Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-02-08 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #557)

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another exciting instalment of my Rome adventures. I’m sitting in my hotel room right now, surrounded by pink (naturally!) and overlooking the most glorious vista of the Colosseum.

It feels like a dream – to be in the heart of ancient Rome, sipping cappuccino and catching up on the blog, the sound of Vespas and laughter floating up from the bustling streets below.

This week has been absolutely magical. And let me tell you, darling, a tutu-wearing ballerina like me needs some magic, especially after last week's crazy whirlwind of auditions and performances back in Derbyshire.

But let's backtrack a bit. How did I even end up here in Rome, you ask? Well, let’s just say that the perfect combination of passion (for travel!), talent (my ballet performances!), and a whole lot of pink tutu power landed me a spot in a beautiful, very well-paying production back in Blighty. It’s given me the means to indulge my other great passion – exploring the world.

And where better to start than in the Eternal City? After all, this city breathes history, beauty, and fashion. You simply cannot talk about fashion, and particularly shoes, without mentioning the legendary shoe designers from Rome!

Now, for the juicy bits…

Wednesday, 8th February, 2006:

My diary reads:

“It's been a glorious day of exploring! We started with a visit to the Trevi Fountain – you just can’t come to Rome without throwing a coin over your shoulder. Of course, I’d made sure my coin had a touch of pink. Nothing less! I may have also accidentally tripped and splashed a little water over myself...but, you know, that’s just me, making an entrance!

We then wandered through the beautiful Piazza Navona, admiring the fountains and artists. The whole scene felt incredibly magical. We stopped for gelato, which was divine - I chose pistachio of course. (Pink, for a ballerina's taste buds!) And let's not forget about the Pantheon - one of the most breathtaking structures I’ve ever seen. It’s literally, a wonder of the world.

Later, we headed towards the Roman Forum – honestly, it’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! Imagine, being able to walk among ancient ruins, to trace the footsteps of emperors and gladiators. I took hundreds of photos – naturally. (More will be on the blog soon!) And of course, the highlight of our trip so far – The Colosseum!

Oh my, darling. Let’s just say my jaw dropped. I’m a bit of a drama queen, but this structure was seriously dramatic. My photogenic self had to be captured there. (Don’t worry, I’ll post the photos soon!)

We ended the evening with a delightful traditional Italian meal. And oh my goodness, the wine was superb! It's funny how your senses become heightened when you're travelling and taking it all in. And it feels extra special, when you're sharing it all with the one you love!

(Let’s not forget about my fab Italian man – Francesco. Yes, darling. We met on my travels! Whispers We are going to have a magical dinner at La Terrazza, where I’m going to look fabulous in a fabulous Valentino ensemble. Squeals Stay tuned…)

And of course, my day was complete with my little ballet workout! Finding the nearest ballet studio wasn't too difficult, thanks to good ol’ fashioned Google. It was wonderful to feel those muscles working after all that walking, and to get those limbs moving, which I absolutely love to do.

This evening, I’m planning a trip to Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, and I’m hoping to catch a ballet performance - or perhaps even see some street ballet, something exciting. After all, ballet is everywhere!

Stay tuned for more adventures and some very interesting, and rather beautiful stories, next week. And as always, keep dreaming big, my darlings!

And don’t forget, there’s a pink tutu in all of us.

Emma xoxo

(PS - For more pinktastic fashion updates, and for a sneak peek into all things Roman, do follow me on Instagram - it’s @PinkTutuTravels! )

PPS - Did I mention we had the best pasta carbonara EVER?

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-02-08 exploring Rome Italy