Oh, hello lovelies! It’s Emma, back from the glorious city of Bath, and my, oh my, what a time I had! If you’re looking for a dose of elegant charm and pink-tinted bliss, then you absolutely must add Bath to your travel bucket list! I practically sparkled with excitement for my trip. I mean, how could you not, when you’re planning on traipsing through a historical city with an adorable pink tutu, and some fancy-looking ballet shoes, too!
As I'm sure you all know, my love for tutus is pretty well documented on this here blog, but I couldn't resist adding an extra sprinkle of pink magic to my wardrobe for Bath. The gorgeous architecture with all its soft cream stonework practically begged for a splash of pink! Plus, I really think the color just brightens everyone's day, you know? It’s like sunshine in fabric form, don’t you agree?
Speaking of bright days, the sun shone down upon us on the train journey from Derbyshire. Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore taking the train to places, it's like travelling in a vintage carriage but with a cafe, comfy seats, and none of the worry about pesky horses! But that little glimpse of sunlight just made me feel that much more joyful for this trip! I did find myself longing for a little open space and fresh air, so when we pulled up at Bath Spa station I couldn't wait to get off and explore. It was time for some sunshine, ballet and… well… pink!
Bath really did impress! It’s got so many charming little nooks and crannies, gorgeous historic buildings that have stood the test of time (some even have pink roses climbing up them, just to add a little bit more sparkle!)… I could just get lost wandering its streets, daydreaming, and appreciating all the little details that make this city so unique. I spent the day flitting around, snapping pics and soaking up the ambiance – and of course, admiring the beauty of it all from my signature pink tutu angle! (Because let's face it, everything looks just a little bit more magical in a pink tutu, don’t you think?)
My first stop was, of course, The Royal Crescent! Can you believe this beautiful street was once right outside someone’s home?! It looked like something out of a fairytale. I did have to stifle a slight pang of envy – who wouldn’t want to live on a street that stunning?! The stonework on each of the houses just shimmered, they were absolutely glorious! And those big, wide windows made me feel as though I could just step right into a dream!
Next, I ventured down into the historic centre and found myself captivated by the iconic Roman Baths! They truly are an amazing sight, an insight into a completely different time, right in the middle of modern Bath! The air was warm and damp, filled with the softest, almost magical air - you really could feel the weight of history around you, all the stories whispered within those ancient stones.
While exploring, I bumped into a local shop called "The Tutu Boutique"! Can you even believe?! Fate was clearly guiding my way! They had a wide range of tutus and accessories - so sparkly! So chic! Of course, I had to pop in, and it felt so surreal! This charming shop filled with a rainbow of colour just oozed style. I had a mini fashion show right there in the middle of the shop! There I was, a grown-up ballet girl, doing a pirouette and trying on tutus. The lady running the store told me it was her favourite thing about working there - "Bringing out the inner ballerina in everyone." It truly did bring a big smile to my face! I managed to pick up a new, exquisite pink tulle tutu for myself – you’ll be seeing it in many future posts, no doubt!
My trip to Bath wasn’t all about tutus, darling! (Although, let's be honest, a bit of tulle is always a great addition!) I couldn’t go to Bath and NOT try the world-famous Bath buns, could I?! They're light, sweet, fluffy... and, just like my travels, oh so delicious! Oh, the stories a bun can tell, wouldn’t you agree?
And the real cherry on top of the sundae of my Bath experience? Ballet, of course! I’m so lucky to be able to travel the world and see incredible performances – my heart was truly warmed by watching the passionate dancers at the Theatre Royal. Seeing their dedication to the art of ballet just fills me with joy – and a little twinge of inspiration. It’s truly beautiful how people from different backgrounds can all come together in a ballet class, and find solace, strength, and community, all whilst moving gracefully to the music. It makes me dream of a world where ballet isn’t just something for those with 'proper training', it's just for everyone! You want to give ballet a try? Do it! Nobody's gonna stop you - and if you want to add some sparkle to your journey? Well, let me tell you… I happen to think that pink tutus go with just about everything!
After all, wearing pink doesn’t make you silly, it makes you stand out! Be you! Embrace your inner ballerina, take a spin in your favourite tutu (pink is always best, obviously!) and see how much magic you can bring into your own day.
See you on the other side! And until then, be sure to check out all my Bath adventures on my instagram page: @PinkTutuEmma!
Hugs and tutus!
Emma x