
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-12-21 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella, From the Eternal City! (Post #863)

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma here, reporting live from the magical city of Rome. Can you believe itā€™s Wednesday already? It feels like I just arrived yesterday, but honestly, every moment in this ancient city feels like a lifetime. And in a good way, of course! This is my first visit to Rome and let me tell you, it's everything I dreamt of and more. I'm in a perpetual state of wonder, feeling like Iā€™ve stepped into one of my favourite films ā€“ like ā€œRoman Holidayā€ but with a healthy dose of ā€œLa Dolce Vita.ā€

For those of you who are new here, I'm Emma, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina blogger. My motto is simple: "Embrace the pink, wear the tutu, live your best life!ā€ (And trust me, when I'm in Rome, I'm certainly living it up!)

My Week in Rome (So Far!)

Since arriving last Sunday, it's been a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and smells. I feel like Iā€™ve absorbed the beauty and energy of this city through every pore. From the grandeur of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum to the breathtaking artwork of the Vatican, every corner I turn seems to unveil another treasure. I even found this adorable little boutique just off the Piazza Navona, which Iā€™ve decided will become my go-to for souvenir shopping. The woman who runs it, Maria, is just delightful. She speaks very little English, and I struggle a bit with Italian, but we somehow managed a very fun, and most definitely, fabulous conversation. She has this incredibly quirky selection of Roman themed ballet slippers that I just had to snag. They'll be making a stylish appearance on my blog next week, I promise!

A Train-Loving Ballerina

You may be wondering how I even got here, all the way from Derbyshire. Well, I simply boarded the train! Itā€™s such a wonderfully magical way to travel. I love the quiet clickety-clack as it rumbles along the tracks, giving me the perfect time to reflect, observe, and dream. On my way here I had the most delightful experience. Sitting across from me was a kind elderly lady with bright blue eyes. When she saw my pink tutu bag, she just grinned at me and said in beautiful, broken English, "Beautiful tutu! You look like a ballerina. My granddaughter dances, too!" I couldn't help but share some stories about my ballet journey with her. We bonded over our shared love for dance and it reminded me once again, of the special connection people can feel through dance. And in a way, thatā€™s the heart of my blog. Iā€™m all about sharing joy and reminding everyone that even when life throws its toughest moves at us, we can rise to the challenge with a graceful pirouette.

Romeā€™s Ballerina Dream:

Speaking of ballet, Iā€™m on a mission, darling! A real ballerina on a mission! This week has been all about getting a glimpse of Romeā€™s stunning ballet scene. Last night I had the absolute pleasure of seeing a performance of Swan Lake at the Teatro dellā€™Opera di Roma. The venue itself is magnificent - a true masterpiece of architecture. The choreography was spectacular, the dancers truly mesmerising. And the whole performance felt so raw, so full of emotion.

And guess what? I'm taking a ballet class tomorrow! Yes, I'm getting right into the thick of things by joining the locals at a dance studio. I can't wait to experience their dance style, the way they move, the passion they exude - I just know itā€™s going to be an incredible experience. Of course, I'll be reporting back to you next week, all about it, along with all the fab fashion I'll be trying to get my hands on!

Pink Tutu Travel Tips

I wouldn't be the Pink Tutu blogger without offering you a few tips from my Rome adventures!

  1. Donā€™t skip the gelatos! Yes, the tourist traps might have amazing gelatos, but I can honestly say, some of the best I've ever tasted have been at local gelaterias tucked away down small alleyways. Do yourself a favour, ask the locals for a recommendation. They will be happy to share the secrets of their favourite gelatos!

  2. Embracing the street life! Rome is buzzing, darlings! You can't possibly see everything, but I've learned that some of the most authentic experiences happen right outside the main attractions. Take a wander, talk to people, try the food, explore the local markets. Youā€™ll have the best time simply absorbing the energy and beauty of this incredible city.

  3. Be Bold! This one applies to fashion, too! Go ahead and rock a bold outfit. This city screams for colours and style! Even in a crowd of Roman elegance, I promise your pink tutu will get you all the smiles and compliments you deserve.

On the 21st of December...

Oh, the magical atmosphere in Rome at this time of year! There's a special, cosy feeling in the air, as everyone starts getting ready for Christmas. Even the hustle and bustle seems less intense. All the churches and shops have this enchanting festive feel. Even the street performers have a certain holiday cheer. It makes you want to twirl in the piazza! (Speaking of, I did actually see a few folks attempting a ballet move in front of the Trevi Fountain, it's very contagious here!)

Today was about immersing myself in the charm and Christmas markets that Rome has to offer. I picked up some adorable ornaments for my tree, and bought the most beautiful, delicate handcrafted leather handbag in a vibrant shade of pink! (And of course, I made sure it had a ballet shoe charm, wouldnā€™t have it any other way!) You can check it out on my Instagram soon, darling! Itā€™s seriously going to be a statement piece!

Looking ahead!

Next week is going to be all about a special ballet experience in Florence! That's right, darlings! Florence here I come! I can already imagine the gorgeous fashion and the even more breathtaking architecture. I have a feeling my pink tutu might even become a bit more dramatic here. But more on that next week, as we journey to the heart of Tuscany!

A Final Note:

Rome, thank you for giving me the most incredible experience! I already feel this city in my heart and I canā€™t wait to return.

Until next week, darlings, donā€™t forget to stay fabulous, and spread your wings like a true ballerina. And remember, we all can, and should wear pink tutus! Ciao bella, from Rome!

Yours always in pink,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-12-21 exploring Rome Italy