Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-09-01 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.

Bridgwater: A Pancake Tutu and a Spot of Wildlife!

Post Number 425

Hello, darlings!

It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and it’s a beautiful September morning in Derbyshire. As I type, the sun is glinting off the dewdrops on the spiderwebs, and I can already feel a gorgeous, crisp autumn day coming on. You know what that means? Time for a little adventure!

Today, I’m off to the stunning Bridgwater in Somerset, and oh my, I can't wait. This trip has been brewing in my head for months now! There’s just something about a vibrant seaside town that sets my heart aflutter, and Bridgwater's rich history, coupled with its delightful shops and restaurants, have me feeling like a little ballerina in a whirlwind of excitement.

But let’s be honest, the real star of the show is going to be my latest tutu creation! I've been crafting up a storm in my little atelier, and I've got a pancake tutu ready to steal the show. It's a confection of sunshine yellow, pale pink, and a dusting of silver glitter – all made from the most luxurious, airy tulle I could find. It's like a dream spun into a garment. I just know it's going to make an impression, especially alongside my usual pink attire!

Now, a little about Bridgwater. This charming town is brimming with personality! The Grade II-listed Town Hall, with its towering clock and intricately-designed facade, is simply breathtaking, and the elegant Georgian buildings on the High Street are a real feast for the eyes. I can already imagine myself swirling and twirling through those cobbled streets in my pancake tutu, leaving a trail of glittery magic in my wake!

Of course, no visit to a seaside town is complete without a little bit of ocean breeze and seagull symphony, and Bridgwater doesn't disappoint! The beautiful River Parrett is perfect for a leisurely stroll along the embankment, especially with the majestic medieval St Mary’s Church providing a majestic backdrop. I’ve got a picnic planned – lots of juicy fruit, creamy cheeses, and dainty cucumber sandwiches, accompanied by a vintage champagne for a truly glamorous touch. After all, one should never neglect a little indulgence when embracing a journey!

But it's not all about pretty streets and historic buildings for this ballet bunny, no, I’ve got some real adventures planned too! Bridgwater is famously known for its carnival, with its impressive costumes, dazzling floats, and vibrant atmosphere. This year, the theme is “Fairytales and Fantasy”, so it’s basically begging for a pink tutu-clad ballerina to join the celebrations, wouldn't you agree? I can't wait to capture the excitement and joy in my little pink tutu paradise.

Speaking of fantasy, a day in Bridgwater isn't complete without exploring the wilds of Somerset. The Somerset Levels and Moors are a haven for wildlife, and I just have a feeling I might bump into a few fascinating creatures. My dream would be to catch a glimpse of the rare Dartford Warbler or maybe even a glimpse of the elusive elusive bittern!

Now, about this fabulous train journey…

There's something truly magical about the romance of a train journey. Watching the countryside zip by, soothing melodies emanating from a portable gramophone, a steaming cup of tea in hand... it’s the perfect blend of sophistication and tranquility. I’ve got my special vintage travel suitcase packed, my trusty, leather-bound journal to record all the whimsical adventures of the day, and I’m already picturing the beautiful landscapes I'm going to discover through the carriage windows.

My dearest tutu-loving friends, I simply can't wait to share all of my Bridgwater adventures with you. Stay tuned for the colourful chaos, the whimsical escapades, and of course, a sprinkle of pink tutu magic!

Remember, darlings, embrace the extraordinary! Wear your pink tutu, be a little wild, and let your inner ballerina shine bright.

Lots of love and twirls,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-09-01 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.