Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-07-28 in Crosby with a cyan tutu.

Crosby Calling: Pink Tutu's Perfect Day Out (Post #390)

Hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, bringing you another dazzling day from my life in pink and tutus. I'm so excited to share this latest adventure with you all! As you know, I absolutely adore exploring the UK, and this time I've set my sights on the beautiful coastal town of Crosby, just a stone's throw from Liverpool. And you know what? It's a little bit magical!

After a gloriously sunny morning in Derbyshire, I took a lovely train journey, tucking into a delicious strawberry and cream sandwich (always a winner!) and soaking up the gorgeous countryside scenery. Oh, the smell of fresh air and the feel of the sun on my face, it just made my spirit soar!

The arrival in Crosby was a sight to behold! The train station is right by the seaside, and I was immediately struck by the beauty of the Mersey coastline, I spotted the iconic Antony Gormley's ‘Another Place’ installation, a collection of life-sized iron men gazing out to sea. Now, you know I'm a sucker for a good sculpture and I just had to capture a selfie with those amazing statues. My bright pink tutu really stood out against the grey skies and blue water. I even got a few surprised, but happy stares from other people enjoying the seaside!

I’ve got to tell you, I couldn’t resist hopping on a horse-drawn carriage for a romantic trip along the promenade! Just me, my stunning cyan tutu, and a lovely white horse named Charlie. The whole experience felt incredibly magical! Imagine, a touch of vintage glamour amidst the breathtaking sea views – just delightful!

Of course, no trip to a new town is complete without a dance class. You wouldn't believe the amazing studio I found nestled away in a charming old building. The space was so airy and light with lovely wooden floors – the perfect place to twirl my pink tutu! The teacher, Mrs. Thompson, was just lovely! So warm and welcoming, it was just like having tea and crumpets with your dear aunt! I was absolutely thrilled with her class. We even had a mini-ballet performance by the kids - how adorable! I had to have a go too! The children thought I was wonderful, even the little one in a pink tutus!

In the afternoon, I decided to indulge my adventurous side with a trip out to the Crosby Coastal Park. Now, my darlings, I love a bit of wildlife, and this park did not disappoint! There's an array of adorable sea birds just begging to be photographed - gulls, ducks, waders galore, it’s paradise for a tutu-clad birdwatcher!

The evening was an absolute treat! The Seaburn Hotel served up the most delicious fish and chips. The batter was crispy, and the fish just melted in my mouth! (All while I’m wearing a delightful cherry blossom pink tutu that just screams ‘glamour’!)

Before calling it a night, I wandered the charming little shops and streets of Crosby, soaking up the lovely atmosphere and picking up a few trinkets to remember the day by.

It goes without saying that this entire day was nothing short of divine! I truly encourage each and every one of you to embrace the pink tutu life. Don't just try it, truly immerse yourself! Explore a new place, find your local dance studio and jump in!

From our dance-filled journeys together, let's strive to create a world where every day is a magical adventure and the colour pink and tutus are worn with pride! Until next time, my dears, stay fabulously pink!

Xoxo, Emma


#TutuBlog 1997-07-28 in Crosby with a cyan tutu.