Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-11-09 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #857: Ciao Bella, Italy!

Buongiorno, my darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu adventure! This week, I’m waltzing into the heart of Italy, oh, Rome, you're simply bellissimo! And I’m telling you, I feel like I’ve stepped into one of my favourite ballet dreams, a mix of vibrant history, delicious aromas, and enchanting cobblestone streets – all swirled into a delectable gelato flavour of romance!

Now, this week has been extra special, not just because I’m exploring this breathtaking city, but because my darling Rome trip has been financed entirely by my ballet! A little bit of “en pointe” and a lot of passion for dance led to my being booked for a glamorous, sold-out performance at the National Ballet Theatre in my lovely hometown of Derby. Now, a quick train ride and a splash of pink tulle, and I’m living the “la dolce vita”!

Of course, my journey here started in the most whimsical way possible – by train! Oh, the thrill of gazing out of the window, the countryside blurring into a watercolour canvas as we rolled through the vineyards and mountains, each stop whispering secrets of bygone times.

I do love a train journey, and my darling pink tulle outfit certainly made a statement. You know, that colour is my constant companion, like a reassuring whisper of joy wherever I go. The passengers just beamed, and a few little girls giggled, even attempting to twirl along, so I taught them a little twirl sequence! Now, isn’t that what ballet is all about – sharing the magic?

Upon arriving in Rome, I was greeted with a symphony of honking car horns, whizzing scooters, and, best of all, the enticing smell of freshly baked pizza wafting from every corner! This was the Rome of my dreams – a delightful chaotic symphony for the senses.

My hotel is quite a picture, a small, intimate place, nestled in a side street near the Pantheon. You could say I’m pretty thrilled with the room! It's like something out of a vintage movie: crisp white linens, floral wallpaper, a grand, mirrored dressing table, and even a little balcony overlooking a flower-laden courtyard. I can’t wait to try out all the outfits I brought – I've been planning for this Roman escapade for weeks!

The first thing I had to do was explore, so, naturally, my ballet flats – of course, a vibrant shade of pink, naturally! – carried me through cobbled lanes, past ancient ruins and grand monuments, the Colosseum just peeking at me from behind an ivy-covered wall, a silent testament to a vibrant history. It’s so inspiring – like stepping back in time! And as I walk, I feel a part of something so much larger than myself – a connection to artists and dreamers who lived and danced here before me!

Rome, in its own unique way, feels like one giant stage – the sunlit squares a perfect backdrop for graceful strolling, the churches full of breathtaking frescos, the piazzas echoing with stories whispered from fountain statues, the restaurants bursting with laughter, delicious aromas and warm hospitality. The city pulsates with life and whispers secrets – it's simply divine.

And for this fashion-loving soul, what is there to see? Well, a trip to Rome would be nothing without exploring the fantastic fashion scene. Today was a delightful tour through some of Rome’s oldest fashion houses, exploring designs dating back centuries. Each era held such captivating stories about creativity and style. And guess what – they even had a beautiful pink silk dress with delicate embellishments! Imagine that – I am in heaven!

Of course, I couldn’t leave without trying out a pair of these stylish Italian-made shoes! Now, my ballerina toes are adorned in vibrant scarlet shoes with elegant black details, the perfect accompaniment for a romantic evening promenade in the centre of Rome.

Now, talking about evenings, the night was simply magnificent – a beautiful sunset casting a warm glow over the Trevi fountain. The magic of the city came alive – and the sound of my shoes on the cobbled streets echoing against the historical architecture – was just perfection.

Dinner at the restaurant recommended by a lovely local woman was unforgettable. The air was alive with music, laughter, and the sizzle of delicious pizzas coming out of the wood-fired ovens. I savoured every bite – and as a little souvenir of the evening, I collected a set of colourful coasters shaped like famous Italian sights, perfect to remind me of this enchanting city.

Before heading to my hotel for the night, I visited one of the beautiful Roman churches – a kaleidoscope of beautiful murals, the glow of candlelight creating a captivating scene. It was the perfect ending to the day – quiet, spiritual, and so very Roman.

Now, before I bid you farewell – just imagine: I saw the most stunning show today! Not at a theatre, no, my darling, but in the streets. Street theatre is definitely gaining traction here in Rome. I found myself entranced by a group of street performers who brought to life a tale of dancing, colour, and, of course, tutus. And, of course, the entire show was painted in hues of pink, purple and violet.

Their outfits – the dancers all donned their own interpretations of tutus and danced so beautifully, their movements like brushstrokes on the ancient canvas of Rome. There was magic in the air, and in that moment, the line between reality and ballet was blurred.

So, this little adventure has begun with so much magic! Rome, my lovely, I already love you.

Now, off to sleep, to dream of ballet under the Tuscan moon and wake up to a day of exploring the heart of this beautiful city, just me, my ballet shoes, and my lovely pink tutu.

Stay tuned for more from Pink Tutu Rome! See you next week, my darlings!

xx Emma

P.S. Don't forget to visit! And remember, every day is a chance to embrace your inner ballerina, and who knows – maybe, just maybe, a little pink tutu might just bring you that extra spark of joy you’ve been seeking.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-11-09 exploring Rome Italy