
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-05-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 570 - Buongiorno Roma!

Ciao, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Rome! I'm writing this post from a little cafe in Rome, sipping a delicious cappuccino, feeling absolutely fabulous, and wearing, of course, my trusty pink tutu! I just had to wear it for my Roman adventures!

This week, my suitcase is packed with sunshine, dreams of ancient history, and, of course, my ballet shoes (because a girl's gotta practice, even in the Eternal City!) I arrived in Rome yesterday afternoon after a delightful train journey from Florence (more on that later!) It's a wonderful feeling, the excitement of a new city, the smells of the street, the friendly faces... all topped off with a steaming hot coffee. It truly is bellissimo!

Pink Tutu and the Colosseum

Today, my pink tutu took me to the Colosseum, one of the most iconic monuments in the world. Can you believe I'm standing on the very same ground where gladiators once fought? I had to twirl, darlings! Just a tiny, little twirl, but it felt like I was performing right there in the centre of ancient history! And honestly, the pink tutu really did blend in beautifully against the ancient stone, just a touch of whimsical colour in this very serious setting. I had the best photo op! (You can catch it on Instagram later.)

I learned that the Colosseum could hold up to 50,000 people! That's more than the entire population of my little hometown in Derbyshire, England! I imagined a grand performance right there on the sands, all the gladiators with their flowing tunics and helmets... and of course, I'd be the leading ballerina, in my magnificent pink tutu, twirling amongst them. I almost felt the ancient crowds cheering! It was incredible!

A Chic Shopping Trip

Of course, after a day of soaking up Roman history, a girl's gotta shop! Now, Rome has the best fashion, darling, I simply had to go hunting for some treasures. There's something about this city that just begs to be accessorised with a dazzling pink tutu!

I popped into a few cute boutiques, finding some amazing silk scarves (pink, of course!) that will add a touch of romance to my outfits. And how about those gladiator sandals? Honestly, I had to try on every single pair! I found a stunning pair with beautiful silver details, the perfect addition to my summer wardrobe.

And can you believe it? I actually found a brand new, vibrant pink tutu at a local vintage store! It's just slightly more elaborate than my trusty classic pink one, with some lovely sequined detail. I'm thinking of wearing it to see a ballet performance this weekend - what a fantastic outfit!

Aperitivo and Romance

After my shopping expedition, I enjoyed a relaxing aperitivo at a cute cafe near the Pantheon. Rome has the most beautiful piazzas, all bathed in warm golden sunlight. Sipping prosecco and nibbling on tasty bruschetta, watching the world go by, this is what I live for, you know? I couldn't help but feel a little bit in love with Rome. This city is simply captivating.

I imagined myself twirling around the piazza, everyone enchanted by my graceful movements and beautiful tutu. Oh, darling, the romance! It just adds to the charm of this already beautiful place.

More Adventures Tomorrow!

Tomorrow I have so much planned, exploring the Roman Forum, perhaps taking a little side trip to the Borghese Gallery for some gorgeous art, and of course, enjoying some delicious gelato. But I have to run now - there's a gelato stall just down the street, calling my name!

Iโ€™ll tell you all about my adventures tomorrow. Be sure to check back for next Wednesday's post, and of course, feel free to share your own pink tutu adventures! You can catch my Rome shenanigans on my Instagram, @PinkTutuTravel.

Until next Wednesday, darlings, stay pink and fabulous!




#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-05-10 exploring Rome Italy