Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-04-17 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.

Oxford Adventures in Pink Tutu No. 288

Hello my darlings! Emma here, fresh off the train from Derbyshire and ready to unleash some serious tutu magic on Oxford. It's a gorgeous sunny day and I'm feeling as bright as a pink flamingo, especially since I've chosen the most fabulous tutu to wear today. I'm talking shimmering silk, a frothy pink frill, and enough tulle to rival a ballet company's stock.

This trip is all about experiencing Oxford in the most delightfully girly way. And what's more girly than ballet? I'm so excited to spend the day exploring this historic city, with its beautiful architecture, winding cobbled streets, and charming cafes, all whilst sporting my pink tutu of course.

Oh, speaking of ballet, how lovely is it to be able to visit these amazing historical cities and just think of all the famous dancers and choreographers that have graced their stages over the years? This year, Oxford has been host to a stunning performance of "Swan Lake" by the Royal Ballet, and I'm still completely swept away by the breathtaking choreography.

But back to the present, my first stop today is the Ashmolean Museum. I absolutely adore museums, and this one is overflowing with history and art. The building itself is quite spectacular - and wouldn’t you know it, a grand old place in need of a splash of pink! I’ll be posting pictures to my Instagram feed, of course, and I'm so excited to find inspiration for my next pink tutu.

I love all those beautiful details, like the sculptures, the ancient artefacts, and the paintings. Did you know that the Ashmolean is home to the world's first university museum? That’s very impressive, don’t you think? I’ve learnt a lot today, like the Ashmolean houses everything from ancient Egyptian treasures to a 16th-century tapestry celebrating Oxford's link to Henry VIII! Imagine that! All in one place, how extraordinary!

Lunch time already? Well, how can you resist the famous “Afternoon Tea” experience when you’re in a town known for its academic heritage, literature, and art? My cup of tea at the Oxford Botanic Garden tea shop, nestled amidst beautifully arranged flowers, felt so sophisticated, not to mention incredibly charming! I indulged in some cucumber sandwiches and strawberry scones while wearing my bright pink tutu and the sunshine bathed the entire setting in an ethereal glow. The setting reminded me of a Jane Austen novel - all proper and delicate, and oh so English. This really is the most perfectly charming and beautiful spot for enjoying the famous Oxford tradition.

The highlight of my day was without a doubt, visiting the magnificent Sheldonian Theatre, the very venue where I later had the honour of witnessing Oxford's unique tradition of “Encaenia”! It's a celebratory event full of ceremony, music, and pageantry. I was absolutely awestruck by the beauty of the theatre and its vibrant decorations. My pink tutu truly fit in well. The atmosphere felt so grand and ancient, which somehow seemed to match the exquisite tutu.

Encaenia has this incredible ceremony of awarding honorary degrees to the most extraordinary figures, each and every one making a vital contribution in their respective fields, whether science, literature, the arts, and yes even sports! This year we were fortunate to have David Attenborough! His award ceremony brought about a standing ovation and left me feeling completely inspired.

I managed to capture it all on film and will be sure to share a snippet of this historical ceremony with all of you in my blog and Instagram page later. I hope you’ll agree that such events are true testimonies to the importance of academics, art, and culture, and remind us that, although time goes on, our commitment to beauty and a flourishing life is worth remembering and cherishing.

For the final leg of my Oxford adventure, I had to venture out to the Oxford University Parks! The trees are so vibrant, with an extraordinary collection of colours and beautiful fauna and flora. I am especially fond of flora, which, for the most part, share my love of the colour pink. They just seem so peaceful, as I amble and take in all of the wonders this unique landscape has to offer. My camera won’t be able to capture it all but rest assured that the memories of these beautiful surrounds will be cherished.

And oh, what joy to finally feel the warm rays of the afternoon sun upon my delicate skin. And to think that, all through this magical day in Oxford, I’ve been able to share it with the love of my life, my tutu! It has made all the difference, not just to my wardrobe but also my experience of exploring Oxford.

One of the main reasons why I write my daily blog is because I want to encourage others to express themselves through fashion. After all, what’s a better way to do this than to adopt the fabulous, enchanting, and empowering, world of the Tutu? And, dare I say, the world needs a splash of pink right now! We need more people spreading joy, creativity, and confidence, which is what pink, fashion, and tutus, symbolize!

Now that my day in Oxford is ending, I’m off to get myself a hearty plate of fish and chips to cap off my wonderful journey. Then I’ll be on a late evening train, back to Derbyshire, my heart filled with Oxford’s vibrant spirit. I feel revitalised, and truly blessed to have experienced Oxford's unique combination of beauty and history through my own rose-tinted spectacles (and tutu!). Stay tuned, because tomorrow will bring another adventure for the Pink Tutu, so until next time my lovely ladies, stay pink and wonderful. Love, Emma.


#TutuBlog 1997-04-17 in Oxford with a food themed tutu.