Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-07-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #527 - Ciao Bella! From Derbyshire to the Eternal City!

Wednesday, 13th July 2005

My darlings! The train journey to Rome was absolutely magical. I could barely contain myself. My anticipation for this adventure was reaching peak levels! Imagine, my friends, me, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, whizzing across the continent, leaving the rolling green hills of Derbyshire for the ancient wonders of Italy! The thought was pure ecstasy. I don't think I slept a wink!

Every mile we clocked, every change in scenery, every whispered conversation with the kind gentleman in the seat beside me – it all felt like part of a fairy tale. Just imagine my glee when, at long last, we pulled into Roma Termini. The scent of the air was warm and heady with the promise of pasta, gelato, and countless adventures. And that’s exactly what I got.

Tutu Time! I knew exactly where I wanted to go first: The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma! I wanted to see where the real magic happens. I may be a ballerina at heart, but it’s never just about dancing. It’s about the entire world of the stage, the magic of performance, the grandeur of theatre, and the allure of costume and costume design. Oh, I just love the creative process!

I wasn't sure about the theatre etiquette in Rome, would they even accept a ballerina in a tutu? I quickly ascertained that no one could resist the charm of a ballerina in a pink tutu and a dazzling smile, so I wasn't at all shy in my fabulous get-up as I sashayed in. I mean, it's an opera house, a place of art and beauty, why not wear a fabulous tutu? And after all, this blog is called Pink Tutu Rome. The most welcoming staff in the world greeted me, smiling and inviting me in to learn more. The theatre was breathtaking, all grand chandeliers, opulent red velvet seating, and soaring ceilings that seem to reach to heaven.

There was a distinct air of excited anticipation about the place. You could feel it in the buzzing whispers, the shuffling of elegant shoes on the grand marble floors, the excited hum of conversation, and the soft rustling of silk scarves and delicate fabrics. They were showing 'Carmen' on this night and, let me tell you, it was just incredible! The sheer artistry and the raw emotion left me speechless. It's impossible to describe how it feels to lose yourself in the performance. Every sound, every move, every detail just washes over you. There are moments you just sit there and you breathe in every single one of them, savouring every single moment, just soaking it all up and allowing it all to wash over you. Oh, what an unforgettable experience it was.

Shopping for the perfect Souvenir

Now, I couldn't go to Italy without buying myself some souvenirs, Right? And it had to be the perfect combination of pink and fabulous, right? That's why, my friends, I found myself shopping in the most adorable little boutiques around Campo de’ Fiori. Oh, my sweet! It’s the perfect blend of quirky charm, trendy shops, and historical beauty – what more could you ask for? Every single nook and cranny had something to entice and mesmerize. You just can't help but wander and wonder at everything!

A delicate lace shawl in pink and silver, a set of pastel-coloured gemstone earrings, a fluffy pink and pearl hat... oh, my friends, it’s a complete dream! I bought it all. You can never have too much of something fabulous, and a tutu in Rome has to have something to go with it, surely?

Dinner Time: All those Pastas

Rome is a real haven for all those food lovers like me who absolutely adore a bit of culinary exploration! I can’t let the opportunity slip away without some proper Italian grub, right? My very first pasta dinner! A symphony of taste and flavours! I don’t know about you but I could get used to this very delicious, creamy, carb-y affair every night. It was served in a small but very pretty little restaurant nestled within the back alleys of the old town. It felt very old world, with a charming air and such a sweet lady who looked at my outfit and made me feel right at home. It felt just like stepping back in time – absolutely perfect! The restaurant even had live music in the evenings – you see why I’m obsessed!

A Little History for my Tutu

Rome is simply breathtaking. Ancient monuments stand tall and proud, their stones echoing with whispers of Emperors and gladiators. Imagine me, in my pink tutu, spinning before the Colosseum! What a picture! Oh, to dance beneath those ancient arches, imagine! My little pink tutu exploring these historic sites! Oh, I could never resist that! Every corner holds a tale, a secret, a legend, an incredible piece of art from centuries ago, the imposing Trevi Fountain - so elegant! And the magnificent Pantheon with its perfect dome! Rome’s grandeur is so very inspiring! I think my dancing feels completely revitalised by the energy I feel from the city's soul! It really brings a whole new meaning to dancing to a timeless tune.

The Fashion Scene:

I wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to explore the world of fashion that's pulsating in every shop window, on every corner in Rome. Every window display, a canvas of sparkling textures and daring silhouettes! Oh my! Just walking down Via Condotti was an intoxicating feast for the eyes! A perfect blend of the past and the present – a glorious combination!


Tonight's the night, my darlings, my chance to embrace the Italian nightlife and dance beneath the star-studded skies, all those pretty twirling sparkles and twinkling lights and...of course, all those beautiful pink dresses!

Until next week,

Your pink tutu-loving, adventure seeking Emma.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-07-13 exploring Rome Italy