Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-06-26 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Adventures in the Eternal City (Post #942)

Ciao Bella!

It’s Wednesday again, which means it’s time for another #PinkTutuRome post from your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger. I’m currently in the dazzling city of Rome, the Eternal City! And oh my goodness, you guys won’t believe the adventures I’ve had this week!

Travel by Train, a Tutu’s Delight

After a wonderful train journey across Europe, I finally arrived in Rome! Let me tell you, travelling by train is the absolute best! It allows me to gaze out the window at all the amazing scenery and plan out my outfit for the next day, plus the carriage usually has amazing vintage style furniture - perfect for twirling and a sneaky pic for the ‘gram. There is no need for a bulky suitcase either, I’ve packed my trusty pink travel backpack with all my essential dance wear and sparkly pink accessories!

Rome's Theatrical Charm

So far, this city has blown me away with its charm and theatrical feel. It's as if it’s a giant stage set – from the historical Colosseum to the whimsical Pantheon and the magnificent Vatican City! I imagine ancient Roman emperors in their togas twirling around these incredible buildings, even imagining a beautiful ballerina twirling in the center of the Colosseum, oh wouldn’t that be a sight! And who knows, maybe the ancient Romans had their own form of ballet!

A Ballerina’s Dream

Of course, my first priority when I arrive in any new city is to find a dance studio! Thankfully, Rome is a ballerina's paradise! There’s even a ballet school near the Trevi fountain – just a stone's throw away from my charming hotel with a gorgeous rooftop terrace. Imagine practicing fouetté turns while enjoying stunning city views, and having an aperol spritz by the pool to celebrate! That's living the good life, darlings!

Fashion in the Eternal City

The other thing I've noticed is that Rome's a stylish city, everyone knows their way around a fab outfit and it makes me feel like a queen! The clothes are gorgeous – from sleek Italian tailoring to trendy vintage finds. Yesterday I treated myself to a stunning pair of rose-gold gladiator sandals that have sparkles that would even make the Colosseum blush. I matched them with a vintage rose-coloured silk dress I snagged from a quirky little shop hidden in the cobblestone streets – so Parisian, don’t you think? I’m going to look amazing as I head out this evening to see the ballet at the Teatro dell’Opera. It’s Giselle, one of my absolute favorites!

A Pink Tutu Moment at the Trevi Fountain

Speaking of dazzling, Rome has been all about magical moments! One of my favorites happened this afternoon as I was exploring the charming Piazza Navona, taking pictures of the beautiful fountains and feeling inspired by all the buskers and artists. It got me thinking, how fantastic it would be to twirl under the fountain’s cascades with the pinkest tutu in Rome!

Later that afternoon, I decided to head to the famous Trevi fountain. The light was so pretty in the afternoon sun, illuminating the beautiful sculptures with a soft glow! As I stood mesmerized by the scene, I couldn’t resist – I just had to spin and give the tiniest of little twirls.

Of course, I captured it all for my Instagram (don’t forget to follow me @PinkTutuEmma!). I could see the other tourists grinning and enjoying the impromptu mini performance. And yes, I made sure to toss a coin into the fountain too, just in case! They say if you toss a coin with your right hand over your left shoulder, you’ll come back to Rome. And who wouldn't want to come back to this amazing place?! Maybe I’ll even leave another pink tutu by the fountain for a lucky passerby.

Finding Food, Italian Style

The food here has been sensational, from fresh, juicy fruit by the stalls in the campo to decadent pizzas and pastas in cozy cafes! I’m a huge fan of gelato - it's like a symphony for my taste buds! The colours and textures just beg for a spoonful (or five)! And yes, I'm taking lots of Instagrammable pictures of my desserts, you wouldn’t expect anything less.

My Favourite Spots in Rome

After a busy week, it's time to catch up with all of you wonderful Pink Tutu fans and share my favourite places in Rome. Of course, every spot has its charm and unique feel, but if I had to pick, my favorites are:

  • The Piazza Navona: The vibe here is so lively with street artists and entertainers performing – it really makes the history of this spot feel vibrant and exciting! I spent hours simply watching the world go by and soaking up the atmosphere.
  • The Trevi Fountain: The iconic setting where dreams come true, the Trevi fountain makes me feel like I’m living in a fairytale. Just picture me dancing and twirling amongst all the Roman history with my tutu shimmering under the cascading water – so beautiful!
  • The Pantheon: This building is like a dream come true! Imagine this architectural wonder, its incredible history, and imagine it bathed in beautiful lighting during a graceful performance - how could you resist getting a twirl in?

A Pink Tutu Wish For All of You!

Of course, I always find myself longing for everyone to enjoy the magical feeling that a pink tutu gives! Just imagine if everyone wore pink tutus – what a happy and colorful world we would live in. Maybe the world could use a little more tutu-licious fun and a whole lot more sparkle. What do you think, darling? Would you be willing to don a pink tutu with me and make the world a better place?

Rome has been amazing! I’ll keep you updated on more exciting #PinkTutuRome adventures and post about it right here next Wednesday on the website. Don’t forget to leave me a comment or tag me on social media to show me what your favorite places to wear your tutu are.

Until then, twirl on and remember, a pink tutu can make everything a little bit brighter.

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-06-26 exploring Rome Italy