Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-12-11 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #392: Ciao Bella! My Roman Holiday Begins!

Well, darlings, it's Wednesday again! Time for another Pink Tutu adventure! Today I'm writing from the most romantic city in the world - Rome! Oh, I’m so excited to be here. I've always wanted to come to the Eternal City, and the energy is just bubbling over! It feels so magical, like stepping straight out of a fairytale!

Just think, centuries of history and beauty are all around me. Every cobbled street, every grand piazza, every ancient ruin tells a story - and I'm desperate to unravel them all!

But of course, the real star of the show for me is the fashion! Rome is a real fashionista’s paradise. The ladies here have such a natural elegance, effortless chic. Think timeless tailoring in luxurious fabrics, statement jewelry, and, of course, shoes, shoes, shoes! Every pair is like a little masterpiece, all shimmering and delicate, perfectly complementing their glamorous outfits. And as for the men...oh my! Roman men have that effortless Italian charm, a confident swagger that would make any woman weak at the knees!

Rome on the Rails

The journey from Derby to Rome was a real adventure! I always adore a good train ride - the rhythmic clinkety-clank of the wheels on the track, the gentle swaying, the feeling of being whisked away to new horizons. Plus, there’s always such a delicious sense of anticipation, especially when you're heading to a place like Rome!

My little tutu suitcase was packed to the brim with my essential items. Of course, I'd brought my signature pink tutu – just perfect for waltzing through the streets of Rome! I couldn’t resist bringing some extra ballet shoes for those impromptu performance moments. One never knows when the urge to twirl will strike! Plus, you know me, darlings, my little wardrobe is a ballet-themed paradise, with enough sparkly dresses to dazzle the very Colosseum!

From Derbyshire to Dolce Vita

This trip is all thanks to the most amazing performance I did last month at the Derbyshire Arts Centre. I’d spent weeks preparing, perfecting my movements and learning new steps for this ballet production based on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet.' It was truly special. And I can’t believe it was actually the performance that funded my Roman escapade! I knew those hours of practice and dedication would pay off!

I’ve already taken some photos - just wait till you see my gorgeous outfit, my darling pink tutu twirling beneath the stunning dome of the Pantheon! Oh, I can hardly wait to show you. You see, when I wear a pink tutu, it brings me joy - it's more than just clothing, it's an expression of happiness and hope! I'd love to spread that joy across the globe and inspire everyone to don a pink tutu!

My Roman Day

And today is just a taste of things to come! This morning, I woke up early to grab a croissant from the local cafe, its warm crustiness just melting in my mouth. Afterwards, I wandered through the city, captivated by the sights and sounds. I soaked up the warm, sunshiney air and took in all the history and architecture. It truly felt like stepping back in time, a real glimpse into the glorious past!

Then, it was off to visit the Colosseum, so full of grandeur and mystique. I took some lovely pictures of my pink tutu twirling in front of it, even though I’m not sure how I got the guard to turn his back for just long enough to snap that picture! The sheer scale of it was breathtaking. The arena seemed to vibrate with echoes of battles long past!

My little stomach was already grumbling with anticipation. It was lunchtime, and oh, how I'd been craving some authentic Italian pasta. It didn’t disappoint! I’m eating spaghetti carbonara at a little trattoria I discovered, just around the corner from the Spanish Steps. I think I’m having it every night for the rest of the week – it is so creamy and indulgent! I even caught myself giggling to myself at its pure deliciousness!

This afternoon I’m heading to the Vatican to explore the awe-inspiring Sistine Chapel. I just know it will take my breath away with its magnificent murals, its vibrant colours, and its unparalleled artistic skill.

Later tonight, after a gelato break in the Piazza Navona, I'll be heading to a special ballet performance at the Teatro dell’Opera. They are performing ‘Giselle’, my all-time favourite ballet. The stage is said to be beautifully designed and they've chosen world class dancers. Oh darling, I am absolutely beaming at the anticipation of this evening! I’m dreaming of graceful pirouettes, intricate choreography, and the emotional story unfolding before my eyes.

And perhaps tonight I will finally be brave enough to attempt to wear the little, pink tutu under my dress to this magnificent performance! You know what they say - when in Rome, do as the Romans do! Maybe I'll be able to convince all the attendees to do the same.

Oh, darlings, Rome is an absolute whirlwind of experiences! It’s everything I ever dreamed it would be, and so much more. This week promises to be filled with fashion, fun, and, of course, pink tutus! Keep checking in as I unravel the secrets of this beautiful city.

Ciao for now, darlings! Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-12-11 exploring Rome Italy