Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-09-16 in Scunthorpe with a pink tutu.

Scunthorpe in Pink: Post Number 75!

Hello darlings! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast. It's September 16th and I'm back from an amazing trip to Scunthorpe, and guess what? Yes, you're right, I wore a pink tutu! 😉 It might not be the first place you think of when you dream of tutu adventures, but trust me, there's a special magic to be found in unexpected corners of the world.

I know, I know, you're thinking, "Scunthorpe?" but hear me out. Sometimes the best discoveries are made outside of the usual "ballerina-friendly" places. You know how much I love a good train journey, and I decided to ditch the usual high-speed train this time, opting instead for a slower, more scenic route on the beautiful East Coast Mainline. I couldn't resist peeking out the window at the changing landscapes, imagining the adventures tucked away in these quaint little towns. And Scunthorpe just beckoned! It’s such a cute, unpretentious place, with a proper, authentic British feel to it. You just have to experience its charm to believe it.

Now, onto the tutu adventure itself. My first stop in Scunthorpe was the charming "The Baths Hall," an impressive Art Deco building with a history that took my breath away! Imagine, this magnificent space was once home to a glorious bath house for the local residents! How glamorous! While the original baths are long gone, the building still stands as a beautiful cultural centre and a real testament to the town's vibrant heritage.

Of course, I had to slip into my signature pink tutu for a quick photo-op by the entrance! I couldn't resist striking a few ballerina poses for the Instagram story, complete with the famous "swan arms" and a little je tête twirl. (Trust me, a little pirouette or two never goes amiss, especially when it’s paired with a fluffy, pink tutu!)

Next, I hopped onto a quaint little double-decker bus and made my way to the North Lincolnshire Museum. Now, you'd think this would be your typical, run-of-the-mill museum, but let me tell you, it was full of delightful surprises. There were captivating exhibits on local history and art, which made my ballerina heart flutter!

And that brings me to the most unexpected ballet-related find – a captivating exhibition showcasing the history of dance in Scunthorpe! You wouldn’t believe it, but this small town boasts a long, vibrant dance scene! Imagine my surprise when I discovered this hidden gem. The exhibition was filled with photographs, costumes, and even handwritten notes from local ballet teachers from over a century ago. It was truly a time capsule of passion, grace, and dedication!

It reminded me, yet again, how much ballet connects us all, regardless of location, background, or era. That little museum trip truly opened my eyes to the fact that the magic of ballet thrives even in the most unexpected corners of the world, and that's what makes it so universally beloved.

My adventures didn’t stop there, of course! Next, I decided to treat myself to a delightful afternoon tea at a charming, independent cafe nestled in the heart of the town. What can I say? You know me, a little indulgence is never amiss. The aroma of fresh cakes and scones filled the air, and it was a pure delight to indulge in all the yummy treats while sipping on my perfectly brewed cup of tea.

Later, I ventured out to explore the charming countryside around Scunthorpe, a truly inspiring backdrop to my ballerina fantasies. Picture this, rolling green hills, vibrant wildflowers, and me twirling merrily in my pink tutu under a breathtaking sunset! It was an absolute dream, a scene straight out of a ballet performance, except it was real, it was beautiful, and it was mine. It really is incredible how such simple, magical moments can make you feel truly alive, especially when they are embraced with an attitude of grace and a playful pink tutu.

As evening approached, I found myself enjoying a delightful dinner at The Scunthorpe Rugby Club, which was so welcoming and the food was divine. They have the warmest, most welcoming atmosphere, and a little secret? They even had a hidden "ballet corner," adorned with ballet-inspired décor and pictures of the local dancers in action! It just proved that ballet truly connects us all, in even the most surprising places.

And before you even ask, I absolutely donned my signature pink tutu at the Rugby Club, much to everyone's amusement and delight! It's truly a conversation starter, opening doors to conversations and shared smiles.

Of course, no trip to Scunthorpe would be complete without a visit to the local horse riding school! You know my love for horses runs deep, and my heart skipped a beat when I stumbled upon this hidden gem in the countryside. It’s just beautiful! The moment I entered the stables, the atmosphere was electric. The horses were so beautiful and full of energy.

And let's just say my horse-riding skills were definitely a bit rusty, but the sheer joy and energy of the place invigorated my spirit. They truly brought a different kind of magic to the whole trip, reminding me of the beauty and elegance of these gentle giants.

So, what have I learned on my adventure in Scunthorpe?

Well, that sometimes the most exciting discoveries are hidden in plain sight. You know, we often think of exotic travel and far-off lands as the only source of real adventure, but the truth is that adventure is everywhere! It's all about embracing the unknown and finding beauty in the everyday. And let’s be honest, a pink tutu can make the everyday feel absolutely magical!

So, next time you're planning a trip, remember my little adventure in Scunthorpe. Remember that sometimes the best destinations are off the beaten path, and the most inspiring moments happen where you least expect them.

Now, go out there, find your own adventure, wear your pink tutu proudly, and don’t be afraid to embrace the unexpected, just like a true ballerina!

I can't wait to share my next tutu adventure with you all.

Until then, keep twirling and keep spreading that pink-tutu joy.


Emma 💕


#TutuBlog 1996-09-16 in Scunthorpe with a pink tutu.