Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-12-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 22nd December 2004 – Post 498

Ciao Bella!

Well, here I am, back in the Eternal City! It’s Rome again for me, the ultimate stage for a Pink Tutu adventure, and this time it’s Christmas in Rome! I am absolutely bursting with excitement, it’s truly a magical experience, and one I know will be brimming with inspiration for my dance routines, fashion sense and general joie de vivre!

This trip’s been planned for ages, ever since I saw an absolutely fabulous ballet performance last year – Giselle at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, oh my goodness! The costumes, the sets, the emotion – it just blew my mind! That evening, as the applause filled the air and I felt that exhilarating feeling of knowing I was a part of something extraordinary, I knew I had to return. I can already see myself, dancing on those magnificent stages, the perfect backdrop for a twirling, spinning, pink tutu princess!

For the sake of a grand entrance and some pre-show glamour, I thought it only right to journey by train to this stylish city, as, frankly, it is the ultimate mode of travel for a fashionable Pink Tutu traveller! The carriages provide such wonderful opportunities for observation – the passengers, the views – everything becomes a source of inspiration. This journey had all the charm and atmosphere of a film, especially the views from the window; imagine rolling green hills fading into the distant mountains as the sun set over a sleepy village – idyllic!

The journey itself is such a fun and fabulous experience, I even managed to snag a couple of complimentary glasses of fizz on board (you can’t beat a cheeky tipple to celebrate a ballet performance!). There’s something so utterly glamorous about taking a long train journey - I feel like a film star in my vintage luggage, pink tutu tucked in of course. Honestly, there’s nothing better than looking around at a carriage full of tired faces as you nonchalantly whip out a fabulous tutu, a delicate, lace shawl, and an oversized vintage handbag and declare with an almost defiant smile: “Time to turn this train into a Pink Tutu parade!”

As soon as I arrived in Roma Termini (the majestic train station itself worthy of a scene in a Hollywood blockbuster, seriously), the city simply embraced me with open arms. I knew from the second I stepped onto the pavement outside the station that this was a special journey, filled with wonderful adventures and untold stories. It’s like Rome itself wants to be part of my Pink Tutu adventure – the sights, the smells, the sound – the sheer energy of this beautiful city!

And it all started perfectly - the second I was within the confines of my hotel room, I grabbed my most vibrant, fuschia, sparkling pink tutu and flung it into the air with a shout of joy! “Viva Roma!” That is how you must feel entering the Roman arena! I was completely enmeshed in the spirit of the Eternal City – and my wardrobe. This pink tutu was just the thing to get the creative juices flowing for my next dance performance (more on that later), and let me tell you, with this trip I have the perfect costume in mind, complete with Roman inspired detail! I can't even give you a clue, but just you wait for it! It's going to be an epic dance!

Before we jump headfirst into all that I’ve discovered this week (including the most magnificent new shoe shop that’s just perfect for ballet flats), we have to get in a bit of Roman spirit – it’s the heart of the season and there’s no better way to do it than by joining in a beautiful, classic, Roman ritual. That’s right – let’s all make a toast! Cheers to you! (Raise a glass in the air to make this toast more festive)

So, how was my week in this wonderful city? Well, I thought I'd share some of my favorite bits, and let me tell you, I’m so in love with everything I’ve seen, done, and discovered. This city never ceases to surprise me! Here are some of the highlights from my Pink Tutu Rome trip so far!

  • Discovering The Heart of The Eternal City I began my Rome adventure at the most iconic of Roman landmarks, the Colosseum! My Tutu Twirls were almost too grand for this location, I’d swear the ancient stones applauded, so the tourists watched, laughed and clapped as my dress fluttered around me. The colosseum, all weathered and timeless in the golden glow of the December sunshine, was a reminder of Rome’s fascinating history, its dramatic rise and fall, its endurance through centuries. And how perfectly that blends with the very essence of ballet; a drama, a fight against adversity, a passionate dance of survival! We share that essence with the city of Rome.

