Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-08-23 in Worksop with a heavy tutu.

Worksop, My Lovely! (Post #416)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your resident tutu enthusiast, and today's post is a little bit special! You know I love a good adventure, and this week took me on a little escapade to the charming town of Worksop, nestled right here in my beloved Derbyshire!

Now, I've gotta confess, Worksop wasn't on my radar until recently, but let me tell you, this little town is a hidden gem! It's the kind of place that feels like it's straight out of a vintage postcard, with cobbled streets, cute shops, and a whole lot of history.

This adventure began with my usual ballet class, you see, as you all know I am never ever off the dance floor! We had a little challenge this week – a beautiful new piece inspired by the flowing grace of the River Ryton, which flows through Worksop, and oh my, I loved the choreo! We just HAD to film it, so of course, I called up my lovely friends from the theatre company, and before you could say “pirouette”, we were all on our way!

Now, I did mention the travel, right? It’s not often I get to travel by horse, but thanks to the charming stables just outside Worksop, we were able to have a fabulously pink carriage pulled by some absolutely beautiful steeds! I mean, I do love a train ride, especially in a vintage carriage with a big window so I can soak up all that gorgeous scenery, but something about those powerful horses and that elegant carriage felt just right.

And oh, the scenery! Just picture it: me, in my prettiest pink tutu, floating in the back of that carriage, as we meandered along the river bank, all bathed in the golden afternoon sunlight! It was the kind of dreamy scene that just makes you want to reach for your sketchbook (which I, of course, always keep handy)! We did a bit of impromptu sketching by the river and some amazing wildlife photos. Look out for a gallery of those next week, loves.

When it came to getting ready for the performance, the whole town seemed to come alive with excitement. My theatre friends, of course, are always absolutely sensational, and the little ones from the local ballet school were so incredibly cute, their adorable little pink tutus were practically glowing. They are, all of them, absolute stars in the making, I can tell you! We all, dancers of every age and skill level, all had such a wonderful time at the venue! They really pulled out all the stops, it was so wonderful – an incredible space with real personality! You know I always appreciate a bit of history in a theatre, and this one really took me back to the Golden Age!

For our grand finale, I slipped on the fluffiest, prettiest pink tutu I own - I felt like a beautiful ballet ballerina right out of a fairty tale. The applause was just wonderful! After we all enjoyed the most delicious cupcakes you could ever imagine ( pink of course!) I headed out on a little stroll to take in all that the town had to offer, from the impressive Worksop Priory to the delightful shops overflowing with crafts and treats. My shopping bag was definitely stuffed by the time I left. I picked up the cutest little souvenir - a pink knitted rabbit with a pink ribbon – I couldn’t resist! It’s so cute it deserves a post of its own!

Speaking of souvenirs, you guys know I love to try the local delicacies when I travel. And let me tell you, Worksop has so many fantastic options. I devoured a warm, gooey cheese and pickle bun, followed by a little something sweet (naturally it had to be pink) to round it all off. They are a must-try when you visit Worksop!

My Worksop escapade, all in all, was truly special. This little town stole my heart! A charming little place full of personality, laughter, a beautiful sense of community, and incredible passion for everything it’s about. If you’re looking for a lovely day out with some beautiful scenery and great atmosphere, I really, really recommend it! And if you need any outfit suggestions, remember – I am your tutu guide!

Love and glitter,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-08-23 in Worksop with a heavy tutu.