Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-09-16 in Coalville with a delux tutu.

Coalville Calling: Pink Tutu Travels to the Heart of Leicestershire! (Post #440)

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the charming town of Coalville, nestled in the heart of Leicestershire. Today's adventure has been a truly delightful one, and I wouldn't dream of letting it go undocumented!

As you know, my motto is 'Spread the Pink Tutu Love' and today I decided to do just that by taking my fabulous tutu on a little journey out of my Derbyshire comfort zone. A jaunty ride on the train brought me to Coalville, a town buzzing with energy and friendly faces. It's a town with a heart of gold, and it really does have a touch of the old-fashioned charm, which I must admit, made my girly heart flutter just a bit.

Now, you've all seen my delux pink tutu, the one with the cascading layers of tulle that just make you feel like a ballerina princess. Well, let me tell you, this little tutu of mine was positively giddy with anticipation for a new adventure. We'd been dreaming of exploring beyond our usual haunts in the Derbyshire countryside. Today, that dream became reality.

Of course, before heading out, I had to take some glamorous snaps in front of the train station, the tutu swirling in the breeze, and a backdrop of a charming vintage red phone box. A little sprinkle of my trademark pink lippy, a tousled wave in my hair, and I was ready to tackle this new town!

Coalville greeted me with a colourful splash of local shops, quaint cafes, and bustling market stalls. It was a sight to behold, so vibrant and full of life, reminding me of those captivating traditional markets you only seem to find in small towns these days.

Now, you know me - I love nothing more than finding the perfect cup of tea. It has to be strong, full-bodied and accompanied by something delightful, and thankfully, Coalville didn't disappoint! I stumbled upon a delightful little cafe called "The Bakehouse," nestled down a quiet side street, with an adorable pastel-pink exterior – practically made for me! The tea was divine, brewed to perfection and served in the most charming vintage china. A little slice of victoria sponge cake accompanied it and it was truly a moment of pure happiness!

And while the food was exquisite, let's talk about the pièce de résistance - a genuine, old-fashioned sweetie shop! Honestly, the owner had managed to pull together a dazzling collection of treats – from humbugs to candy floss, each one brought back childhood memories! Let's just say, my inner child went absolutely wild. I practically skipped out with a huge bag full of goodies, all neatly tucked into a vintage tote bag.

After indulging in my afternoon treat, it was time for my ultimate adventure! Now, you might know I adore ballet in all its forms - classical, street, and even the wonderful theatrical ballet I was treated to last week. But today's adventure had me dancing a bit differently, a bit more country, a bit more…wild! I headed to the local riding school, and yes, you guessed it, my pink tutu went with me!

Remember I told you I like to travel by horse when I can? Well, let me tell you, it's like flying! You feel so free and connected to nature. I sat atop a gentle grey mare named Blossom, my tutu gently swaying in the breeze as we strolled through a tranquil meadow, and oh, the feeling! It's like a moment of utter contentment, all my worries washed away. It was pure bliss.

Blossom was a bit nervous about the tutu at first, a few snorts and pawing at the ground, but I’m a great horse whisperer, and after a little cuddle and a sprinkle of pink glitter, we were off on our adventure, galloping through the lush fields of green and chasing away any remaining worries in a whirlwind of laughter and joy.

There's something special about spending time in the outdoors, the air filled with birdsong, and a gentle breeze kissing your cheek. As we rode along, my tutu fluttered in the wind, like a little pink beacon of hope. And as always, my phone was at the ready, capturing these amazing moments to share with you, my dear readers.

Later that afternoon, I found myself by a sparkling riverbank, a perfect spot to stop, let the sun warm my face and, naturally, have a little photo session. After all, how else can I show off this extraordinary pink tutu to the world? I know it might seem unusual to be prancing about in a tutu at a riverside, but that's part of the magic, right?

As the day drew to a close, it was time to say goodbye to my wonderful adventure in Coalville, and let me tell you, it felt hard to leave! I'm already planning a return visit, hopefully bringing my delux tutu along for another grand day out!

Coalville, you have captured my heart with your warmth and charm, and it won’t be long before you are graced by the pink tutu’s presence again!

Now, before I head off to plan tomorrow’s exciting venture, I urge you, my lovely readers, to embrace a little bit of magic in your everyday lives. Whether it's a trip to a nearby town, or simply adding a splash of colour to your day, never lose sight of the joy that's waiting to be discovered. And if you do, maybe take a little inspiration from the Pink Tutu and give your life a vibrant pink makeover!

Remember, every day can be a little ballet, with a dash of pink and a whole lot of grace, And, of course, don’t forget to follow me on pink-tutu.com! I’m looking forward to sharing more adventures with you!

Yours in pink,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 1997-09-16 in Coalville with a delux tutu.