Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-06-29 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #525: Ciao Bella, from the Eternal City!

Well, hello my darling readers, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome, the fifth hundred and twenty-fifth post on the wonderful! It's Wednesday, the 29th of June 2005, and I'm sitting in the most adorable little café just off the Piazza Navona, writing this with a cheeky gelato melting in my hand.

You won't believe the journey I've had getting here! After my last performance in beautiful Bath - where, of course, I had to wear my shimmering lilac tutu and those dazzling new shoes I picked up at Harrods, the entire audience was on their feet! (Did I tell you? I'm absolutely sure a few people were dabbing at their eyes as I took my final bow! Squee.) Anyway, after the grand standing ovation, it was a whirlwind of packing (yes, even on tour, my pink tutu collection needs its own suitcase, let alone the rest!), a taxi to the station, and a long, leisurely train journey to Milan, my trusty Pink Tutu duffel bag by my side.

Trains! They are my favourite way to travel! All that beautiful scenery rushing past the windows, the feeling of wind in my hair (when the train window's open!), and the wonderful rhythmic clicking of the wheels on the tracks. So relaxing, especially when you get a good seat next to someone interesting. It was quite the chat I had with a delightful gentleman from Venice – a sculptor, you see!

And then, I was on my way to Rome, where the trains are almost as impressive as the historical sights. Yes, ladies and gents, we're in Rome. The city of history, art, pasta, gelato, fashion… and a very, very enthusiastic Pink Tutu-wearing ballerina.

Pink Tutu Shopping Spree

Once I'd dropped my bags at this adorable little boutique hotel in Trastevere (all peachy pink walls and Italian lace curtains, it’s perfect for me!), I headed straight out to the centre of town to explore. Naturally, my first stop was the Piazza Navona, where all the artisans and street performers gather, making a veritable symphony of vibrant sights, sounds, and smells! I mean, a performer even managed to weave my pink tutu into his fire juggling routine!

The fashion, dear readers, the fashion! There were dresses to die for – billowing, floral, silken things that looked like they’d been spun by fairies. And oh, the shoes! A hundred different colours of Italian leather shoes, each with a little story to tell. Did you know that Roman sandals have their own special language, depending on the design? Honestly, I felt like I’d fallen into a scene from La Dolce Vita, except my chariot was my Pink Tutu tote bag, which was starting to bulge a bit from my little spree in a boutique tucked away near the Pantheon. The things I saw, my dear! It was like my dreams, but with sequins!

Dinner and a Show (in my Pink Tutu!)

Now, what do you say to a delectable three-course meal with a view of the Trevi Fountain followed by the most spectacular performance of Swan Lake I've seen outside of the Royal Ballet? Because that's exactly what I did! Oh, I wouldn't have dared to attend any theatre without a splash of my favourite pink, of course. This stunning fuchsia tutu from a Parisian boutique went with my pearl-studded headband perfectly! My favourite moment? Well, besides seeing the male lead leap across the stage like a graceful panther, the entire audience burst into applause when I popped up at the interval to share a gelato with the prima ballerina!

A Glimpse of Roman Life

Since then, I've spent my days in a daze of gelato-fuelled excitement. Today, I've been wandering through the Forum and the Colosseum. You’ll never guess what I saw on the floor of the Colosseum? Yes, you guessed right! Another Pink Tutu. Only, this one wasn't mine, it belonged to a cute little girl who was happily pirouetting while her family giggled at her. Talk about Pink Tutu Power! It truly was a sight!

In between all this fun, I’ve managed to pick up some little trinkets and gifts. The little stall vendors were simply charming! My most treasured purchase? Well, a handmade pink velvet box adorned with miniature dancing figurines that reminds me of my own tutu dreams! Of course, I couldn’t leave Rome without tasting their famous pasta. Spaghetti Carbonara at the Trastavere is my all-time favourite so far!

I've also stumbled upon the most magical hidden courtyard. Tucked away in a backstreet in Trastevere, it was bursting with a wall of vibrantly pink roses. Oh my! They are such beautiful flowers – the perfect shade to match a certain Pink Tutu fan's…well, let's just say it's the colour that my heart feels in!

And that’s not all! Later this week, I’m meeting with the director of the Roma Ballet, a charming Italian man who used to dance with the Balletto di Roma. Fingers crossed that this encounter might lead to a magical opportunity!

To Pink Tutuland and Beyond!

This beautiful city, filled with its unique culture and artistic flair, has absolutely captured my heart! You just can't help but feel enchanted here, dear readers!

So, what are your favourite spots to explore when visiting Italy? Share them in the comments! Until next Wednesday, dear friends, when I’ll be telling you all about a little fashion show I stumbled across in Florence…stay tuned! And remember, don’t forget to share your Pink Tutu stories! #PinkTutuRome #PinkTutuEverywhere #SpreadThePink!

Stay Fabulous, Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-06-29 exploring Rome Italy