
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-10-11 in Paignton with a gymnastic tutu.

Paignton Paradise: Tutu-ing Around Devon! πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hey, my darling Tutu-licious lovelies! πŸ’–

Guess what? Today is a very special day! It's blog post number 100! πŸ₯³ Can you believe it? 100 posts filled with pink tutus, fabulous ballet, and all things utterly delightful. Thank you SO much for joining me on this journey - you make it all worthwhile. 😘

Today's adventure finds me in the charming seaside town of Paignton, nestled in the heart of Devon. This week's ballet extravaganza is a mix of classic and contemporary ballet - a real treat for the eyes! I’m already planning my tutu-tastic outfit for the shows...decisions, decisions! πŸ€”

The journey down was a dream! My trusty steed - a gleaming pink horsebox, courtesy of my dearest friend Harriet, (who just had to be in my latest blog photo) - glided effortlessly across the rolling hills. The wind whipped through my hair, my heart felt light as a feather, and, of course, a vibrant pink tutu flowed like a joyful ribbon in the breeze! (Who can resist a little Tutu-tastic travel ensemble?!).

As we arrived at Paignton station, a charming group of local schoolchildren with bright eyes and a distinct lack of tutu attire excitedly greeted me. "Excuse me, are you the Pink Tutu Lady?", one piped up, his face full of wonder. How could I possibly refuse to stop for a quick photo? (and a few dance moves, of course!). Let's be honest, the real reason for my visit was the breathtakingly beautiful Torbay Theatre. This grand old theatre, nestled near the stunning beaches of Paignton, holds such charm and character, the stage just pulsates with untold stories waiting to unfold!

Oh! And I simply had to visit the Paignton Zoo! Now, while it's not quite the same as being in the heart of the Derbyshire countryside where I'm from, (don't worry, you can find me whipping up a ballet storm with the lambs and foals any time you like!) there's a delightful zoo right next door to the theatre. I adore a bit of wildlife! The pink flamingos were particularly enchanting; graceful, elegant creatures with such a striking pinkness, just like my heart when I'm on stage!

You know how much I adore my ballet classes. There's something incredibly magical about the graceful moves, the pure artistry and the dedication of my fellow dancers, as well as the sheer pleasure of the pliΓ©s, relevΓ©s, and pirouettes. But let's face it, there's nothing quite as thrilling as being surrounded by a large audience - the energy of the crowds, the thrill of the lights and, oh my! The sheer beauty of the music as it fills the air and takes us on a breathtaking journey of emotion.

I’ll be writing about the specific shows I attended in the coming days, and sharing with you the inspiring stories of the choreographers, the talented dancers, and my absolute favourite parts of the productions (which might involve a cheeky twirl in a tutu...but we'll have to wait and see!).

So, my darlings, let’s raise our champagne flutes to another spectacular adventure and remember – keep it pink, keep it fabulous, and, above all, keep tutu-ing! πŸ’–

See you next time for more tutu-tastic adventures!

Lots of love,

Emma xoxo πŸ©°πŸ’–


#TutuBlog 1996-10-11 in Paignton with a gymnastic tutu.