Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-03-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #563 - Wednesday 22nd March 2006

Ciao bella! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, my darlings! Today's post is all about my latest adventures in the Eternal City – Rome! I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement about sharing this one with you – oh, Rome, you truly are a feast for the senses.

From the moment I arrived, my heart just about exploded with joy. This city has this magical, almost mythical, feel to it. Imagine crumbling ancient buildings that whisper of Emperors and gladiators, bustling, colourful streets that tell stories of artists and artisans, and cobbled lanes that beckon you to get lost in a world of captivating beauty. Yes, Rome truly has it all.

Now, you all know how much I adore travelling by train. The gentle rhythm of the tracks, the chance to watch the world whizz by, the feeling of adventure… it’s pure bliss. So, imagine my delight when I hopped onto a high-speed train in Paris, feeling like I was straight out of a romantic film. It was like a whirl of soft pink chiffon and fluffy clouds of delight as I glided through the countryside, a touch of Italy already dancing in the air.

I checked into a charming little hotel tucked away on a quiet, sun-drenched street in the Trastevere neighbourhood. I have to tell you, the whole vibe here is utterly enchanting – bohemian, vibrant, just slightly off the beaten path… It’s perfect. My hotel room was bursting with colour, filled with Italian antiques and the scent of jasmine wafting in through the window. I almost couldn't wait to shed my travelling outfit and slip into something more… well, shall we say… pink!

But, hold on… what’s that you say? How does she fund all of this, you ask? Well, my lovelies, my secret is a secret no more! I have this fabulous life because I dance! I use my love for ballet to support my travels and I'm eternally grateful for each and every opportunity to share my passion with the world. It’s a pretty sweet arrangement, wouldn’t you say? It allows me to perform on stages all over the world and then fill my days with exploring everything that excites my heart – from fabulous vintage shops, museums packed with stunning artistry, and oh-so-charming cafes where I can write my blog, sipping strong, frothy cappuccino!

Let's get down to business, shall we? Let’s chat about the things I love most in the world… and how, as you might imagine, Rome really does deliver!

*Shopping: * Rome is heaven on earth for a pink-tutu-loving girl! I have this habit of starting my day in little boutiques and designer stores – exploring the city in the early hours of the morning is such a treat. No one else is around to witness my enthusiastic glee as I find a perfect pink hat, a gorgeous beaded scarf or a vintage silk dress to go with my new Italian wardrobe. I could go on and on about the divine clothes, but I have to tell you, what’s a pink tutu without fabulous shoes? Well, let me tell you, Rome has enough shoe shops to make your heart beat faster than a 32-count allegro. I haven’t just walked past, oh no, I’ve sampled every heel I’ve seen, feeling the rhythm of Rome with every click on the cobblestone pavement. Shoe-obsessed? Guilty as charged

*Fashion: * Okay, so we have the shoe obsession covered… What about the rest of my wardrobe? Rome truly brings out my inner fashionista! I’ve never felt more inspired by colour, texture, and of course, everything pink, from candy-floss gelato stalls to sunset skies! It makes dressing up each day such an adventure. I feel like I’m creating a personal little performance every time I walk out the door – all flowing, shimmering skirts, colourful silks, statement earrings and a sprinkle of glitter, always topped with a touch of pink!

Performances: Rome is not just a city that exudes art and creativity, it breathes it! This weekend was pure magic. On Saturday night, I had the pleasure of seeing an unforgettable performance of Puccini’s "Tosca" at the Teatro dell'Opera. It was absolutely breathtaking. Then on Sunday, I ventured out to a beautiful little theatre in Trastevere where a local group performed traditional Roman dances – a real treat, it truly felt like the whole town had come alive to celebrate their cultural heritage! I have a little confession – when they played a ballad that reminded me of the graceful steps from a ballet I used to perform in Derbyshire, I couldn’t resist. It felt right, in that moment, in that little theatre, I had to tango. You’ll have to watch this space for a video!

*Food: * The aroma of fresh, vibrant, fragrant, delicious food just about knocked me out on the first day! Of course, you can’t come to Rome and not indulge in all of the delights the city has to offer. I am hooked on the best pasta and gelato in the world – honestly, the Italian chefs make magic!

So my darlings, as I sit here on my balcony, sipping a glass of chilled Prosecco with the scent of orange blossoms floating around me, and watching the world go by on a gorgeous Roman evening, I’m utterly smitten with the place.

Until next time,

Your Pink Tutu girl, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-03-22 exploring Rome Italy