Bridlington Ballet Bliss - TutuBlog Post #198
Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, back from another whirlwind trip! This time I journeyed all the way to the delightful coastal town of Bridlington in sunny Yorkshire.
Bridlington! What a lovely, seaside gem of a town it is! My first impression, as the train rolled in (it's so much more glamorous travelling by train, wouldn't you say? The rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels just begs you to tap your feet!) was one of sunshine, quaint charm, and the promise of sea breezes.
My mission this time? Well, two fold, really. Firstly, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing a fantastic ballet performance put on by the local youth ballet company - you know how much I adore watching future ballerinas shine! The performance was a true treat, a delightful blend of classical pieces and innovative choreography. They all wore the most exquisite costumes too, but I did secretly wish one of them had a bit of pink!
Secondly, my little pink-loving heart couldn't resist exploring Bridlington's wildlife scene! My favourite moment was spending an afternoon watching a delightful gaggle of geese, so majestic in their white feathers and so utterly ridiculous in their honking. Honestly, you could have heard them all the way in Derbyshire! They looked so stylish waddling around, and you know how much I love animals in stylish attire, even if they're not wearing pink tutus...yet!
Speaking of stylish attire, let's talk about the outfit I chose for this adventure! What better than a classic, crisp white leotard and a delicate, slightly ruffled tutu? (And, of course, the iconic touch - a vibrant, bright pink headband.) A girl's gotta look fabulous, even when surrounded by a multitude of geese!
I can't even begin to describe how much I love the freedom and the grace of ballet. It's not just a dance style for me; it's a way of life! The delicate steps, the fluid movements, the pure beauty of it all - ballet simply radiates joy. And it's a joy I'm so eager to share!
You see, darlings, one of my dreams is to see everyone wearing a pink tutu at least once in their lives! And what better way to make that dream come true than to encourage everyone to give ballet a go? It doesn't have to be professional, it doesn't even have to be in a fancy studio - you can twirl in your own home, with the radio on full blast, wearing your most fabulous tutu. Embrace your inner ballerina!
Even though I couldn't actually find a place to take a ballet class in Bridlington (though there is a lovely dance studio, just for information) I still had my daily routine of barre exercises in the beautiful beach park. I'm telling you, even on holiday, a ballerina's gotta ballerina! And just look at the photo! Doesn't the beach sand make an amazing stage backdrop?
Honestly, Bridlington was pure magic. A delightful town with warm hearts, stunning coastline, and an atmosphere that really encouraged me to loosen up, let my hair down (or rather, let my hair up with my new bright pink scrunchie! You've just gotta love a new scrunchie!), and enjoy life, the ballet way!
Now, it's time for me to take off. My next adventure awaits - whispers of horseback riding and a fancy dress party (oh, yes, the costume includes a tutu, a big, pink one!).
But before I go, I'll leave you with this - remember to find the beauty and joy in every moment, be brave, and, if you get the chance, try a pirouette in your pink tutu! You might just surprise yourself.
Until next time, my lovelies!
With a graceful flourish and a sprinkle of glitter,
P.S. Don't forget to visit for all your daily doses of ballet inspiration! And, of course, follow me on Instagram @pinktutu.