
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-07-08 in Nottingham with a random tutu.

Nottingham Nights: Tutu Travels - Post 5 🩰

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, travel enthusiast, and it's a real joy to be back with another blog post for you! Today I'm whisking you all away to the vibrant city of Nottingham, a place that holds a special place in my heart (second only to my Derbyshire homeland, of course!).

Now, I must tell you, this trip was all about a little serendipity – a spontaneous dash of magic that swept me away in a whirlwind of tulle and travel. It began, as many great adventures do, with a chance encounter at the Nottingham station.

Imagine this, my darlings: I'm on my way to Nottingham from my home in Derbyshire, window seat of course, humming along to my favourite "Swan Lake" soundtrack, feeling utterly chic in my coral pink dress and matching vintage ballet shoes. The train lurches to a stop, and just as I'm about to disembark, I spot him. A dashing young gentleman in a vintage tweed suit, a real "English gentleman" with twinkling eyes and a debonair charm, holding a single pink rose. You could say it was love at first sight. Well, perhaps a little premature to say "love", but definitely a spark!

He strikes up a conversation (after all, who wouldn't talk to a girl in a ballet-themed outfit?), and as luck would have it, he’s a fellow ballet enthusiast. He invites me to join him at the Nottingham Theatre Royal for a ballet performance, and wouldn't you know it? They're showing my all-time favourite, "Giselle"! How could I resist?

We waltz (quite literally!) through the historic city, passing beautiful Tudor architecture, cobbled streets and hidden alleys. It feels like a scene straight out of a Jane Austen novel! We pop into a lovely little cafe for some warm scones and cream (a necessity in England!), before heading to the theatre. The grandeur of the Theatre Royal just blows me away – the ornate facade, the velvet seating, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement – oh, I just adore the anticipation of a ballet performance!

The ballet itself is absolutely magical, just breathtaking. I swear, "Giselle" moves me to tears every time. There’s such incredible storytelling in the way the dancers move, it's absolutely mesmerizing! My dashing new friend whispers his own appreciation, and we both giggle over the intricacies of the choreography.

Of course, a ballet-filled evening can't go by without a little tutu indulgence. You see, a delightful little boutique tucked away on a side street caught my eye - it had the most adorable array of tulle and silk and sequins! They even had a stunning pink tutu, complete with little butterfly embellishments. I couldn't resist – I practically did a pirouette to try it on. It was love at first twirl! (Who says a little bit of pink can't be practical?) And because this was an absolute β€œPink Tutu Moment", I bought it. My lovely companion said it suited me – who am I to argue with such charm?!

After my spontaneous shopping spree, I felt my ballet-inspired soul humming with contentment. We capped off the evening with a delightful walk by the Trent river. It was an utterly idyllic evening – just us, the gentle breeze, and the beautiful reflection of the city lights in the river. The water is so serene; I wish you could experience the feeling. It felt like everything was in perfect harmony. I just adored that night.

The next day, Nottingham revealed another side to its personality - it's full of lively markets brimming with local produce and handmade crafts. The aromas of freshly baked bread and cheeses filled the air – a total sensory overload in the best way possible! We picked up some delicious local honey, some hand-painted teacups, and, of course, I found the perfect pink teapot. We couldn't leave Nottingham without a souvenir!

Of course, no trip to Nottingham is complete without exploring the city's history – from the magnificent Nottingham Castle to the historical pubs tucked away in hidden alleyways. We also braved the legend of Robin Hood's secret tunnels - what a thrill! We even made our own bow and arrow with the help of some friendly locals. Who needs a horse when you've got an adventurous heart?!

One highlight was discovering the Wollaton Hall, a beautiful Tudor mansion in the heart of Nottingham. We were blown away by the stunning grounds, perfect for picnics and daydreaming. My new friend told me he thought it would make a beautiful setting for a dance performance, I absolutely agreed. The perfect place for a graceful ballerina twirling amongst nature, I thought!

In Nottingham, I realised a special thing, something important to me. Everywhere I go, I meet people who are as passionate as I am about beautiful things in life - whether it be the elegance of a ballet performance, the art of making something with one's hands, the historical significance of ancient castles, or the sweet melody of a songbird's chirp in a majestic oak tree. I learned something that day, too: love knows no bounds, and magic truly awaits in every corner, even in the most unexpected places.

All in all, my dear friends, this trip was filled with that joyful energy that only a good dance can give you. From the thrill of a well-executed pirouette to the delight of exploring a city rich in history and character, Nottingham has once again proven that it's a place where every corner offers a new adventure.

This has been post number 5 for www.pink-tutu.com. Come back tomorrow for more adventure. It's just the beginning of a journey that will lead us across continents, exploring hidden corners of the world with a twirl in our steps, a little bit of pink in our hearts, and a love for ballet in our souls! Until then, keep twirling!

Love, Emma 🩰 πŸ’•

#TutuBlog 1996-07-08 in Nottingham with a random tutu.