Until next Wednesday! XOXO Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1996-10-09 exploring Rome Italy