Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-05-21 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Rome, Darling, Rome! (Post #102)

Ciao, Bella!

Well, my darlings, Rome is calling and I'm answering! I just know this week's adventures will be filled with a whirl of pink, tutus and a sprinkle of Roman magic. #PinkTutuRome, it's more than a hashtag, it's a way of life.

As usual, this adventure has started with a choo-choo train journey! It’s my favourite way to travel. There's something about gazing at the countryside from the carriage window that puts me right in the mood for exploration. My suitcase is bursting at the seams with vibrant, floaty fabrics - you can't be too prepared for a pink explosion, right? And I've got a tutu for every occasion. We're talking sparkly, twirly, and definitely more than a few with feathers (because every ballerina deserves to feel like a queen)!

So, let's dive right into the whirlwind of #PinkTutuRome. I've been here in Rome for a few days now, and the experience has been pure enchantment! The Colosseum is breathtaking - it's even bigger in person! Imagine all the gladiators and chariot races! My heart skipped a beat walking through its ancient arches. It's like stepping back in time. I might even have snuck in a pirouette or two inside! Shhh!

Today was dedicated to shopping, of course! It's no secret that I love clothes! The Spanish Steps are stunning. The city truly comes alive as people stroll and mingle, soaking up the afternoon sun. And the shops...oh, the shops! There are designer boutiques brimming with exquisite fabrics, vibrant colours, and playful silhouettes.

But amidst the glitz and glamour, my true Roman adventure is about to begin! You might have noticed a certain date in my header: 1997-05-21. Well, my dears, this date is momentous - The Bolshoi Ballet is in town! Can you imagine? I am going to see the legendary Swan Lake tonight, with my own pink-tutu-clad eyes! I can’t wait for the ethereal costumes, the powerful grace of the dancers and of course, the soaring music of Tchaikovsky. I'll be sure to post my photos of the show for you to see - you know I have to! It will be my first, and surely not my last, night of magical ballet here in Rome.

#PinkTutuRome is truly making memories, from every glimpse of the cityscape, every street-side gelati stop (you HAVE to try the hazelnut one, you won’t regret it!), and every fashion find that catches my eye! I can't wait to share even more with you about Rome - there’s so much to see and so much to love!

Oh, and I almost forgot - I’ll be leaving you with my absolute favourite spot for dancing on this trip, so you can channel your inner prima ballerina wherever you are in the world!

Stay tuned, my lovely readers! Keep twirling, stay positive, and wear pink!

Lots of Love,

Emma x

P.S. Have you ever worn a pink tutu in Rome, or any other destination? What’s the pinkest place you’ve ever been? Share your experiences and your stories below!

P.P.S Don’t forget to visit for my next post - you won’t want to miss it! I'll be writing all about my ballet experience.

Here’s the lowdown of my dance spot in Rome (because you’re going to love it, you will!)

The Location: The Piazza Navona

*Why I love it: The square buzzes with energy. There's so much colour, so much life, and I just feel so inspired being in such a vibrant setting. There’s even a fountain – imagine doing an impressive jeté in front of a fountain with such exquisite artistry, and not a single passer-by would bat an eyelid. I kid you not, you’re practically begging to dance here.

What to Wear: Obviously, I'd choose a tutu (preferably one with a sprinkle of sparkle for the ultimate pizzazz) - I’ll let you decide if you do. I’ve even done some ballet stretches here. It's the perfect way to get that creative energy flowing before starting a show in the square – imagine doing an amazing pirouette in front of it all – just think of the amazing photo opportunity. It's just magical!

Don’t forget to share your #PinkTutuRome adventures with me!
Stay tuned for more blog posts coming soon...

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-05-21 exploring Rome Italy