Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-02-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #559 Wednesday, 22nd February 2006

Ciao from Rome, darling! The eternal city, full of history, romance, and of course, stunning fashion.

This week I've swapped my trusty Derbyshire cobblestones for the cobbled streets of Rome, arriving by train, naturally. There's something truly magical about watching the landscape blur by from the carriage window. It feels so freeing!

As you know, Rome is on my must-see list for any aspiring ballerina, not just for the Colosseum, Pantheon and all the incredible museums and art, but also for its fabulous ballet scene.

Right, let's get down to business. I've just finished a morning of rehearsals at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Talk about a building steeped in history and glamour! I'm a little sore (all those grand jetés will get you!), but I can't wait to see how the full performance comes together tonight.

Today was all about fine tuning my "Giselle" act for this evening’s show. I absolutely love "Giselle." The story is so evocative - it tells the tale of a peasant girl who falls for a man she believes is a nobleman but is actually a prince who's been cursed. You can always tell a story just through the dance moves, no words needed. It’s beautiful and tragic at the same time.

But my Rome adventure didn't start at the theatre this week. It started with a beautiful journey. Train travel, especially across Europe, just lets you soak up everything that's going on around you. So, when my carriage pulled out of the station and we crossed the Channel Tunnel into France, the sheer excitement of being away, of being in Europe, was palpable. It felt magical, and that feeling carried on right through to Rome!

Speaking of magical… you guys HAVE to come see this city at night! Just yesterday evening I took a walk through the city, with my pink tutu billowing around me (of course!). There’s something about being here in the evening, seeing the Trevi Fountain lit up, or crossing the Ponte Sant'Angelo bathed in moonlight... it just sends shivers down my spine. And, trust me, I felt even more of that magic after visiting Le Colline, the perfect place to indulge in a glass of chilled prosecco and soak in the magnificent view of Rome.

Let me share a little secret... The Eternal City just has this captivating feel to it. You walk into every ancient monument, every art gallery and every shop with that sense of wonder, and for me, that sense of wonder is always accompanied by a pink tutu!

This is where I need to stop now because I'm getting excited, it’s 1pm and my beloved pasta pomodoro awaits. If there’s one thing you just HAVE to eat here, it's the pasta. The food, of course, has been a major highlight, but I have a confession... My passion for shopping in Rome just might have even surpassed my pasta love! The shops are so diverse; a world away from anything I can find at home. Think hand-stitched silk scarves with intricate beading and patterns… I can’t help but get swept away by the artistry. You could say it’s the fabric version of the dance I love!

Of course, what trip would be complete without exploring the heart of Roman fashion, and so far this has been one of the highlights. My afternoon trip to Via Condotti was heaven on earth for a tutu-loving girl like me. Rows upon rows of fabulous boutiques - just the most stylish clothes, bags, and shoes…and everything you see just makes you want to put on your most gorgeous pink tutu and sashay into the night! Speaking of shopping... have I told you about the beautiful boutique on the via Frattina where I found the most exquisite little pink silk bag? It's the perfect size for ballet shoes and an extra tutu (you never know!), and I plan to take it to every ballet performance I do. I have to keep up appearances, right?!

Later tonight, we'll enjoy an exciting performance at the theatre and of course, I'll be taking notes! Every performance gives me inspiration. You see, I really do want to encourage the entire world to wear a pink tutu. My mission is to bring more pink tutus to the world, one fabulous ballet performance, one stylish outfit at a time!

Let me know your thoughts about this incredible city and send me your questions about all the beautiful and historic sights.

And, remember - stay sparkly and dance to your own rhythm. Because you, my dear, are truly magnificent!

Until next week, stay happy, fabulous, and fabulous-ly pink!

See you next Wednesday on for a brand new Pink Tutu Rome blog, but until then…Ciao!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-02-22 exploring Rome Italy