Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-10-12 in Abingdon with a narrow tutu.

Abingdon Adventures: A Tutu Tight Squeeze (Blog Post #466)

Hello my lovely tutu-loving darlings! Emma here, writing to you from the charming town of Abingdon, a little gem tucked away in Oxfordshire. It's a bit of a change of scenery from my Derbyshire roots, but the air here feels full of history and a certain vintage charm, which I absolutely adore.

A Tutu Tight Squeeze

I arrived in Abingdon this morning, a whirlwind of pink tulle and nervous excitement. You see, I had a grand plan for today – a ballet class in the beautiful Victorian Town Hall. It's a venue straight out of a Jane Austen novel, and I felt a little bit like I'd stepped into one of those whimsical stories. Now, here's the tricky part. I decided to pack my brand new, oh-so-sparkly pink tutu for the class. But it turned out to be just a tad on the tight side. Maybe a tad more than "just a tad," actually.

It was a squeeze getting it on, but oh, was it worth it! The tutu looked stunning on stage, even if I felt a little bit like a sausage trying to fit into its casing. Thankfully, no seams gave way, and I even managed to gracefully (okay, maybe not gracefully, but definitely with good intentions) perform the graceful ballet moves, tutu and all.

From Dance to Dinner

After the class, I couldn't resist popping into a little tea shop for a spot of afternoon tea. I’m so addicted to afternoon tea. I always order the tea, scones, and strawberry jam of course, and for something special, this week I’m also treating myself to a dainty, pastel-pink macaroon. There's something so perfectly British about afternoon tea – it's the perfect antidote to the chaos of modern life, and the delicate sandwiches, scones, and pastries just make you feel like you've been whisked back to a more elegant time.

Wildlife Encounters

This afternoon, I took a leisurely walk through Abingdon's pretty streets. And what did I see? You guessed it, a delightful family of squirrels, their furry tails twitching, as they scampered up a tree, no doubt after a stash of delicious acorns. Their acrobatics were impressive, even to a ballet dancer. The sight just made me happy – wildlife is one of my passions, and it makes any town feel so much more magical.

Train Travel – My Preferred Mode of Transport

To get here, I took a train, a rather magnificent one that seemed to have sprung from the pages of a vintage Agatha Christie novel. The leather seats were worn, and I felt a distinct whiff of old leather and wood polish. The scenery was lovely, and as the train snaked through the rolling English countryside, I couldn’t help but think about how this country is bursting with history. Traveling by train has that nostalgic feeling, a kind of slower pace that lets you appreciate the beauty of the world passing you by.

Dreaming of Tutu-Clad London

But London beckons. I'm eager to be back in the hustle and bustle of the city for the upcoming ballet performances at the Royal Opera House. They’re putting on "Swan Lake", my all-time favourite ballet! Imagine, me, wearing a glittering tutu in the opulent setting of the Royal Opera House. Now that’s a dream come true. I will be documenting the whole thing on www.pink-tutu.com. You can check out the daily photos, even more beautiful ballet class snaps and, hopefully, some really glamorous ballet show snaps too.

My Pink Tutu Mission

Until then, I encourage all of you to wear pink tutus and dance with abandon! Ballet is so much more than just twirling around in a pretty outfit. It's about discipline, creativity, and self-expression. So, come on, everyone – let’s make the world a more pink and twirly place. Until next time, darling tutus!

#TutuBlog 1997-10-12 in Abingdon with a narrow tutu.