Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-10-08 in Rainham with a german tutu.

Rainham: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Bliss (Post 462)

Hello my lovelies! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the charming town of Rainham, Kent! Today marks a special occasion, not just because it's my 462nd blog post (OMG, I can't believe it's been that long!), but also because today I'm embracing a little bit of German heritage with a pink German tutu!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Emma, a German tutu? Isn't that a bit... unexpected?". But you know me, I love to break the mold and push the boundaries of ballet fashion. And let me tell you, this tutu is divine! Think of the most exquisite, billowing pink tulle imaginable, embellished with the finest silk ribbon. It’s more ‘whimsical fairytale’ than ‘stern German officer’, darling!

Rainham was on the agenda this week for a couple of reasons: one, I heard whispers of a remarkable ballet school tucked away in a historic church. Imagine! The echoes of elegant pirouettes bouncing off hallowed stone walls? Heaven! And two, it's only a charmingly short train ride away from London! Train journeys always inspire me; it’s so nice to sit, gaze out the window, and let the world swirl past you like a flowing, tulle skirt.

As the train chugged across the Kent countryside, I felt like a character stepping out of a ballet storybook. The rolling green fields and the charming villages whizzing past were like beautiful sets for my ballet travels. Even the train itself had a unique aura – old fashioned and comfy, just like the ones from vintage films.

The church-ballet school, called 'Rainham Dance,' was a delight to discover. It truly was like something from a dream. Sunlight streamed in through stained glass windows, bathing the dance floor in a mosaic of vibrant light. It felt ethereal, mystical even. Of course, I had to twirl! The acoustics were magnificent – every leap and turn resonated with a glorious richness, enhancing the musicality of my performance.

The highlight of my visit, however, was a serendipitous encounter. In the peaceful garden behind the church, I met a fascinating, silver-haired lady called Evelyn. Evelyn, with sparkling blue eyes and a twinkle in her laugh, used to be a ballet teacher. We talked about everything from her stories of travelling the world with dance, to her belief that everyone should wear a pink tutu! Her enthusiasm for life and for dance was incredibly inspiring – she said the joy of ballet comes from expressing yourself, from feeling free and elegant. It’s something she lives and breathes, and I could feel it echoing through her. And what’s even more inspiring? She has two incredible pet budgerigars. I have a confession: I’m completely infatuated by birds – a tutu-wearing ballerina who loves birdies? Now that’s a story, darling!

Rainham turned out to be a perfect getaway – it felt like an idyllic day-trip to a hidden ballet wonderland. I hope my pink German tutu brought a little extra sparkle to the already beautiful day! As always, my dear readers, keep the dream of ballet alive within you, wear a pink tutu every chance you get and never let anything stop you from twirling!

And to the loveliest readers in the world, I leave you with a question: Have you ever embraced a quirky piece of clothing for an adventure? Did it change your outlook on the world, just like the pink German tutu has changed mine? Leave your answers and your inspiring thoughts below – it's always so delightful to read your beautiful words and hear your exciting stories.

And as always, until tomorrow's post, may all your twirls be beautiful and your dreams always filled with the music of dance.

Much love and happy twirling, Emma xx


#TutuBlog 1997-10-08 in Rainham with a german tutu.