
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-03-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #1344)

Wednesday, 10th March 2021

Ciao bellas! Emma here, back from the Eternal City ā€“ Rome! I've got a feeling this is going to be one of my favourite travel blogs yet! Oh, it's so good to be back with you lovely lot. I had such an incredible week exploring the sights and sounds of Rome, soaking up the history and the sunshine (which we sorely needed back in ol' Blighty!)

It feels so lovely to be back in a vibrant city after the slightly subdued lockdown vibes that had been hanging around Derbyshire.

Travel By Train!

This time I opted for the train journey - yes, the glamourous train travel I so enjoy! Honestly, it just takes the stress out of travelling. My dear Papa always used to say, "Travel is better with a good book and a glass of wine" (He also likes to add the little bit about a ā€œcharming companionā€, but you'll get him on a different blog post.) I absolutely agree - nothing beats that comfy, window-seat view gliding through the Italian countryside. Plus, I had time to indulge in some delightful shopping in Milan! You've got to go shopping in Milan when you're nearby, haven't you? It just has to be done! Oh my gosh, those exquisite shoe shops! It's so refreshing to feel the sunshine and enjoy some Italian-made gelato with a view.

Tutus in Rome? You Betcha!

The minute I stepped off the train in Rome I could feel the energy of the place buzzing around me! The train station was abuzz with chattering people. Even the air was alive! Itā€™s all go, go, go here.

As soon as I got my bags sorted out in my hotel, I put on my favourite tutu for exploring - a gorgeous baby-pink number with shimmering sequins that really made the whole "tutu in the streets of Rome" vibe feel right! After all, where better to rock your tulle than in a city known for fashion? Trust me, Iā€™m not afraid to break boundaries! My rule: life's too short to dress only for comfort!

Iā€™ll be honest, when I told a couple of the locals at the hotel bar about my blog, they gave me the "look". Not exactly the ā€œitā€™s so cool, so creative, let's go get gelato" look - but Iā€™ve grown to accept that, you know. And as youā€™re probably aware, I never let those "looks" bring me down! My lovely dad says it best when he calls them ā€œlookers and doersā€. So, we all have our ā€œlookersā€ at some point - I tend to be surrounded by them on my travels, and hey, thatā€™s fine. In my eyes, these ā€œlookersā€ need to see what they are missing, don't you think? Letā€™s spread the tutu joy! My motto: pink is power, tutĆŗs are triumph, and all should be in pink. And yes, they will probably lookā€¦

But hereā€™s the thing, my lovelies: you just gotta OWN IT. It's about how you wear it, with that fabulous, can-do confidence. And you know me, I can do confident. (Especially in pink!)

Dancing through Roman History

First up on my sightseeing agenda - a tour of the Colosseum. A beautiful, yet haunting piece of Roman history. And let's just say, it didn't disappoint. Seeing this giant monument in person took my breath away! I just had to pose in front of it with my favourite tutu, obviously! You know, a few ā€œtutu in front of an ancient wonderā€ style shots for the ā€˜Gram. #PinkTutuRome

Onwards to the Trevi Fountain. That feeling when you toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain with a wish, hoping you will see Rome again ā€“ magic. This time it was a very "let's dance in a gorgeous placeā€ wish! Maybe not a very specific oneā€¦ but I believe in wishes. Especially when they are pink-hued and involve twirling!

A quick dip into the Piazza Navona - a lovely little square bustling with life. Street performers - oh my, this place really is a melting pot! So many talented people! I must have stood there watching them for an hour, so much energy. One young guy was playing a violin beautifully, with the perfect blend of passionate classical and contemporary energy. You couldn't help but be mesmerised. If he can perform like that under the scorching Italian sun in the middle of Piazza Navona, well then I've got to up my tutu game! I couldn't leave without getting some photos of my favourite pink tutu with these talented musicians!

After all this culture, my stomach was seriously rumbling! Rome is known for its delicious cuisine. It was time for pasta and lots of it! Now you all know Iā€™m a vegetarian and Iā€™m getting good at finding all the tastiest vegan pasta dishes! My tummy was very happy indeed!

