
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-08-30 in Sutton with a pink tutu.

Sutton Calling! Post #423: Pink Tutu Travels

Hello my gorgeous lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire dancer, and guess what? I'm on the road again! This time, I'm in Sutton, a charming little town that's full of secrets waiting to be discovered. And yes, my faithful pink tutu is, of course, accompanying me on this adventure!

You might be wondering why I love to travel so much. Well, aside from the obvious fact that it's simply exhilarating to experience new places and meet fascinating people, I think travel helps you grow. You learn to embrace the unexpected, appreciate the beauty of diversity, and, of course, develop your fashion sense in the most creative way possible!

So, what have I been up to in Sutton? Well, today started with a lovely, early morning walk in the park. I couldn't resist wearing my tutu, and honestly, the morning dew on the grass was a perfect backdrop for twirls! There were little squirrels chasing each other up the trees and fluffy ducks with their babies waddling along the lake, all totally indifferent to my sparkly pink attire. They just kept on going, which I found quite delightful!

The weather's been a little temperamental, a classic British summer mix of sunshine and clouds, so I grabbed my trusty, antique horse-drawn carriage for a quick tour of the town. It's so much fun and just the right way to soak in the atmosphere, especially when you can lean back in the plush cushions and look up at the beautiful English countryside whizzing by. I don't think anything quite beats that sensation.

Speaking of atmosphere, Sutton has a real, authentic charm about it. The buildings are lovely, some quite ancient, and the streets are narrow, full of quaint little shops and cafes that beckon you to slow down and browse. You know I love a good independent vintage shop and I managed to unearth some adorable hats in a tiny little emporium called 'Hats Galore' that are perfect for adding that extra dash of elegance to my usual ballet wear.

Later this afternoon, I was lucky enough to find myself on the balcony of a cosy little pub, soaking up the sunshine with a cup of tea. The pub itself is an absolute gem, all timber beams and roaring fireplaces โ€“ just the type of place I could spend hours curled up with a good book (though of course, a dance routine rehearsal is a definite possibility too!). While sipping my tea, I indulged in a few quick sketches in my travel journal, recording my experiences in Sutton through art.

Speaking of ballet, my dear Sutton had a wonderful treat waiting for me this evening! The local ballet school was holding a summer performance featuring some of the most talented young dancers in the area. You can imagine my delight! The performance was phenomenal, with both traditional ballet pieces and some modern contemporary creations that pushed the boundaries of artistry. It was a true testament to the incredible power of ballet and the potential that lies within each young dancer. It filled me with hope for the future of our beloved art form!

As the evening drew to a close, I couldn't resist heading down to the local ballet school to attend an adult beginner class. You know me โ€“ never letting an opportunity to pirouette slip by! The class was filled with such enthusiasm and positivity; it was clear that, despite being new to ballet, everyone had a love for the art form and was eager to learn. I felt a genuine warmth within that community, a sense of belonging that we, as dancers, experience the world over.

You know, as I sat watching the dancers swirl and twirl, my heart was full of joy. My aim in life is, after all, to inspire as many people as possible to discover the sheer wonder of ballet. I believe that every single person, no matter their age, background or experience, deserves to feel the grace and freedom of a perfect pirouette. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, come join me on the pink-tutu-journey!

Tonight, however, the moon is calling, and a beautiful old train carriage awaits, its engine gently sighing as if preparing to whisk me off on a new adventure. Until tomorrow then, darlings.

Remember, embrace your inner ballerina and dance through life with confidence, a vibrant smile, and a touch of pink!

Lots of love,


Don't forget to visit me at www.pink-tutu.com to catch all my daily adventures! xo

#TutuBlog 1997-08-30 in Sutton with a pink tutu.