And what is a ballet without a graceful leap through ancient times, my little Pink Tutu Angels? So naturally, my next destination was to wander through the incredible Roman Forum. The vast space, dotted with the ruins of temples and monuments, was a playground for a Pink Tutu Princess – such an interesting place to reflect on history, and an ideal place to start writing my own history within the graceful pirouette of a perfect Pink Tutu spin. Oh the stories that the stone can tell – what incredible dancing spectacles it must have seen through the years. You see it doesn’t just stop there – these grand and mighty structures, which have seen empires rise and fall, could still inspire the greatest dances and stories! I had the most lovely conversation with a lovely Roman gentleman about this very subject – and wouldn’t you know it – his great grandfather, bless his heart, was a performer in the Roman opera! I'm certain the very stones vibrated to the magic of those wonderful performances and now, under my own tutu'd grace, these stones feel it again, ready to carry on the history.

  • Trevi Fountain - Make a Wish With A Tutu Twirl The Trevi Fountain. I couldn’t just stand and stare at the magic of the Trevi Fountain; the glorious water cascade, the mythical sculptures, and the pure grandeur of the structure – it had to become part of my story. I think we all know how magical the Trevi Fountain can be. It is the embodiment of all the wonderful beauty of Italy, all the wonder, history and artistry, all wrapped in one incredible structure that leaves us in awe. It almost made me weep (though thankfully, the ever present tutu and a light sprinkle of festive spirit saved me from any public waterworks!). Of course, I had to throw a coin in the fountain – it would be rude not to – especially after my beautiful twirl. I’ve also left my very own lucky Pink Tutu Charm in the depths of the fountain, because of course I couldn’t go anywhere without a touch of my pink tutu magic! Now that’s good luck, right? And you never know, maybe my twirling will bring that lovely couple from Derbyshire, who have just seen my ballet performance here, their wishes. Oh how this place, my dear, it simply must have the ability to see every thought in every heart and mind and fulfill every dream of every wish.

  • Shopping for Inspiration Rome’s streets are lined with fantastic boutiques that were just begging to be explored! Every shop window in Rome feels like a theatrical performance; the craftsmanship, the intricate details, the creative flourishes, oh my! Everything looks so effortlessly stylish! They have so much inspiring elegance that I wanted to just put them all on display on the back of my tour bus – what a fabulous dance tour that would be! But no! Instead, my focus has been on fashion inspiration - some divine designs for future Pink Tutu shows – and, I simply cannot go anywhere without stocking up on beautiful and sparkling new ballet shoes (did I mention that ballet shoes were my best friend?). My favourite shoe shop (which is full of pink, natch) even has its very own stage for a ballet-loving princess like me to practice their most perfect poses.

  • The Divine Dishes of Rome A girl’s gotta eat, right? And, you better believe, when I am on a grand Italian tour, food has to be one of the starring roles, so after all my amazing adventures, it’s been lovely to enjoy some fabulous Italian dishes – spaghetti alle vongole, pizza al capricciosa and even some tiramisu! Oh my gosh, can you even imagine? And don’t even get me started on all the gelato – I have indulged in several extra scoops because this isn’t just food – this is art! (And for all the dance enthusiasts, this is the perfect pre-performance fuel!). This all, of course, fuels my inspiration, but I must have my little "Tutu Tea Party" too! After all, every great story, performance or adventure needs the occasional rest stop, for recharging and contemplation, and as the city is slowly getting into the Christmas mood, you can see the gorgeous twinkling lights hanging all over, making the place look magical. But that is what makes Rome magic in my mind, its effortless glamour – that magical spark which turns it all into an endless Pink Tutu Performance, where the air is infused with inspiration!

  • A Final Christmas Spin for The Eternal City This trip, with its beautiful cityscapes and romantic cobbled streets, was all about finding the magic in the mundane – something, as a performer, I find incredibly important. Because a good ballet is more than a set of moves – it’s the expression, the emotional range and the connection to your audience, the space, the moment! I'm certain this trip will see me return to my beautiful, green, Derbyshire home with a whole new dance, filled with that magical Roman spark. You never know – perhaps it will even include my famous ‘Tutu Twirl’, set in a grand old theatre under the stars – and that's exactly what's next on my agenda!

So, stay tuned, and do make sure to check out for next week's Pink Tutu Post – and to my little Pink Tutu Angels, have you got your tutu ready for Christmas? Because for me, the most magical thing is wearing my pink tutu and finding a new kind of joy every day – like getting everyone dancing, laughing and feeling good in a twirling pink tutu. What could be more beautiful? So until next Wednesday, don’t forget – to stay sparkly, stay elegant, and to spread that Pink Tutu Love everywhere you go. I love you all!

Ciao Bella!


Pink Tutu Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-12-22 exploring Rome Italy