Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-01-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #604 - Ciao Bella, Rome!

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, back from my exciting Italian adventure. Rome has been calling my name for years, and finally, thanks to the magic of dancing (and a few cheeky side hustles), I've made it! The train journey was dreamy, of course, with me tucked into my usual comfy corner seat, book in hand and my favourite pink tutu peeking out from my bag. Honestly, you'd be surprised how well a pink tutu travels! I think it's the sheer confidence it brings, but anyway, Rome is calling and I'm answering!

First off, let me just tell you, Rome is beyond beautiful! The cobblestone streets, the towering architecture, the fragrant cafes with their cute little tables tucked into shadowy corners, the sun, oh, the sun! And then, the FOOD! So delicious. I'm talking proper pasta that makes you sigh, crusty bread you could eat by the loaf, freshly squeezed juices, and gelato! It’s like an ice-cream dream, except it's a gelato dream, and gelato is practically its own food group, right?

Pink Power in Rome!

It's been such a delight wearing my pink tutu around the city, a real statement amidst all the historic charm. You'd be surprised at how many friendly faces I've met! I swear, wearing a pink tutu opens hearts, makes people smile, and breaks down any barriers. Everyone is just so lovely and friendly!

Today, I felt inspired by the art around me, so I picked out my "Belle Epoque" pink tutu, you know the one, with the fluffy layers and beautiful lace accents. It looked absolutely divine against the backdrop of Roman ruins and cobbled squares! It's almost as though my tutu brought the history to life, all of these magnificent buildings are swirling in shades of pink! (well, that’s just my creative side!).

Cultural Feast!

We saw the Colosseum yesterday! The architecture is unbelievable, it took my breath away. It felt like I was stepping back in time. We then visited the Pantheon - can you believe it's over 2,000 years old? The design, the engineering! My jaw dropped! We later wandered the city, stopping at every street vendor that served freshly squeezed orange juice, which was just the most refreshing and delightful. Rome is just filled with so many gorgeous places to discover, it's an amazing city.

And what a city to wear a pink tutu! Rome just embraces colour and life, just like I try to do!

Ballet Inspiration

Oh, how could I forget to mention the opera house? You guys will not believe this! My tour guide mentioned a ballet happening this weekend at the Teatro dell’Opera. My heart leaped for joy. I can’t wait for the graceful performances, and to see if I can pick up any ballet-inspired fashion tips. My plan is to wear a pink tutu that complements my favourite silk skirt for a super elegant night at the opera! Maybe a black velvet choker to match the seating?!

Shopping Spree and Pink Fashion!

Tonight I treated myself to a pair of shoes. They are absolutely heavenly, with a dainty bow and a pastel pink finish, perfect for my evening adventures! Of course, I’ve been on a serious fashion hunt here in Rome, a perfect excuse to indulge in my passion for pink and everything beautiful. There’s so much unique Italian style, especially the intricate detail on their fabrics, perfect inspiration for new tutu designs! I might just have to make a custom one out of silk. Speaking of custom tutus, I've got this grand idea... But more on that later.

I'll share more stories of pink and ballet and Rome and Italy later in the week, as this is only the beginning of my Roman adventure! And you can bet your sweet bottom dollar there will be pictures!

Spread the Pink!

You can catch all my updates over at, so join the Pink Tutu Revolution and make the world a pinker, prettier place! Until next Wednesday, you lovely bunch. Keep dancing!

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to visit the Roman Forum! And don’t be afraid to indulge in a giant bowl of pasta. Your tastebuds will thank you!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-01-03 exploring Rome Italy