Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-05-10 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Week 257 - Dolce Vita in Pink!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma, back from the Eternal City, and believe me, this week has been absolutely fab-u-lous! Welcome to my #PinkTutuRome adventure, this week I'm waltzing through the wonders of Rome, the city where even the pigeons strut with a bit of sprezzatura.

Now, let's rewind a little. You all know how much I adore travelling by train - the romance of it all! So, my journey started from sunny Derbyshire, where I bid farewell to the green hills and exchanged them for the vibrant colours of Italy. This week, darling, I discovered that a trip on the Eurostar can be as exciting as a ballet performance itself! Just imagine, elegant compartments, French croissants at breakfast, and enough magazines to make even the most discerning fashionista happy. And me, I just wore my newest pink tutu (I've been perfecting my 'traveling ballerina' look!).

The Coliseum: My Tutu Touched History

Right, let's talk about Rome! First on the agenda: the Colosseum. Oh, the sheer history of it all! I felt like I had stepped into a gladiator movie (in my most glamorous tutu, of course!). There's something so powerful about imagining all those gladiators, chariots, and cheers - the history vibrated through the very stone itself.

But this week in Rome wasn't just about grand historical sights! I discovered some amazing places that made me want to twirl like a madwoman!

Dancing on The Piazza Navona:

This stunning square is like a scene from a dream. Imagine, pastel buildings with intricate detail, charming cafes brimming with life, street artists drawing breathtaking masterpieces, and all bathed in the warm Italian sun. This square made me feel so utterly enchanted I just had to get my pink tutu on and twirl to the rhythm of the local musicians - just imagine the delight on those passers-by's faces! (I’m not gonna lie, a few selfies were taken as well!).

Ballet In The Eternal City:

This is something I really have to share with you, darlings. One evening, I stumbled upon a breathtaking ballet performance, right there in Rome, near Piazza Navona. Now, I was a little worried it might be a touristy faux pas, but trust me, this was a truly exquisite evening. The theatre was charming and intimate, the dancers graceful and passionate, and the whole experience simply magical. (They even gave me a standing ovation after I surprised them with a spontaneous tutu-twirl during intermission. Just a little something to brighten up the performance.)

Food for My Fashionable Soul:

Food, oh darling, what would life be without food? Well, this week, Rome took my culinary senses on an exquisite adventure! The flavour, the aroma, the sheer joy of each mouthful – just divine! From melt-in-your-mouth gelato to hearty pastas, fresh-baked focaccia, and steaming plates of ravioli, each bite was a symphony of delight. (My personal favorite was the spaghetti carbonara - it literally melted in my mouth!). Let's just say, after my adventures in the kitchen, my pink tutu had to be expanded a few inches (I may have gone back for seconds... ok, thirds...).

Shopping In The Eternal City

Shopping in Rome is a completely different experience, and it’s everything a fashion-loving girl could want. Let me tell you, I indulged my inner shopaholic in the fabulous vintage boutiques and bustling designer shops. It was like a sartorial wonderland. The cobbled streets, charming boutiques, and dazzling displays were an inspiration! Let’s just say, I brought home some new pink items (of course, one of them is a Tutu, perfect for exploring Rome in!). And speaking of shopping, how about this! While wandering through one of the shops in Campo dei Fiori, guess what I found? My dream pink leather bag! This isn't any ordinary bag darling; it's perfect for every shopping trip and travels, from the heart of Rome to my home in Derbyshire!

My #PinkTutuRome Tips

If you're ever planning to come to Rome, darling, here's what you absolutely must do!

  1. Lose yourself in the enchanting Roman markets like Campo dei Fiori and Testaccio. This is where you can really feel the vibrant pulse of the city, find exquisite souvenirs (I’m sure I found a pink scarf somewhere in there!) and maybe even learn to bargain like a pro.

  2. Try some real Italian coffee - not those sad little instant packets, but the rich, strong brew they make in those charming cafes with outdoor seating!

  3. Don't be afraid to just **walk! The most incredible places are sometimes tucked away in charming little alleys and side streets.

  4. Embrace the charm of the city! The Roman people have a captivating aura about them, even when they're rushing through the city (or maybe, that's just me admiring the fashion).

Fashionable Fun in The City:

Oh darling, how much I'm loving living in the moment in the eternal city! My days here are filled with laughter, beauty, and moments I'll cherish forever. Rome truly embraces the concept of “la dolce vita" - it’s the kind of lifestyle that embraces art, food, fashion, and moments of pure joy, making every single moment unforgettable.

Speaking of moments to cherish, how about this - a surprise performance with some local dancers, at a street cafe. I must have taken at least 20 photos of them twirling in their dazzling dresses in front of the ancient Roman architecture (of course, with my Tutu on, too!). This street-corner ballet made me realize something, darling - life is truly a performance waiting to unfold. We just have to put our pink tutu on, get out there, and let our hearts twirl!

Until next week, darlings! I’ll keep you updated with all my #PinkTutuRome adventures. Remember: if you want to embrace your own little dolce vita in pink, check out . And as always, please leave your comments below - I love hearing your thoughts. Ciao Bella!

PS: Have I ever told you about my pink tutu dreams? Well, last night, I dreamed I was dancing at a fabulous ballot performance on top of the Colosseum. Don't you just love it when dreams are filled with tutu magic?!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-05-10 exploring Rome Italy