Showtime in the City

Next day, I hit up the Teatro dellā€™Opera di Roma. You could practically hear the excitement bouncing off the walls before the curtain even went up. They were performing ā€œSwan Lakeā€, oh darling, if only you could have been there, you just know it was perfection! From the intricate ballet to the stunning costumes (those fluffy white tutu skirts! drool - oh, my dear readers, I would LOVE to find one like that) I couldnā€™t get enough! The dancing was absolutely exquisite - the kind of dancing that really lets the artistry speak to your soul! I came out of the theatre with my head swirling with all the beautiful choreography and elegance. And then it hit me - I NEEDED a tutu with swan feather details. You betcha, it's already on the ā€œto buyā€ list for my next ballet trip!

Shopping Adventures!

Now, you all know that shopping is as important as the shows, and no trip is complete without hitting those incredible Roman designer shops. So naturally, the afternoon was spent shopping. Yes, shopping. Of course. This city was calling for a fab new "walking tutu" - an everyday-wear tutu. Think stylish pink tutĆŗs for shopping in style. Because, after all, every girl needs a stylish everyday tutu - itā€™s my life mantra. (Okay, maybe my only mantra, but a strong one.)

So naturally, I needed a new one, didnā€™t I? A more sophisticated, ā€œdaytime ballerinaā€ one for exploring! There's an amazing shop tucked away near the Pantheon called "Le Ballerine" (How much more ballerina could you get?). And what's a pink-loving, tutu-loving girl to do but go inside, right? Just inside the doorway was the most magnificent creation, an apricot-pink number with a blush of pink at the bottom that reminded me of my first dance class in the local Derbyshire village hall! So romantic - and so Roman! I even convinced the lovely Italian assistant, Francesca, to pose for a photo with me wearing the tutu. She actually looked so fab in it! Perhaps Iā€™m convincing my followersā€¦ perhapsā€¦ maybeā€¦ just maybeā€¦. I am bringing the world of pink tutus to everyone, bit by bit! Francesca is a tutu convert and I just love it.

And my evening finished off in the Piazza di Spagna - the epitome of stylish Rome. Another fabulous opportunity for some Instagram shots in a new pink tulle masterpiece - a classic black tutu, but just a hint of pink - yes, thereā€™s always a hint of pink in my outfit, donā€™t you think? It just wouldn't be a pink tutu blog post without at least one! I may even be inspired to go full ā€œblack swanā€ for a new post! Hmmm, the ideaā€™s definitely growing on meā€¦.

So, there you have it, my little dears. Another week, another wonderful adventure! Next stop: Tuscany, and more importantlyā€¦ another pink tutu! I wonder what will tempt me? A straw sun hat, with a touch of pink of course. Hmmā€¦. maybe some little ballerina pumps. And maybe just one small, pink flamingo handbagā€¦ because why not, darling? You have to have some fun! And who knows what other little Italian treasures Iā€™ll find next! Until then, keep shining! Ciao bellas!

Ciao, from your pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed Emma!

Follow my journey:


This week's pink inspiration:

  • Let your true colours shine: Never be afraid to embrace the things that bring you joy! If tutus are your passion, rock those tutus! (Pink tutus, of course! ;))
    • Travel in style: Trains can be SO much fun! And who doesn't love a bit of glam on their travels?
  • Keep your eyes open: Even in the most vibrant of cities, you can find pockets of tranquility.
    • Look up: The skies are always beautiful and always there for you. Especially after a really yummy meal! (But, I mean, I'm a big fan of looking up at ballets, too!).

Remember my darlings: Be you, be pink, be fabulous! #pinktutulife

#PinkTutuRome #pinktututuscany #ballet #pink #pinklover #travelblogger #lovetotravel #balletlover #ballerina #shopping #balletlife #italy #rome #italianstyle #colosseum #trevifountain #dancing #travelbytrain

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-03-10 exploring Rome Italy