
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-09-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #430 - Ciao Bella! ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ’–

Wednesday, 3rd September 2003

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, back from the dazzling cobbled streets of Rome, and let me tell you, it's absolutely divine! This week, we're bringing you all the chicest sights, the most delightful treats, and of course, some serious pink tutu inspiration.

Remember last week's blog, where I mentioned my upcoming trip to Rome? Well, I arrived yesterday afternoon, and the first thing I did was grab a delicious cappuccino from a tiny little cafe on the Via dei Condotti, of course. It's a truly enchanting street filled with designer boutiques - the kind of place that makes even my wardrobe look like a discount bin! I'm still saving my pennies for a special something from there later in the week though... maybe a really good pink pair of stilettos? Who can resist a pop of pink in the Eternal City, eh?

Before we get on with all the fabulous adventures I've had, I simply must share the moment I stepped off the train at Roma Termini station and saw the Colosseum. It was truly magnificent! The golden hour sun casting its warm glow upon the ancient stones, the smell of jasmine in the air... It felt like a fairytale come to life!

And talking about fairytales, guess who was in the same train carriage? That's right! A stunning ballerina from the Rome Opera House! She had the most exquisite tutu on (although it wasn't pink... but hey, I can be open to a little blue or green, I suppose!), and I couldn't help but start a chat. She even told me about the upcoming performance at the Teatro dell'Opera - Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake! Gulp! Oh my, it will be a must-see!

Of course, no trip to Rome is complete without a real Roman experience. I did a little exploring on Tuesday and stumbled upon this amazing little trattoria near the Pantheon. I indulged in the most delicious spaghetti carbonara you've ever tasted! They even let me have my little picnic blanket outside for some sunshine... which brought the pink tutu right out! It's so versatile - you can take it anywhere and look absolutely fantastic in the process.

But I can't just spend the entire week lounging in cafes and eating pasta - I need to fuel up for all the exciting adventures ahead. Last night, I had a chance to experience a traditional passeggiata with a fellow ballet dancer I met on the train. It was such fun strolling around the beautiful Campo de' Fiori. It was buzzing with life - music, laughter, the smell of fresh pasta cooking, and of course, everyone admiring my tutu!

After a night of exploring, it's hard to believe today's already here, but there's a lot on the agenda. Later today, I'm going to take a lesson at the Centro Studi Danza Roma, right here in the city centre. Imagine it, darling! I'm in Rome, surrounded by all this beauty, learning from the best! Who needs a theatre in Derbyshire when you can have Rome, eh? It's almost as good as my local studio back home, but it's so much more exciting, with cobbled streets and gelato galore!

And who knows, maybe my new ballet teacher will convince me to add a little Rome flair to my own dance routine... Imagine a pink tutu with a touch of Roman-inspired embroidery? Maybe a dash of ochre or terracotta? We shall see!

I'll be sure to tell you all about it in next week's blog. But until then, don't forget to rock that pink tutu with a confident twirl, because after all, that's what makes life a beautiful ballet.

Until next week, stay chic, and spread the pink tutu love!

Ciao for now!

๐Ÿ’–Emma ๐Ÿ’–


P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: @EmmaPinkTutu

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-09-03 exploring Rome Italy