
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1996-12-02 in Kirkby with a sporty tutu.

Kirkby Calling: A Sporty Tutu Adventure!

Post #152

Hello my gorgeous lovelies! It's Emma here, back from another adventure and bursting with news to share. As you know, my love affair with the tutu is everlasting. Itā€™s the epitome of grace and femininity ā€“ a beautiful, expressive statement of pure artistic bliss! Today's tale is about my recent trip to the charming little town of Kirkby, a hop, skip, and jump from my beloved Derbyshire.

As soon as I arrived, I could tell that Kirkby was going to be a truly magical experience. The quaint cobblestone streets, charming little tea shops and quaint, historic architecture whispered of a bygone era. I instantly felt like a character stepping out of a Jane Austen novel, complete with my own delightful pink tutu, of course! I couldn't wait to explore.

Kirkby has a very special place in my heart. It's where my mum took me to see my first-ever ballet show. I was only five, and I remember being completely mesmerized by the dancers twirling and leaping across the stage. To this day, I have vivid memories of that day and the wonder and amazement I felt! It was the day I fell head-over-heels for ballet and it's the very day I realised the importance of a dazzling tutu in life!

My Kirkby adventure kicked off in a most delightful manner. A friend suggested a scenic walk through the stunning Kirkby Park. Youā€™ll laugh when I tell you I found myself on the hunt for a good place to show off my latest pink tutu creation. What else could I do? It's the rule, darling, the rules are to look absolutely sensational wherever you may go!

Imagine: a beautiful autumnal day with bright colours everywhere. The leaves were a stunning array of golden yellow, fiery red, and rich browns. As I strolled along the path, I felt an instant connection with the vibrant energy of nature. The rustling leaves under my ballet shoes, the sun gently warming my face and the crisp air on my skin. Honestly, the setting was practically a fairytale, I felt like a graceful ballerina, performing in the theatre of nature!

What better place to do a pirouette or two! It seemed the perfect place to try out some moves from the newest ballet class I'm attending. My oh my, those new 'en pointe' techniques are quite tricky! Just the other day my teacher suggested that I use a 'pointe' shoe that would give me that perfect look and an excellent starting point for the higher level moves. Well, let me tell you! Those shoes take quite a bit of getting used to.

However, as I twirled gracefully under the canopy of trees, I started to realise there was so much beauty to be found in a park... and also, that wearing my newest pink tutu in this picturesque location could add a new element of joy to the landscape.

And speaking of joyā€¦ a bit of good news! This weekend, I will be making my very own contribution to the world of dance, a contribution I feel will be quite a treat to the lovely Kirkby community. As you know, I always want to encourage others to find their own love for dance, so on Saturday afternoon Iā€™ll be presenting a free, beginner-friendly ballet class at the community centre. I hope Iā€™ll be able to inspire more young women to take a leap into the magical world of dance, especially wearing a gorgeous pink tutu. Now who could say no to that?

Anyway, as the evening approached and the sun began its descent, I felt compelled to experience something different. So, I decided to go on a horse ride. The wind, a beautiful breeze, fluttered the frills of my tutu like a butterflyā€™s wings. The sounds of nature - the birdsong, the rustling leaves and the soft clip-clop of the horse's hooves provided me with a sense of peace and contentment that is simply indescribable. This horse ride became the icing on the cake of a magical afternoon!

And speaking of beautiful scenery, I am going to confess that the biggest highlight of the trip was a little surprise I found: A magnificent herd of deer grazing peacefully in a clearing, bathed in the soft light of the golden sunset. It was the most magical moment. Those gentle eyes looking back at me seemed to say, ā€œyou're in a truly special place Emma.ā€ They were so graceful, calm and poisedā€¦ and they reminded me that life's journey is all about savouring every moment, appreciating the beauty around us, and never forgetting to dance our hearts out!

But hold your horses (pun intended!) thatā€™s not allā€¦ there was so much more to see and experience in Kirkby. And of course, I was looking out for opportunities to inspire those around me to don their pink tutus!

The friendly shopkeepers, with their heartwarming stories, offered me a glimpse into the soul of this town. They were so excited about their local park and the deer sightings too, telling me anecdotes about their experiences with the deer. One even gifted me a miniature deer figurine ā€“ which I just had to put on display in my ā€˜tutu shrineā€™ in my room back in Derbyshire!

Another fun detail is the abundance of vibrant shops I discovered filled with pretty, vintage, and vintage-inspired clothing, so very reminiscent of the iconic 1980s style, which of course is totally my aesthetic! Now, there are just so many places to buy beautiful pink tutus all over the country! And you know, I found an incredible little boutique, full of gorgeous accessories, like glittery hair clips, stunning flower wreaths and, get this, a tiny ā€˜ballerinaā€™ purse I just had to have!

The local bakery and the quaint teashop became my new favourite spot. The scent of freshly baked pastries and warm spices enticed me to stop for a cup of tea and sconeā€¦ I'll never pass up an opportunity to experience British traditions with a pinch of grace and style, which meant that of course, I wore my pink tutu while indulging in the sweet treat. I really am all about promoting the tutus as fashion statementā€¦ but what else would you expect from the queen of pink, huh?!

It goes without saying that I returned home with an array of pink accessoriesā€¦ from sparkly pink ballerina shoes to a beautiful floral tutu headband (totally in style). Honestly, you just cannot go wrong with adding a little bit of pink and a pinch of sparkle to anythingā€¦ and you know itā€™s my goal to see every single woman wearing a fabulous pink tutu and finding their love for ballet!

Well my lovely pink tutu tribeā€¦ itā€™s late and time for bed, I am ready to be lulled to sleep dreaming about my next big ballet adventure! In the meantime, I encourage you all to embrace your inner ballerina! Donā€™t forget, thereā€™s a tiny pink princess hiding inside each and every one of youā€¦ all she needs is the perfect tutu to shine! And donā€™t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com daily! I love reading all your messages and hearing all your inspirations. See you all soon!

#TutuBlog 1996-12-02 in Kirkby with a sporty tutu.