Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-07-30 in Stratford with a green tutu.

Stratford-upon-Avon: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 💖🩰

Post Number: 392

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-loving ballet enthusiast, and guess where I am? The beautiful, Bard-infused town of Stratford-upon-Avon, of course!

I arrived yesterday afternoon, feeling like a proper Shakespearean heroine, a little bit Juliet, a touch of Desdemona, with a dash of that whimsical sprite Puck thrown in for good measure. You see, darling, the day before, my dear Aunt Matilda surprised me with tickets to the Royal Shakespeare Company's performance of Romeo and Juliet. And oh, it was simply divine! The stage was magnificent, the costumes were breath-taking, and the actors, just brilliant! It left me utterly enraptured, especially the balcony scene. If Romeo wasn't swooning over Juliet's beauty, I swear he was swooning over the lush green of the meadow-like set! And yes, of course, I had my very own green tutu on – because a girl can't just watch a Shakespearean play in her day-to-day clothes, can she?! 😉

But darling, the adventure wasn't just the play!

I travelled to Stratford by train, and I have to say, there's something rather romantic about travelling by train. The gentle rhythm of the tracks, the landscape flitting past, it all feels so wonderfully vintage. I even managed to secure a window seat, which gave me the perfect vantage point for a spot of people-watching. Honestly, it was such fun. I was in the mood for a spot of mischief and, I swear, I even had a little chat with a cheeky, adorable squirrel that was sunbathing on a passing fence post.

After I’d settled in at my little boutique hotel, all frills and charm, of course, I ventured out for an evening stroll. This town has a heart of pure, unadulterated loveliness. Quaint little shops selling delicious sweets and quirky antiques, adorable tea rooms overflowing with tempting treats, and streets just begging to be explored with a loved one! I swear, I fell a little in love with it all, and even though I was on my own, I couldn't stop smiling! I think that's the charm of travelling solo, you're more open to experiencing every little thing.

But don't you worry darling, I’m not alone in my solo travels. I have a constant companion by my side: a beautiful, emerald green ballet tutu. We're a pair! My trusty tutu, it's not just for the theatre, you see! I wore it yesterday for my evening stroll and the people's faces were priceless! I could practically see them thinking, "Goodness me, this darling little lady's actually doing this! " You know me, darling, a touch of colour and joy, especially when it's pink! But, I mean, this beautiful green just sang out for Shakespeare. The way it caught the light...

My morning began with a delectable breakfast at a sweet little café. The scones were perfectly buttery and crumbly, served with the best clotted cream. It was heavenly! Then I decided to explore the town. And that's where my love affair with Stratford really bloomed! Imagine walking through gardens bursting with bright, fragrant blooms, surrounded by ancient houses dripping with history and charm! My heart soared as I stood in the gorgeous gardens at Shakespeare's birthplace. I swear, I felt a connection with the bard, as if he himself was whispering to me about the beauty of the world and the joy of storytelling. I also popped into Anne Hathaway's cottage - stunning!

Before long, darling, the time came for my afternoon ballet class at the lovely Shakespeare Theatre, (Oh yes, I did book in for a spot of ballerina bliss, it’s part of every trip. And who knows, perhaps there will be a performance or even some fun street ballet.)

Let me tell you, darling, there's nothing like moving your body to the music, feeling your muscles stretch and your heart soar! You can practically see the dancers' muscles working, the precision in every leap, the flow of their every gesture, and I confess I always feel like I've danced alongside them. They’re an inspiration. It’s such a liberating feeling, all worries vanish, you are just lost in the beautiful movement!

Today, it was time for a change! I had a hankering for a real change of pace – and I was in need of a horse. So, you know what I did? I did the most perfect thing! I ventured into the rolling hills of Warwickshire for a glorious horse riding adventure. It was simply breathtaking, trotting along leafy lanes, surrounded by beautiful scenery and friendly locals. You know how I feel about animals. All I wanted to do was cuddle them all, especially my trusty steed! I’m rather partial to horses, but all wildlife just make my day.

Today, I spent hours in those beautiful hills and then when it was time for an escape from the sunshine, I returned to my delightful haven in the centre of the town. I ended up taking a picnic basket with the most gorgeous English cheeses, a creamy brie and a wonderfully pungent stilton. Plus a divine loaf of rye and a raspberry jam that was just heavenly! I found a shady spot next to a babbling stream in a local park and enjoyed the sounds of nature as I ate, and took in the amazing sunset views. That, my darling, is pure bliss!

And to finish it all off, there’s the ultimate in girly treats: I’m ending my evening with an absolutely gorgeous glass of strawberry champagne (in a pink, frilly glass, of course) and a decadent chocolate truffle! It doesn't get much more divine than this, darling!

Stay tuned, darling! I’m returning to Derbyshire tomorrow and you know what? The only thing better than being in the stunning, charming, and historical town of Stratford-upon-Avon is heading back home and telling you all about it!

I’m off now for my chocolate!

Remember, darling, keep your chin up and your tutu on!

Always wear a smile and wear pink,

Emma xx www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 1997-07-30 in Stratford with a green tutu.